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e1e9cc  No.229217

It took a little bit longer than 48 hours, but it was still an accurate prediction….

I nailed it on the head once again

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e1e9cc  No.229219

And now you know what happens when I offer to bet $5,000

I rarely get it wrong

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889cad  No.229220


I looked for this among mainstream news and could find nothing- we discussed it in your original thread and the thread about the collapse

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f13980  No.229237


Good. More people dead means more resources and more space for me.

Only my life matters.

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df7a3a  No.229246

Im out of the loop. I thought bieber died in a building collapse? Whats he doing in Mexico City? Thats clearly him in the photo

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afd8fb  No.229248



Learn when fagbot is lying and filter ID+…goodbye. This thread will self destruct as soon as I leave it and can press the filter button.

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e1e9cc  No.229291


I think it was 4 days ago when I decided to try an experiment in here….

I thought we would all try our hand at making a prediction what the next big news story was going to be..

I'm not talking about another "mass shooter" or another "pice shooting", because that would be pattern based..

Nope I was talking about everybody clearing their mind of all logic and patterns… Wiping the slate clean and taking a wild shot.. a wild shot in the dark, to predict the next unexpected news event

Well, the first things that popped up in my mind were eitherthe unexpected sudden death of a healthy young celebrityora catastrophic structural collapse

I made a satirical parody thread two days later, featuring a fictitious "news story" about Justin Bieber dying in a building collapse…

That was just a joke…..

It's been a few slow news days, but last night

THERE WAS A MAJOR STRUCTUARL COLLAPSE IN MEXICO CITY, where a train fell with the collapsed bridge, killing at least 25 people and injuring hundreds

(I added justin bieber to today's image as a joke)

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e1e9cc  No.229292


Bitch, nobody cares what you filter….

We get it.. you're a coward

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e1e9cc  No.229294





tonight, I'm going to create a thread

and I'm going to teach everyone


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e1e9cc  No.229300

and you can "poo poo" it all you want

The prediction speaks for itself

A few days ago I days ago I predicted a major predicted a major catastrophic structural collapse

It took a little bit longer than 48 hours

(my original prediction : within 48 hours)

but nevertheless, I NAILED IT !!!!!

and I'm not joking….

For anybody who is interested in learning

Tonight I'm going to teach everybody how I predicted the structural collapse

And if you're open-minded,

You might just learn something

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e1e9cc  No.229304


This is the perfect opportunity for me to point out how stupid certain idiots are…

idiots like

>>229248 , who claims I am "lying"

Q: how can I possibly beLYINGabout a prediction I made in here a few days ago?

The train trussell collapse happened last night in Mexico city.. how can I possibly beLYING?

>>>>229248 is just a cowardly, pompous, self-entitled, passive-aggressive, effeminate little sissy boy…

His feelings are hurt… He feels so threatened by my presence, that he continually begs everybody else to please filter me (run and hide like a little girl) the same way he does….

He's desperately hoping he can find somebody else to be a coward just like him, so he won't be the only one who runs and hides like a little girl

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e1e9cc  No.229307

and NOW you know exactly why

>>229248 never accomplishes anything

And why he's so lonely and unhappy

Because he's a sissy……

He doesn't behave like a man…

Far from it

He behaves just like a little girl throwing a little girl's hissy fit temper tantrum

And then he begins behaving like a miserable neurotic divorced middle-aged woman

But I've never seen him behave like a man

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e1e9cc  No.229312

tonight, keep your eyes peeled for the


I'm going to teach you a technique I've used my whole life…

A technique that has proven efficacy

I'm also going to teach you how to accept the fact that even the best predictions contain erroneous mistaken details.

(Like I said, it took a little longer than 48 hours…. It ended up being more like 96 hours)

But when I predicted a structural collapse, I was actually envisioning a bridge, like maybe a highway or an expressway or something…

I wasn't envisioning a building collapsing necessarily.

I should have clarified that in my original thread, because it has no value if it's spoken after the fact

Predictions are only good before the event occurs

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e1e9cc  No.229314

Have you ever noticed ?……

>>229248 always begs everybody to "please run and hide behind your sissy filter button"?

The fat lazy tub of shit always claims that he has me filtered, so he can't ever see my words….


If he had me filtered, he would have never seen this thread

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e1e9cc  No.229315

it turns out that

>>229248is my biggest 'secret fan'

He's always in every one of my threads…

He's continually responding to me…

While he claims he's unaware of my presence

Because he says he has me filtered like a sissy

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e1e9cc  No.229316

>>229248 you're literally one of the most embarrassing cowards I've ever seen in my life.

You're nothing but a quivering trembling cowardly ball of gelatin.. wiggly and weak

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6d6679  No.229319


LOL, I've been predictingCATASTROPHIC STRUCTURAL COLLAPSEfor over two decades and it is finally happening!

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e1e9cc  No.229334


Feel free to make light of the situation…


If you think it's so easy, feel free to make a prediction..

