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a9b588  No.231831

Planned Economic Collapse In Works To Enforce Medical Police State Within A Digital Hellscape

In the utmost shocking intel report “White House Pushes For Digital Dictatorship As Killcen's Hopes And Nightmares Collide With Reality” detailing government plans to use "smart" utilities, health care providers and medical institutions as well as a new health agency with warrantless surveillance powers to monitor all Americans in real time, to determine those who might commit a crime - or known as "pre-crime" (without crime even have being commit, only warned as mere plausibility) - collides with flashbacks from 2016 where the (((special interest))) puppet Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and promoter of the "Great Reset" agenda; (which hypocrites openly promote and denounce as conspiracy at the very same time); called for "mandatory microchips" to install a "global health pass"… a solid 3 years before the covid-19 bioweapon was released in Wuhan China to spread to, dismantle and subjugate the Western World.


"In a 2016 interview that’s now gaining national attention, Schwab, also the founder of the globalist Great Reset agenda, explained that within a decade humanity will be required to have implantable microchips to serve as a global health pass." … …

"Schwab went even further, describing the globalists’ transhumanist dream of a direct 'fusion' of consciousness to the digital world.

“And in the end, maybe, there will be a direct communication between our brains and the digital world,” he said."

And if that does not terrify you, perhaps reading a bit further of this report will, as an internal medicine physician, Dr. Carrie Madej, has recently warned nano-tech has been secretly imbedded in these vaccines that are being used to tag, track and control the populations of the world like cattle.


What will terrify the public - once the investigations begin across the world - is a question several already vaccinated people are begging to ponder… why are magnets now sticking to their skin where they have received this covid vaccine? Two different vaccinated citizens have come out with footage showing their skin has indeed become magnetized!

VIDEO #1: http://www.voterig.com/pfizermagnet.mp4

VIDEO #2: http://www.voterig.com/magnet2.mp4

Recent evidence, and comments by experts, to which many have now been questioning "what the hell exactly is inside these covid-19 vaccines?" A mystery recently to be studied by an American citizen who took a free covid vial from the local CVS store for independent analysis… only to be arrested soon after by a SWAT Team!


And if you think that's getting crazy and sounds very nefarious as it is, that's not all folks! Reports are now coming out that these vaccines have NO INGREDIENT INSERTS as required by law! That's right, whatever is being put into these vaccines is being kept "hush hush" by these evil Big Pharma corporations as the government won't allow any audit or inspection!


And to which may be the conclusion to what one doctor is warning the world, that patients are learning and regretting having taken these covid vaccines.


And as a warning for those who deny these current tribulations, perhaps you better notice not only has bio-warfare been waged upon us, but also economic warfare via the central banks.


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a9b588  No.231832

White House Pushes For Digital Dictatorship As Killcen's Hopes And Nightmares Collide With Reality

In a flabbergasting series of new national security threats facing the future of America - and perhaps the entire globe too - the corrupt US government along with it's crony (((special interests))) have not only had half of America hooked on wifi gadgets, 'smart' utilities and Google/Amazon spyware, along with botnets such as Windows 10 which vacuums up all consumer data for the world to see, but astonishingly that is not enough for these technocrats making America such a vulnerable insecure country.

Last Wednesday, the Biden regime was widely praised by corporate State-run media announcing plans to create a digital hellscape across America, a new federal agency that would use consumer data as well as private medical information to monitor Americans everywhere, as well as information from health-care providers to "determine if an individual might be likely to commit a crime" thus setting up a dangerous invasive police state so intrusive, anyone using any modern online utility would become victims of warrantless surveillance, making every police department, federal agency and established institution akin to the NSA's dragnet.


As infuriating as this is, this is why many Americans must refuse to use "smart" utilities, mainstream social media and must be using VPNs & Tor these days, over a wired connection and use proper OPSEC. OPSEC in which Operation KILLCEN has been using since 2013, and has warned others to take several years ago: https://archive.md/VYUrh

While that first 8chan archive was not fully up to date, it does not matter, because the tips for real OPSEC in life after an insolvent despotic digitalized dictatorship inevitably collapses, much like the USSR collapsed from their Empire building and systemic insolvency, was already mirrored in full: https://archive.md/rRmfE#selection-49383.0-49383.61

Included in this ever exhausting archive is a tip how to stay safe during such a collapse: https://archive.md/rRmfE#selection-26233.6-26233.61

Imbedded within a torrent of raging rants and links is one forgotten video that remains very important today titled “What The Central Bankers Have Planned For All Of Us”

https:// www. brighteon .com/ 7e5979ba-25f6-4716-bc81-b520404e35dc [link separated due to spam filter]

… where Killcen then rages in a fit commenting: "If average Americans allow this to happen you can kiss our country, our Constitutional freedoms, our privacy, our personal integrity, our property rights… everything that makes life worth living for… kiss it all GOODBYE FOREVER! We cannot let this happen! Life would not be worth living under this type of totalitarian system!!! I recommend everyone get as prepared as they can, and do whatever they can to become self-sufficient and network with others if need be. Once the dollar crashes, and it will at some point, we must reject their push to digital currency and create our own markets and form our own communities WITHOUT THEM! If you go along with their new system it is OVER for America and our Constitution and everything we hold dear to us!!! I'd personally rather die than accept that!!!"

… But in today's theater of horror we now see Americans - and perhaps the entire globe too - doing exactly that. We have half a nation prepping for collapse and resisting the covid depopulation vaccine … … and the other half of the nation mindlessly going along with the slaughter being culled and exterminated!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a9b588  No.231833



For whatever reason, these two reports were suddenly removed from the catalog right after the spam bot came on and started destroying /pnd/ …. very interesting! NOTED.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a9b588  No.231834

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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