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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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e9d9a1  No.232893[Last 50 Posts]

Israelis are sincerely panicking. They're now running propaganda targeting the Muslim diaspora and claiming that Israel is a victim of the United States. They're implying the Israeli government is under control of America and recent attacks against Palestinians are a matter of White Privilege, not Jewish Supremacy.

This is a forced meme and lacks viral-ability. Israel is weak and desperate. If nothing comes of current world events, as I assume nothing will because it never happens, we at least got a glimpse of the Jews' true power-level… and ours. Israel has terrible optics and to compensate they employ propagandists and damage control artists, but their propaganda and damage control is failing. And there are many political states and civilian bodies who already oppose Israel and at the first sight of blood openly came out against Israel.

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e9d9a1  No.232894

File: 8edf6c83f25dab4⋯.png (67.97 KB, 1198x713, 1198:713, israel_shifts_blame.PNG)

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e9d9a1  No.232895

File: 9f128631e130c4c⋯.png (867.87 KB, 641x843, 641:843, its_not_the_jews_1.PNG)

>it's not the jews!

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e9d9a1  No.232907

File: df4cb642102c5f7⋯.png (113.49 KB, 1283x930, 1283:930, its_not_the_jews_3.PNG)

If the Jewish State collapses they plan on turning the world against America by claiming Israel was a proxy-State and all the crimes for the last 100 or so years are American crimes.

This is how stupid the Jew is. Not only stupid but without integrity. Imagine seeing how the Jew treats America and then believing you will ever be his ally. Such a thinker is dumber than the Jew.

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e9d9a1  No.232914

File: 5af7957aab0da59⋯.png (131.02 KB, 1845x473, 1845:473, samson_option_1.PNG)

Right now these claims are being put to the test. First to flinch loses.

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e9d9a1  No.232927

File: 4d3f556b90422b8⋯.png (454.33 KB, 712x578, 356:289, jew_IDF.png)


No U.S. support so far. Everyone is general on Palestine's side. Let's see how Israel responds. So exciting!

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e9d9a1  No.232931


>Israel doesn't need support from anybody

U.S. gives Israel billions every year. Without our military backing there is no Israel. Which is why they have a "Samson Option." Israel is parasitic and weak.

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e9d9a1  No.232935




You derail threads because you lack the intellect to control them.

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e9d9a1  No.232941


There are 21 posts ITT. You are 13 of them. You're attempting to control the thread but lack the intellectual know-how, so you spam to derail. That's all I was pointing out.

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e9d9a1  No.232945

File: 0014a481cb0ee61⋯.png (460.17 KB, 737x924, 67:84, female_merchant_1.PNG)



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d6e030  No.232947


just filter it

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a226f1  No.232950





how "superior" of you

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a226f1  No.232951

HINT : everybody already knows you get no pussy

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a226f1  No.232952

RUNNING AND HIDING : the only thing you've ever successfully accomplished

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e9d9a1  No.232953

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2bb86a  No.232955

File: 81a9b15d3ba90a3⋯.jpg (60.42 KB, 960x600, 8:5, freemasons_are_the_jews_to….jpg)


Herzl worship…when humanity learns to kill everyone who wants power over them and make human slavery a zero sum game, this will all be over forever.

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e9d9a1  No.232956


checked. I agree that power over others is undesirable. Authority should replace power.

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b34c04  No.232957


okay, so obviously you and

>>232947 Don't ever get pussy

because you'd both rather run and hide than simply answer the question

that only leavesONEof you three faggots who hasn't answered the question

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b34c04  No.232958




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e9205e  No.232959

File: bc351f394ae723f⋯.png (712.16 KB, 492x786, 82:131, Screenshot_2021_05_16_Eric….png)

just keep filtering

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2bb86a  No.232960


I would say cooperation. They always hold both the carrot and the stick. Time to get rid of the stick forever and just eat the carrots. If one works (the reward) what do we need the (((punishment))) for other than for enslavement?


All their systems of (((government))) are total shit.

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e9d9a1  No.232961

File: 57b24f2a9357950⋯.jpeg (506.97 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, nordic_resistance_movemen….jpeg)


Cooperation is good. There are some individuals whom we must take power over. So what type of people should be sovereign states unto themselves?