I could have predicted anything.. but I predicted a major structural collapse

And it happened.. I'm not talking about years or months or weeks

It occurred within a few days

And that's what I call an accurate prediction

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926d94  No.229336

File: f2093504cb844f9⋯.jpg (60.17 KB, 1328x302, 664:151, 2021_05_04_170305.jpg)

What thread looks like to me.


Smells like desperation.

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e1e9cc  No.229337


Just like your mother reminded you so many times before,nobodycares about your opinions or perspectives.

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e1e9cc  No.229338


the funniest part ?………..

Since you've never correctly predicted anything, you have no idea how to harness clairvoyant ability…



But you're in luck, because tonight I'm going to tell everybodyEXACTLY HOW TO CORRECTLY PREDICT UPCOMING UNEXPECTED EVENTS

I'll see you later, Creampuff

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e1e9cc  No.229339


the little boy who tried to distract from his own inabilities by lashing out at those who had abilities

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e1e9cc  No.229340

lol @ you having ZERO intuition or clairvoyant perception whatsoever

Not even a tiny little drop.. none. Absolutely nothing.. no intuition or perception whatsoever

And now you know why your life is so lonely and you've never done anything right…..

You could have avoided a life of loneliness if you only use your intuition

But that's too advanced for you you have no idea how to harness your clairvoyant abilities

You're a lot like a monkey with a computer

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e1e9cc  No.229341


You are all cordially invited to attend tonight's "HOW I CORRECTLY PREDICTED THE STRUCTURAL COLLAPSE" thread

I'm going to be teaching you some insider secrets, some ways to harness your intuition

I'm going to teach you how I correctly predicted Trump's loss in November.

I'm going to teach you how I correctly predicted Kelly Loeffler's and David Perdue's loss on January 5th

I'm going to teach you how I correctly predicted MAGA would commit suicide at the Capitol on January 6th

I'm going to teach you how I correctly predicted Chauvin being convicted on all three counts

I'm going to teach you how I correctly predicted the bridge collapse in Mexico City last night

You're all invited, especially little butthurt

>>229336 , one of the loneliest men I've ever seen

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e1e9cc  No.229343

Trump's Loss : I openly predicted it here in 8kun

It's official and documented

The Senate Loss : I openly predicted it here

Official and documented

MAGA Suicide : I openly predicted it in here

Official and documented

Chauvin Verdict : I openly predicted it in here

Guilty on all three counts

Official and documented

Mexico City Collapse : if you guessed I was

correct, you may be


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e1e9cc  No.229344


Don't get so down in the dumps…

It's not like you've got NOTHING in your life

(You've always gotten video games, and an inordinate amount of downloaded photographs of other men's penises)

You lonely little overlooked man

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83445f  No.229345


All that is fine but compare my prediction to the collapse of the US economy via debt insolvency and hyperinflation, which I predicted would happen decades ago. I've been prepping for SHTF since the 90s. All I can say is I got great deals over the years compared to the prices these days.

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a17dda  No.229347


I'll make another prediction: modern day America will not exist by 2030. There will be "Future Shock" as the baby booming generation dies off. Lack of skills and jobs, combined by hyperinflation and social unrest, as well some secession movements among certain States, will change America for many more decades as the population severely declines. Political power will rapidly decline as well, along with a rise of crime, anarchy and outright national defection and separation. Resources will be fought over.

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83445f  No.229349

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889cad  No.229376

Fagbot is annoying and I'm sure in real life we would not suffer each other's company …. but here on the dead /pnd/ board - I mean - he's content.

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fb563f  No.229471

I thought this was all a stupid joke, but upon researching the matter, I am surprised to learn that fagbot in fact did correctly predict the structural collapse in Mexico City.

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cf1cf1  No.229472


>lol I am god because spic construction is bad

This isn’t your blog. Fuck off.

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a6b0aa  No.229483


yet he correctly predicted the unpredictable. feel free to try your hand at predicting something. and btw, I'm fairly certain that this is his blog.

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926d94  No.229485




Using three different ID's to make it seem like some anons agree with you does not mean that you belong on this board, fagbot. All filtered.

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cf1cf1  No.229549


>yet he correctly predicted the unpredictable


We know it's you. Neck yourself.

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630944  No.229579


Tomorrow, a toddler will spill a glass of milk and his parents will get annoyed. The milk will be cleaned up.

Am I a prophet now?

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e118c6  No.229583


Exactly anon, the purpose of the Prophets was not to guess at random events but to give divine messages from higher powers to humanity. This has nothing to do with guessing games but rather it has to do with seeing the world in its naked glory and telling people what they need to know. As I said before, this is only parlor tricks. The real thing is in someone who sees BEYOND what humanity sees and is capable of imparting that information to people.

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e118c6  No.229584

Not just ‘information’ but CRITICAL INFORMATION. Real prophecy involves a deep deep understanding of the world (almost to the level of a technologist) and the will and desire to pass that information onwards to humanity. It is not ‘a joke’ but rather something that usually brings them Death as a reward for their efforts.

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