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File: b9650723a5f39bf⋯.mp4 (4.01 MB, 262x480, 131:240, oyyy.mp4)

a20e21  No.227925

This is just fucking embarassing

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a00f3f  No.227929

i was waiting for someone to die in the background

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2a7628  No.227931


If she doesn't show tits, I ain't clickin' that shit.

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28695d  No.227932

File: 37517619cc41149⋯.jpg (160.83 KB, 640x713, 640:713, tiresom_xtra.jpg)


>This is just fucking embarrassing

You're worse at the line she said than of your own declaration as to what she means.

>"this" –hey guys, lllmao?

>"oh my", intensification, halp!

You sir and/or madame, I can confidently assure you that may not have anything other than mild pyscho/sociopathic tendencies, but I could be wrong in that assertion and would urge you to consider kike help. My jewdar hasn't been upgraded in years, but apparently thanks to you and your very helpful suggestions from your friendos b4 you, I think I may be able to navigate myself out of your absolute mindfucking oscar winner of mouse traps, sit you on my lap and play disney instead, whatcha think?


i was waiting for someone to die in the background

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30f34e  No.227939

File: f26dfa534d0eb10⋯.jpg (54.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, book_plan_globalist_popula….jpg)


too bad she let a poo in her pussy

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30f34e  No.227940


>i was waiting for someone to die in the background

it is funny but the pop is so high in India that their 'average deaths' per day would make Americans think the plague had taken over

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07601f  No.228078


It's a video dipshit. She doesn't show the boobs right away, it's a couple minutes in. Keep your eyes open because it's just a quick flash. If you blink, you'll miss it.

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1f6188  No.228236

File: fef248d91487986⋯.png (13.48 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)


gimme sauce I wanna jizz on her 5head

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1cafd7  No.228237

There's enough talk of death and poop ITT that I will never open OP's video.

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