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File: 8d0b8d5feb1ecaf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 203.31 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, War_plan_against_Russia_20….jpg)

35584a  No.232892

I see the danger that Russia could start a war against NATO. Russia is a big state involved in two ongoing conflicts (Syria civil war, War in Eastern Ukraine). I see the danger that Russia would expand his wars to Western Europe. So a made a warplan to handle this szenario.

See the plan in the following file:


Share it to other people.

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026597  No.232896

>See the plan in the following file:

No, I don't think that I will.

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ada181  No.232915

Reported and Deported

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ada181  No.232916


imagine if you could constructa simple coherent statement

then you might not have to create three of the same failed threads

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09d7f5  No.232965


<click on my trojan


>no thanks



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130fe9  No.232978


>Russia could start a war


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8f8749  No.232992

Is Putin a kike stooge? I can't tell anymore. It honestly seems like hes not, but is willing to do what they want only after extorting them. But if hes willing sell out his country for money, isnt he basically the same as de Santis, Trump, Biden, Boris, etc? So what do you do if russia invades? Get distracted by oblivious soldiers acting on his behalf? No. That is the carrot and the stick (im stealing this from the other thread about jew panic). The trick is to ignore the carrot and go after the stick. Whose holding the stick? 99 times out of 100, Jews.

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bfb9e0  No.233104

Too much time on your hands.

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f40488  No.233106


don't bother posting in junk threads on a junk board

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