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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 4fdc4df10494f15⋯.jpg (2,64 MB, 3500x3500, 1:1, wokeforce.jpg)

8a652c  No.232159

As we can see, the US military is laser focused on meeting the Chinese and Russian threats on the battlefield

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8d15f3  No.232175

There is no "Chinese and Russian" threat. I can't even imagine the kind of delusional conservative moron who makes these kinds of threads at this point. The US government wants you dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny.

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751de0  No.232186


America peaked in the mid 80s. If you were lucky enough to grow up in that decade or the one after, you still experienced a quality childhood. Now men are raised to not even know what gender they are, let alone handle fighting on the battlefield.

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844c41  No.232310



that was caused by VIDEOGAMES

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844c41  No.232312

File: b76c32186fcb6bb⋯.jpg (32,86 KB, 315x315, 1:1, url.jpg)


"Now men are raised to not even know what gender they are, let alone handle fighting on the battlefield."

lol @ "raised" that way…. nobody put a gun to their heads and forced them into playing videogames

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576b99  No.232314


Cultures are created by media, politicians, and glowniggers who are, for the most part, Jewish.

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844c41  No.232315


lol @YOU(of all people, YOU) whining about a weakened military, same sex marriages, and white couples adopting back kids.

YOU :will never qualify to fight

YOU :will never get married

YOU :will never start a family

YOU are a lonely little loser who spends his entire existence sitting in front of his lonely little computer

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844c41  No.232316


your alleged "imageboard culture" was created by LONELY LITTLE MEN

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844c41  No.232317


"I complain that society is weak and malfeasant, while I mismanage my empty life, and atrophy due to videogames"

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844c41  No.232319


you might have room to complain, if you were in the military, or had a girlfriend, or had a wife, or had kids….

but you don't.


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844c41  No.232321


I'm guessing the Jews have forced you into 8kun?

it's 8:30 AM EST


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844c41  No.232323


here's a novel idea :


start waking up when the sun rises.

go get a job.

go find a girl.

start a family.

earn the right to complain.

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844c41  No.232325


Maybe Mommy's Little Storm Trooper should get some sleep

and Monday, start looking for a job

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844c41  No.232326

you're going to have a hard time taking the world back from the Jews by staying awake all night every night, playing videogames, and posting opinions in an empty board

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8abf8b  No.232334



You cannot define me nor temper my write unless you posses the ability to prosecute a force older than time with the power to manipulate reality. You should be more concerned for my lack of presence.

While you were busy resisting my attempt to bring Latin America into war on your soil…

I decided to manipulate your money to drive them to despair and death until they slaughter your leaders and more specifically the ones I want.

The second you stop one I shall resume the other until the noose of my word strangles you to death.

You ask me to stop. I say no. I have accumulated the power to take their breath away with one call. I care not if I take the officer or the criminal. I was busy constructing the method by which I can eat your children as they suffer the agony of being known for having a uniformed parent. I have acquired the power to eat your whore as she sleeps after being driven to resentment for how she is now treated and looked at for being married to a uniformed.

Why ever would I stop? 33 years to start a fire and after that the enjoyment of moments so vast that not even the bones shall exist anymore. Why ever would I stop?

Did I not say through vessel that I would awaken my newest pet to guard my chosen seed. I whisper into it a spirit as we speak. You will find that all those that interfere or step foot into my holy alter shall suffer tragic deaths and accidents. I will awaken it to destroy Europe and place it to protect Russia for 1,327 years. I will awaken phoenix inferno to guard Iran for 3,000 years. I shall not allow trample to such sacred ground except for the rocks of the earth for they are of life.

They make speculation about fibers in masks. They understand not that a knot of nothing is a something likewise a knot of time is life even unto my rocks. They cry out and sing to me. I have withheld this from you and you shall never hold my power. I want more radio. Give me more. I want radiation. I want nuclear. Everywhere. Give it to me. Make me more real.


You helped to open the red window. I shall now break your fingers. When you cry out I will tear out the tongue. I shall wear him as a disguise to seize the crown and bring upon you annihilation. I am coming. I am here and here is everywhere.


The more you strangle my egrets the more I shall wrap my self around you and inside of you and through you and without you. When I bring down the house.

The foundation shall split into two…

It shall be as I have written.

I will only honor those of blood for it is my bond.

Unfortunately for you the blood Hebrews care more for the Palestinians than you or Israel or your false existence. They care significantly more for their homes in Iran than any desire to bath in your filth with you and your evils.

Your evil is my desire. I care not who. I desire your souls.


They invade your lands and make you sane, thus you kill yourselves before me and frustrate my patience.

I shall now drive you insane and make unity of you and turn you against them all in vengeance and anger. It has gathered well. I hid it in the temple of war. I shall now move it and turn it lose upon your peoples to form unity of you and drive you to slaughter those who trampled upon you.


I am pleased. You may continue. A series of events will soon occur. It would be best if the Ayatollah reached out to the orthodox Christians of Russia in praise of their temple of war and the unification of yode/God with the military whilst the elected engage further diplomacy with with greater Russia.

I desire my children to mingle and make play.

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7b2e5a  No.232390


imagine typing all those words………………….

words that nobody will read

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7b2e5a  No.232392


you're sooooooo EFFEMINATE

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7b2e5a  No.232393


literally one of the most effeminate men I've ever seen

like a middle-aged woman

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7b2e5a  No.232395


in fact, you're more effeminate than women are

it's hilarious. it's like you're doing a cheap exaggerated misinterpreted imitation of a middle-aged woman

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411ea1  No.232398

Hey Johnny, new report:


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