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2bb86a  No.232962

File: 39de57529a4eac8⋯.png (653.41 KB, 1654x825, 1654:825, CIA_troll_USA_woman_latina.png)

That video is 'humor' but is it really humor once you know and understand what is really happening? That we are letting some foreign fucks decide everything for us? What do we need them for? Nothing…I do everything, everyday without any thought at all to 'the stick'…it is totally unnecessary for White people. Government is an absurd vestigial remnant of nigger/mongrels that need it to perform and as a controller over low IQ brown people.

Capitalism is even WORSE…they hold all the cards of 'advancement' and they control 100% who gets to advance in society and who doesn't (it is via the 'hidden religion') but they tell you 'work harder' or we will make you live with niggers via (((multiculturalism))). When is it enough and we will simply understand and kill these fucks?

"Nobody cares; work harder"?

What THE FUCK? I don't understand why people are not incensed beyond their capacity to reason by this fucking trolling shit and manipulation.

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e84a6d  No.232963



==The Effeminate, Insecure, "Run And Hide Badasses" of /pnd/

too Fucking Stupid and LAZY to get a girl into bed


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e9d9a1  No.232964


>That video is 'humor'


>Capitalism is even WORSE

bro go spam your gay commie shit in another thread.

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16068b  No.232966

The kike rage in this thread is hilarious. Seethe, kike.

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2bb86a  No.232968

File: 4c9a7377a1062ad⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB, 352x640, 11:20, disclosetv_139396777879367….mp4)

It appears that the kikes have some issue with steps. lel

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2bb86a  No.232969

File: a14c143d109f0b7⋯.jpg (89.19 KB, 657x849, 219:283, anarchy_not_anarchy_burn_l….jpg)


I am an anarchist not a communist.

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e9d9a1  No.232970

File: e88c0ebca09419b⋯.gif (784.6 KB, 600x328, 75:41, taytay_sorry.gif)


sorry thought you were the erik striker shill

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e84a6d  No.232971


I'm sure your mother used to enable your coddled, cowardly nature by convincing you the other students were "simply jealous of you"….

she was LYING…..

she knew your feelings were fragile

Nope, the other students were NOT jealous of you

and NOBODY SEETHES over your lack of sexual prowess

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2bb86a  No.232972

File: 17810d9bd99b470⋯.mp4 (418.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, qOQ7ssiosNYXsJfy.mp4)


No problem.

Better angle for the step challenged.

From the steppes; maybe this is telling them something? "GO HOME" LOL

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e84a6d  No.232973


lol @ you posting a photo of a man WITH A WOMAN

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e9d9a1  No.232974

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2bb86a  No.232975


So we have two confirmed NazBol operatives here? Purplejew and striker?

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b6a29c  No.232977

there areTHREEconfirmed homosexuals in here

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e9d9a1  No.232981


yeah. theyre the most common other than weev and anglin

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2bb86a  No.232982


Which anon are you?

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2bb86a  No.232983


Also, why in the crap would they bother with this dead board?

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e9d9a1  No.232988


to prevent constructive dialogue contrary to their agenda, to steal good ideas, and to watch their competition

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2bb86a  No.232989


Ahhh….I was wondering about that. When I am not here I have an audience of 40,000+ people that I am using very effectively. I come back here out of habit…I guess and because I do genuinely miss the 3 or 4 genuine anons that used to frequent here.

>to watch their competition

Oh, keeping an eye on you? :)

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e9d9a1  No.232990


im nobody. theyre prbly keeping an eye on you

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2bb86a  No.232991

File: 297ac8d7a0c4629⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 500x492, 125:123, photo_2021_05_14_23_02_19.jpg)


I am a nobody as well (I keep it that way on purpose)…lmao I don't think they are watching me, look at the difference in our posting style…you are much more together than I am . Besides, what I say to you is genuine, from my heart, if it is repeated by someone else they will know it is fake and it won't stick inside the White heart because there is no 'spirit' behind the words. I guess they can do whatever they like though. Anyway, good to talk with you fren. I have to move out and continue to batter (((government))) until it is dead and cooperation takes its rightful place on the planet. LMAO

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e9d9a1  No.232993


Alright. It was fun. I'll be hear waiting for the end.

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490792  No.232994


< Israeli seething

> Seethe harder, oven dodger

< Proceeds to seethe harder

Thank you for your cooperation. I just knew you could do it.

