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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: a63f6ef3ea050c1⋯.jpg (22.16 KB, 307x173, 307:173, 200724092653_01_boris_john….jpg)

2ed2a4  No.230408

> Boris Johnson cements one-party rule in England, but the United Kingdom looks as divided as ever


> User:Koncorde, the man who cheers Brexit and Boris alongside Boo999, George "Kirkburn" Marbulcanti and Boing! said Zebedee



Brexit values align with Wikipedia values. Kiwi Farms aligns with Brexit. The Mortal Engines (ME) Server aligns with Brexit alongside Boo999. BatteryIncluded/Rowan Forest will be pleased. Comicsgate's Analog Devolved (using the Anna TSWG Vampirella identity) will be pleased.

Koncorde is happy to see the UK divided alongside BatteryIncluded.

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2b5051  No.230409

Koncorde wants to fed people who don't believe in Brexit values with meds by putting them into their food and drinks, just like Analog Devolved.

BatteryIncluded, Boo999, Kirkburn, Kimberton and JustARandommer (JAR) will do the same.

Kiwi Farms' Large said: "I will murder Koncorde for free if you post pictures of your penis."

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f5d0fe  No.230412

Bongs are like Californistanians. They keep voting for communist faggots and keep wondering why their shit never works. Simply put, they're retards who can't tell the difference between free-dom and free-shit.

Brexit will not happen and never could happen. Britain is inhabited by Brits. Brits have courage but they're just not good at stuff.

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1bbd84  No.230420


Maybe they are not actually voting for the commie faggots. Just like in the USA maybe the commie faggots are just being appointed.

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1bbd84  No.230421

The USA has now agreed to 'work with NZ' in oppression and multicult as well; I guess tiny NZ didn't want to be left out of the generalized commie oppression of its people.


Can someone scroll to the video of Truedidiot and tell me WTF is going on in the background between that sihk mother fucker and that white bitch? I don't understand her constant need for his attention and approval.

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f5d0fe  No.230430


You could be right but neither will ever get from under the thumb without violence.

The universe is an energetic and violent place. Expecting anything to happen without applied force is stupid and against nature.

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1bbd84  No.230432


>You could be right but neither will ever get from under the thumb without violence. The universe is an energetic and violent place. Expecting anything to happen without applied force is stupid and against nature.

I tell people that making it all a zero sum game (An-Homi) is the only way to solve these problems forever…we need to kill anyone who wants power over us…but IDK I guess they are just not ready YET…there will come a day, soon, when they are ready. It is the best and only way because it requires no leadership, no organization and literally EVERYONE ALIVE becomes their mortal enemy.

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9e39db  No.230472

File: fb516531aed3364⋯.jpg (133.62 KB, 946x532, 473:266, SBQ_Spam_Name_946x532.jpg)


commit suicide, null. no one gives a flying fuck about your shitty gossip forum.

sage and report jewish kiwispam threads

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b0af7e  No.230500


Kill everyone on the other side, and seize power for your group.




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