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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: cccf4dc4323ec3b⋯.jpg (379.67 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, Feature_2_copy.jpg)

d74cb2  No.229356

Portland Antifa May Day rioters charged with felonies by district attorney

Five of the seven arrested over the riots have been previously accused of or convicted for their role in other Black Lives Matter-Antifa riots.


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33d643  No.229372

what a collection of untermensch. Uncle A was right about it all. Why would you want a life, where you are inhabiting such a shell? I wouldn't.

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6a0e09  No.229423

The useful idiots are no longer useful.

>b-b-ut muh revolution!

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490f8f  No.229430

looks like oblivion character creation presets

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162902  No.229440

File: fd0841aa74fc197⋯.jpg (79.52 KB, 540x960, 9:16, Ashkenazim.jpg)

Since those are all jews, I strongly doubt there will be any repercussions to them totally destroying this nation at all. The part that baffles me, to this day is the fact that people can't tell all of those are foreign jews and not Western European at all.

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2511ad  No.229452


Governments always do this, there are always enough useful idiots who are willing to destabilize the country to further agendas, once they are no longer of use, they are culled. Same goes for the police really. Pawns of the system. The sooner people wake up and realize they're being used as pawns, the sooner we can start to actually fix real problems and provide solutions. Don't ever be a pawn for the system. Avoid it like the plague.

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08b606  No.229463


DOJ Drops Antifa Charges


The comments hit the nail on the head:

"The Justice Department has become one of the saddest ironies in a failing empire of lies."

"Even many murderers, rapists, etc. get bail pending trial. Not the DC protesters. No sir. Federal prison, no bail."

"Two-tiered justice system. Damn, I just so tired of it."

"Every communist regime in history has federalized the police force. If you don't know why you need to study."

"There is NO legal system in the US anymore. If you in the democrat cult then you are protected and no laws apply, go ahead and murder, rape, riot, burn, whatever the hell you want. The other side of the coin is that if you refuse to join the democrat cult OR heaven forbid challenge them then you will be prosecuted with trumped up **** charges. The current regime is the same as Mao and Stalin in their prime."

"Joe Biden raised a son who likes to get footjobs while smoking crack, and you’re expecting disciplinary action from this guy?"

"Antifa and BLM are a domestic force working for the Democrat Party. Therefore, immune from prosecution as they are just following orders."

"This crap going on in Oregon seems 100 times worse than anything the protesters did at the capital, but the media and the government act like it's just the opposite."

"Good…..Let ANTIFA run the leadership of Portland out."

"This is what [the beginning of an actual] collapse looks like."

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aa4d58  No.229466


There have been over 14,000 arrests/charges from the riots throughout 2020, so why are you saying "finally"?

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e5a20e  No.229470


>uses Safari

>wants to be perceived as 'intelligent'

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33d643  No.229473


What a gross people. I'm embarrassed that it took me into my late 20s to realize wtf is going on with Hollywood and the kikes. Being raised by zio-christian parents blinded me to these people. No longer.

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162902  No.229486


<can't manage image search

>is a legitimate retard calling intelligent people retards.

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162902  No.229487


Agreed. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. They really are the sphincter of the human race.

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556e5e  No.229564


Implying any of the alternatives are better.

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08b606  No.229572


Proof? Any proof of that? I keep hearing it but no one has yet posted proof. Guess what? Most that were recently arrested also had charges dropped! >>229463

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08b606  No.229573


Tor is better. Palemoon and Basilisk are better. The older Waterfox is better. Librewolf looks awesome, have yet to try that one out. Heck, even Brave is better than the mainstream browsers. There is also Ungoogled Chrome and Epic Privacy Browser too. Get with the times…. or are solutions allowed here anymore?

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16321b  No.229578


>wants proof of arrests, then points to literal proof of arrests

Doesn't matter if charges are dropped. Arrests were made. Thousands of them. So to say "finally getting arrested" is disingenuous.

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0b4c44  No.229581


I'm glad they're getting arrested for destabilizing their own communities, but what good does it do when they get a free pass by having their charges dropped by a corrupted government? Most of those arrests have been for nothing, I'm glad to see the cops doing their jobs but damn it.

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8c8a16  No.229586

File: 34c2865592b352f⋯.jpg (84.8 KB, 600x761, 600:761, cccf4dc4323ec3bbd367d16db7….jpg)

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162902  No.229588


totally a Western European…no Khazar blood in that one.

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9bd1e4  No.229597


Tor is not a browser. Brave is completely shady and the rest of your "ungoogled" browsers aren't as pure as you think they are. Is Librewolf even an option for a phone poster? I'm not too familiar with the project, but at first glance it does look like a good recommendation.

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8c8a16  No.229598


>Tor is not a browser

torbrowser is a browser

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9bd1e4  No.229600


It's just a modified version of Firefox, please don't fall for marketing.

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9bd1e4  No.229602

The problem with the Firefox and Chrome clones is that these projects are often slow to adopt security updates. If you're familiar with the Tor/Browser bundle, then you know they've had a bad history of packaging old vulnerable browsers with insecure defaults.

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