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2bb86a  No.232995

File: d7405d02adbf672⋯.jpg (102.04 KB, 848x536, 106:67, water_panther.jpg)

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d378b0  No.232997


lol @ a neo-Nazi needing the assistance of a grammar-Nazi

(It's spelled HERE*, not 'hear')

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d378b0  No.232998


child psychology 101 :

INFERIORITY COMPLEXES always manifest in the transparent compensation behavior of "Superior self"

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d378b0  No.232999


trust me…….

it's onlyTHREE

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d378b0  No.233000

RE: Purplejew & Striker

hahahahaha WOW!!

if you're not making that up

if those are two "cool online pseudonyms"

oftwoof the onlythreelosers

who visit this empty worthless board

…………………..if that's TRUE?


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d378b0  No.233002


"STRIKER !!!!"

" S T R I K E R " ! ! ! !



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d378b0  No.233003



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d378b0  No.233004

Oh My Fucking GAWD !!!

that's THE most embarrassing thing I've heard in years

"STRIKER " and his equally as lonely online imaginary friend "PURPLEJEW"

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d378b0  No.233005



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d378b0  No.233006

MAY 16TH : the day I found out one of thethreelonely closet homosexuals in /pnd/ actually has an online alter ego named STRIKER !!!!!

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d378b0  No.233007


Hahahaha STRIKER ????!!!!!!

please, please tell me you're joking, man….

that can't be real… that's TOO stupid to be real

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d378b0  No.233008

striker lol wow

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143dfd  No.233009

Let's just be honest here, alright?

when an alleged "man" touts his alleged "superiority" and talks about his "master race", waxing false bravado and larping "badass tough guy"…..


it's an extremely valid gauge of his progress into adulthood, a valid factor in determining what life stage he is in, and a remarkably effective way of weeding out the men from the boys

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143dfd  No.233010

you're going to have a hard time creating a master race ifyou can't even get any pussy

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143dfd  No.233011

It's the simplest, most comprehensive measure of manhood

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143dfd  No.233013

you won't even be able to create a slave race

……………if you're too afraid to get pussy

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143dfd  No.233014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

just admit it……

you're videogame sissies

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143dfd  No.233015

theTHREE"run and hide badasses" of /pnd/




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143dfd  No.233016

I've seen some embarrassing shit in my life…..

but "STRIKER", "PURPLEJEW" & "MARSHMALLOW SALLY™" are the most embarrassing losers I've encountered in a very, VERY long time

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143dfd  No.233017

theseTHREEinsecure little men of /pnd/ suffer from the most TRANSPARENTLY obvious cases of basic INFERIORITY COMPLEX that you'll find in any imageboard anywhere

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143dfd  No.233018

Inferiority Complexes ALWAYS manifest in a false expression of the "superior self"

it's textbook child psychology

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143dfd  No.233019

no need to open the DSM to seek advanced BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS when diagnosing thethreeinsecure lonely men of /pnd/

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143dfd  No.233020

It's really quite simple……

threelonely, angry, resentful, passive-aggressive, effeminate sexual failures found eachother online, and the rest is history ally insignificant, just like their lives beforehand

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e9205e  No.233021

File: ca4a8d8abd586da⋯.png (103.83 KB, 547x410, 547:410, say_no_to_judaism.png)

filter, rinse, repeat

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5b452e  No.233022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lol STRIKER !!!!!! hahahahaha lame as fuck

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d04d9a  No.233023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the same way your videogames and sedentary existence have "filtered out" any possibility of sexual relations with a female?

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d04d9a  No.233024

see, obviously, there are several reasons why you can't get any pussy…..

but the only truly important reason is:


case closed

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d04d9a  No.233025

it's not even a matter of you "not being able to" get any pussy

you simply "aren't interested in getting any pussy"

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d04d9a  No.233026

they have a technical terminology to describe men who aren't sexually attracted to females

FAGGOT comes to mind

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d04d9a  No.233028

Closet Homosexual, Fairy, Pansy, Sallyboy

Take your pick

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d04d9a  No.233029

It seems like if you were even MODERATELY SUPERIOR…. you'd at least be able to score with ONE woman

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d04d9a  No.233030

Hell…… even if you were remarkably inferior, you'd be able to score with a FAT UGLY WOMAN

