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File: 52293a3358b39d7⋯.jpg (11.11 KB, 190x266, 5:7, red_dawn.jpg)

8f8857  No.232365

US Military Flag Officers Warn Of Coup Against America As Manufactured Collapse Continues

A stark new national security report full of intel provided by a plethora of sources, outlining a further divide and collapse of America as detailed in several previous reports such as “Demented Despots In Panic As Their Lies Collapse In The Eyes Of Truth While Public Defection Mounts”, “Corruption Leaks, Commodity Shortages And Cyberattacks Hit America As Hyperinflation Nears”, “Gasoline Shortages Have Begun As Economist Warns Of 'Mad Max' Future While Inflation Skyrockets”, “Planned Economic Collapse In Works To Enforce Medical Police State Within A Digital Hellscape” and “End Times Scripture Comes To Life As Life Faces Abrupt Apocalypse” - all to which have faced covert deletion by unknown entities trying to cover-up shocking national security information - has connected new links to trends indicating what is most feared by the corrupted is a report called “American Media Covers Up War In The Streets Of America As Great Reset Turns Into Great Reject” to which this intelligence continues as “Part 2” of that saga among more intel expanding upon the previous listed reports.

Within the last two days over 120 former flag officers and staff within US military brass issued a dire warning for America that currently the nation is seeing a war against those who desire governmental tyranny vs those who desire individual liberty and freedom and and encouraged Americans to get more politically involved to save the nation.


Upon this shocking warning from former military brass insinuating a 'coup d 'état' has taken place via mass voter fraud, we see a new audit in the State of Arizona declaring they have found thousands of irregularities to which could have led Biden winning Arizona:


Immediately to which resulted in corporate mainstream media demonizing these officials, calling it reckless further stirring conspiracy to further divide the country:


And to which, has led the US military to immediately start rejecting white conservative Americans from enlisting in the US Army and other forces while promoting Marxism:


But then seeing the Pentagon and Department of Defense (DoD) to be abruptly shocked in horror when a former military audit has been re-circulated detailing that younger generations; (which are much more 'left-leaning' and many outright indoctrinated Marxists); have seen up to 71% of 'eligible youth' not able to even pass the most basic training courses and to which were too ignorant to even understand traditional military protocols! That is, FOLLOWING a steep decline in recruitment.


And for a "woke" corrupted government, the shock and awe continues, as millions of first-time gun owning Americans are hoarding ammo and guns, prepping for the next civil war and/or major crisis. A public to which mostly cherishes their Constitutional freedoms which are under direct daily assault.


And to which a new report has come out exposing, as FACT, hard working American taxpayers are leaving "blue" States in droves, while "red" States see ever rising tax revenue and employment, exposing for a fact American want lower taxes, less regulations and more freedom!


Following all these events, we have witnessed direct sabotage being warned by a decades old Oil Pipeline Inspector who recently announced on "The Alex Jones Show" that the Colonial Pipeline does NOT need any online technologies to operate…. can become fully functional at any time… but that government has prohibited traditional security measures making this crisis 100% manufactured!


And in doing so, is forcing many workers to remain in the unpopular cities, making travel or moving way too costly and upending American families financially, to which the goal is further subjugation.

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8f8857  No.232370

Pretty sure this report will be removed to, archived!


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d508e3  No.232372

File: cb898a07be6a106⋯.jpg (270.45 KB, 818x1488, 409:744, Trump_McMaster_Bolton_Redp….jpg)

Things have been going so well lately that I feel inspired to clean my room. Prbly won't but the feeling is there.

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03ee1c  No.232381

Stop copypasting sorchafaal articles.

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8f8857  No.232387


They're not, they're my own. And no, I won't stop. What needs to stop is the spam.

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81cbe5  No.232389


shut the fuck up

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8f8857  No.232394


No. The spam bot is ruining /pnd/ and people like you are blaming other anons for simply posting their own OPs and trying to contribute something like legit debate and legit decent.

People like you are controlled opposition, you absolutely stink of it!

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8f8857  No.232396

I'm pretty much DONE with /pnd/, taking my content ELSEWHERE, who would have thought a 'white supremacy' board was so completely kiked by control opposition they prefer SPAM BOTS over news and debate?

What a failed SHIT SHOW.

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112c27  No.232397


>they prefer SPAM BOTS over news and debate

I don't. That other fag is most likely a shill.

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81cbe5  No.232414



the solution to the spam bot is to filter it because there is no moderation here. but i don't know what the presence of a spam bot has to do with your lukewarm conservative trash.

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faa3d4  No.232444


I can't prove this, I could be mistaken, but I have a strong feeling there is one disgruntled fag on /pnd/ who is throwing a temper and created a bot to flood this board. Why? I don't exactly know, maybe he lost a debate, or was trying to push a narrative that collapsed, maybe just an asshurt fed? I don't know, but I get a feeling there is a reason behind the spam bot and it's an 'inside job' due to the fact only few anons ever cared about /pnd/ in the first place.


Maybe I'm just paranoid but this bot started to happen right around the time that one report exposing the covid-19 bioweapon funding had a lot to do with (((American entities))) as much as it did Chinese. Something - whatever it was - triggered someone enough to create a bot to flood this site.

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7e8282  No.232664

Most generals suck politician cock. They just want a high paying job at a bomb making company after they retire. They will sell out to the highest bidder.

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765b59  No.232683

File: e5c9bf48b8ca4fb⋯.jpg (40.01 KB, 590x421, 590:421, loololololoollolololololoo….jpg)


>someone told him this was a white supremacy board

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d508e3  No.232684


It's hard to find people with integrity. Lots of capable individuals but few with loyalty.

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7fd925  No.232688

>“Our Nation is in deep peril. We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty,” the retired officers wrote.

>They called China “the greatest external threat to America,” and said establishing cooperative relations with the Chinese Communist Party — as the Biden administration is doing — emboldens them to continue progress toward world domination, militarily, economically, politically and technologically. “We must impose more sanctions and restrictions to impede their world domination goal and protect America’s interests,” they wrote.

>They also called for opening the Keystone Pipeline to regain energy independence. “Stopping the Keystone Pipeline eliminates our recently established energy independence and causes us to be energy dependent on nations not friendly to us, while eliminating valuable US jobs. We must open the Keystone Pipeline and regain our energy independence for national security and economic reasons,” they wrote.

Now this is boomer posting.

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