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d04d9a  No.233031

but NO………

not you

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d04d9a  No.233032

you can't even find a hideous, obese, desperate woman willing to fuck you

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d04d9a  No.233033

and even if you could get a supermodel, you wouldn't be sexually attracted to her

because you're all about


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d04d9a  No.233034

let's recap, okay ?

you can't even hold a candle to the most inferior of men

and you're not interested in women

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e9205e  No.233035

File: 392aeed5d752856⋯.jpg (845.51 KB, 1515x1279, 1515:1279, Eurasian_energy_flows.jpg)

filter filter filter

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d04d9a  No.233036

1: there are niggers & iranians & Jews & Mexicans & little 12 year old boys WHO GET PUSSY

2: you don't find females sexually appealing

superior !!!!!!!

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d04d9a  No.233037



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d04d9a  No.233038


1: you can't get any pussy if you wanted to

2 : you aren't interested in girls, anyway

3 : you run and hide behind the sissy filter

whenever somebody confronts you

and mentions that you're a sissy

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d04d9a  No.233039

your SUPERIORITY is so fucking inadequate

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d04d9a  No.233040


the common theme that brought thethreelonely men of /pnd/ together

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d04d9a  No.233042

Unfortunately for you, the world is going to "size you up" for the rest of your life

We are ALWAYS going to analyze you and your bullshit claims…..

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d04d9a  No.233043

the world is going to require PROOF of your alleged 'superiority', not just a bunch of empty parroted assertions

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d04d9a  No.233044

and all the world sees isthreelonely little inadequate men

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d04d9a  No.233045

threeawkward lonely little boys, who grew up to becomethreeawkward lonely little men

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d04d9a  No.233046


not even ONE girlfriend or wife between the3of them

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d04d9a  No.233047

"STRIKER !!!!"



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d04d9a  No.233048

Once Again, (as always) thethreelittle men of /pnd/ have grown mysteriously silent

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d04d9a  No.233049

cat got your tongues ?

was it something I said?

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d04d9a  No.233050

"STRIKER !!!!"



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d04d9a  No.233051

thethreeeasily intimidated, run & hide "badasses"

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d04d9a  No.233053

always pretending to have "filtered" my words

yet, they seem to know every word I type


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d04d9a  No.233054

"STRIKER !!!!"



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d04d9a  No.233055

thethreeinadequate little men of pnd

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d04d9a  No.233056

not even ONE Girlfriend between thethreeof them

not even one

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aa6197  No.233063


lol, faggot-bot sucks off Kikes.

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cedc33  No.233066


"sucks off" ?……..

what a strange ironic comment….

coming from a man with no gf

about another man who's married

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a4776d  No.233071


feel free to explain the reasons behind your utter lack of sexual prowess

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a4776d  No.233072


I mean….. OBVIOUSLY, everybody realizes you don't have an emotional sexual companion in your empty little life


so you might as well explain it

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e9205e  No.233073

File: 6df215df0f615a3⋯.png (40.68 KB, 488x451, 488:451, Screenshot_2021_05_16_Mike….png)

keep filtering

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13f402  No.233075


hahaha the RUN & HIDE BADASS

'sissy filter tough guy'

who can't even stand up against ONE MAN

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13f402  No.233076

the effeminate, cowardly, easy intimidated RUN & HIDE TOUGH GUY

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13f402  No.233077

trust me, fat boy Sally

eventually, you'll get tired

of having to RUN & HIDE

and you'll go elsewhere

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13f402  No.233078


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18e10a  No.233081

I'm going to make you SO uncomfortable in here

running & hiding & running & hiding & running & hiding & running & hiding & running & hiding & running & hiding & running & hiding & running & hiding & running & hiding & running & hiding & running & hiding & running & hiding

you'll leave, bitch…….. trust

you've got no choice

and you've got no experience in winning

You're simply not man enough to deal with me

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a1a833  No.233082

File: c505be1fdcb0338⋯.mp4 (431.74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Mike_Enoch_admits.mp4)


i filter spam and ecelebs. both are commie trash.

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18e10a  No.233083

you simply don't have the experience required

or the balls…….. to confront me

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18e10a  No.233085


nobody even realizes you exist

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13f402  No.233087

and nobody on this planet cares what YOU "do" or "don't do"

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13f402  No.233089


*unzips my pants, and puts my hand behind your head*

c'mere, tough guy……………

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2e57a2  No.233111

File: 0d23dc5a707026d⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB, 202x360, 101:180, y2mate_com_I_am_Jewish_I_s….mp4)

File: 6370225117558e3⋯.jpg (154.99 KB, 540x400, 27:20, roach_kikes_7bd.jpg)




>china and israel agree on one belt road in the 60s

>china agrees to enslave population and become replacement golem for more money in the 80s

>jews/israel starts to drain US and filter all future US wealth to china in the 80s

> turns chinks are incompetent also retarded and jews are lazy and stupid only know how to parasite so now they have a kosher cold war with middle class White People

I mean wasn't this called years before, that jews will start wars in the middle east and blame it on the USA as scapegoat like the iraq wars. They simultaneously send jewish controlled islamic terrorist with false flag attacks to convince the goys, that arabs have been planning to terrorize the US civilians "just cause" even though they are a semi-formal group with logistics but zero goals for their terror.

So what we are seeing is jews starting fights with arabs, cry to boomers so they send some White kids and spics to fight people being cleansed. So jews can move in and setup more molestation temples.

Vid related makes jews seethe

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ce3a7a  No.233268


Keep killing jews.

All jews will be killed soon.

There is no future for jews.

White Men are supreme.

White Men are Gods.



All jews are inferior to all Whites.

We will kill you all and there is nothing that any of you can do about it.

You desperation and fear is increasing and we know it.

You won't do anything against us.

But we will kill every single one of you.

And you won't do anything to stop us. You have no power.

We, White Men, have all the power.

We, White Men, are Gods.

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a0ba2b  No.233274


Your take is on the mark. And the video causes me to wonder about the ethnic "Jew" who opposes the behavior and ideology of his people but can't be fully trusted by any other. Such a burden.

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c21ec4  No.233278


LOL. I actually find all this bullshit going on pretty entertaining. Glad I've pretty much given up hope and bailed on modern society already.

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a0ba2b  No.233279

File: 140deb983509a2c⋯.jpg (418.18 KB, 680x680, 1:1, doomer_36.jpg)


Same here.

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511503  No.233400

lmfao half of the thread is one post wall obese single mother hog screeching at random people for not getting taken care of… keep screeching Sonequa! your pain is our nectar!

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e0a0da  No.233454


It's true guys. You fucks have helped no one, especially me.

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e0a0da  No.233455


>Keep options open to rape hundreds of white women slaves just in case it's possible. Kill their scummy husbands.

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6015d8  No.233498


Why are you expecting others to "help you" when no one even knows who you are or where you live or anything about you?

You need to grow up and do what you can to help yourself. Please refer to the recent 'SHTF Prepping Thread' for some good tips on how to empower yourself (even if you have a limited budget): >>233150

Anything you want to ask there, drop the question, I'll do my best to let you know what I know so you can perhaps better yourself and survive what is to come.

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42cd4b  No.233501


It has a nigglet. That is why it is so pro nigger. Maybe it ended up on COALFAX and found its way here. Low IQ spam is what I would expect from a coal burner. When you filter ID+ this entire thread is like 30 genuine anon comments.

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42cd4b  No.233502


Very ‘jewish’

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b9c84d  No.233911

File: d402b8d8d4f44dc⋯.jpg (119.33 KB, 600x612, 50:51, Its_afraid.jpg)




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e0a0da  No.233925


No it's also just being a red blooded ubermensch.

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e0a0da  No.233927


I never was picked up by the Drumpftards. That would have been useful. You drumpftards were here with the Qspam.

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976584  No.233935



Notice all these little accidents. I'm here. I will not let you go. Netanyahu, you are damned. You will die soon and I will devour your soul. This is not fantasy. I will continue to slaughter your people. All these little accidents. I will never allow them to escape. The world will devour your flesh as I devour your souls.

The longer this goes on the more power I acquire. I will do more than collapse stands and run them over, but I enjoy doing that too much to stop.

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e0a0da  No.233937


xD poetic, wp

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469232  No.248793

Page 25 was the last Jew-free haven on /pnd/ and the asspained mod deleted it. Now 24 is the safe zone.

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