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File: 0afca4331fbdbbf⋯.png (82.18 KB, 1157x285, 1157:285, ClipboardImage.png)

8c9127  No.227038


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68418a  No.227041


A world full of nothing but leftists? I'd be right at home. Sorry, nazi, but your time is over.

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e6ea01  No.227043


I had this in mind when all the vaccine paranoia started. The elites want subservient, npc, cattle who will obey all their commands. It makes sense that first they'll urge everyone to get vaccinated. Of course all the ignorant, stupid goyim will take the vaccine deliberately and then the only unvaccinated ones left will be the "bad goyim". So they can then release an actual lethal virus that will kill the people who are not vaccinated. And regarding the deaths related to current vaccines; they also want depopulation along with elimination of the disobedient cattle.

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9c9f9d  No.227051


We are not nazis. That is your word borrowed from a dead political party from the era of our grandfathers. Perhaps your great grandfather.

Stay here long enough and you may come to understand that even if you disagree with us, you need us. Or at least, people like us. You're naturally going to ask me why. Instead, answer that question yourself. Not right now though. Stay here, read, learn, try to crawl inside my head. The answer will come to you eventually.

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0ac864  No.227054


It's also possible that not everything is part of someone's master plan.

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36470e  No.227056


That sounds a lot like a biblical rapture to me lmao

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4721d3  No.227063

People already took this angle with Swine Flu 11 years ago.

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5bdc16  No.227203


It is a bit suspicious that even top Ivy League schools are mandating the vaccine for the next semester. The elite need these students to run all of their operations. If the vaccine was intentionally deadly, they wouldn't deploy it to their own kind (often their own children) who attend such institutions.

Still not getting the shot though. Bring on wave #2, hopefully I'm healthy and strong enough.

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9ef370  No.227227


Don't assume that it is planned by anything other than AI at this point.

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9ef370  No.227228


Hmm from what I can tell the rapture is about a global bifurcation. Or separating the living souls from the dead. It probably happens a lot more often than we are aware of tbqh

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857db9  No.227229


> So they can then release an actual lethal virus that will kill the people who are not vaccinated.

And if you believe that viruses cause disease then you might actually believe this story.

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e6ea01  No.227237


>And if you believe that viruses cause disease

Viruses don't cause disease?

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9ef370  No.227241


Poor nutrition, poor health, poor habits, weakened DNA are the reasons people are susceptible to disease.

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7b6f46  No.227603


HIV is merely an opportunistic virus and not the cause of AIDS.

10% of people with AIDS don't have HIV virus and 10% of people with HIV virus don't ever get AIDS

So HIV isn't the cause of AIDS.

Usually it's a combination of repeated syphillis infections with heavy drug use, particularly cocaine and heroin and speed. Taking drugs dramatically lowers your antibody count to a mere fraction of what it should be.

Gay men get repeated syphillis infections and are epic drug and alcohol users. The result is that they get AIDS and even the HIV virus turns up in them.

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f7e0a1  No.227612

Isn't the plan Covid passports being required for entry to everything? Those who don't get vaccinated are not allowed in and essentially removed from society.

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366ca5  No.227629

PRC uses Sinovac. Pfizer is designed to kill kike puppets - they have already called Israel a banana republic.

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f4592d  No.227716


>Isn't the plan Covid passports being required for entry to everything? Those who don't get vaccinated are not allowed in and essentially removed from society.

No the plan is to kill all the non-npcs by releasing a real bad virus next time, and making all the non-npcs think the vaccine is a scam. This is the experiment to see who does and doesn't take the vaccine so they can save the sheep.

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ccd814  No.227785


Thats retarded because something like a virus bioweapon can mutate its suicide bombing nationally just with organisms and the vaccine doesn't work also was given to lots of useless people like elderly or people of low value economically…

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a49fd8  No.227794


>bioweapon can mutate its suicide bombing nationally just with organisms and the vaccine doesn't work

Because it is a product of phages and it is a no-win game for humanity, we simply lack the reproductive rate to ever be competitive or survive.

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dcb247  No.227920




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111293  No.227926

If this was true, no one would die from the vax. Also world leaders wouldn't fake getting the vax.

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cbb3ba  No.227942


or perhaps they are using the vaccine as another way to filter people. if they didn't take it, put them on a list. kind of like how the guy who is super into cybersecurity and has no digital footprint actually stands out as a threat because everyone but him does have one.

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039f60  No.227943

File: 35ab1a9a553ee02⋯.webm (5.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 35ab1a9a553ee02cc048b1b3d….webm)


3rrd copypasta today alone. Came to see how the jannies were fairing. That this is the effort of the most glorious chosen held high above all they relate to in any sense, and is supposedly to be served by animals that are biologically, intellectually, and psychologically inferior as methods to achieve What? Take over the world you dumb fucking beyond autists? Who's gonna run that shit, and how are you going to keep you cogs oiled when all of you have evolutionary an hero-ed for the folks that fucked you at the first sign that you were fodder to them?

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6f8168  No.227944

File: 1e46ecb5335500d⋯.mp4 (477.14 KB, 464x624, 29:39, ticktock_euthanized.mp4)

Settle down White people and be euthanized so that you use your guns to fight against the chinese military we are importing.

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039f60  No.227948

File: addb3fe4462286e⋯.jpg (10.48 KB, 285x214, 285:214, .jpg)


chkd, uniform is skin

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5b5398  No.228023


Your fantasies of a degenerate world where you get to rape babies in peace is just sa fantasy. People like me are gunning for you, and won't stop until there's none of you left. Die, kike scum.

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5b5398  No.228024


Heil Hitler, the great man put the spotlight on the evil kike scum, thus he will live forever.

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7b6f46  No.228053


>Heil Hitler, the great man put the spotlight on the evil kike scum, thus he will live forever.

For this alone I can almost forgive him for only killing 230,000 jews.

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2792d5  No.228130


I've posted that in threads, and it didn't get deleted. I think if you add in a paragraph explaining what a leaky vaccine is, and how the vaccine for marek's disease affected chickens, it might stay up. Because as is, your post is just conspiratorial conjecture.

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2792d5  No.228132


>It ultimately comes down to would they rather sacrifice old people and npcs, or perhaps taint the gene pool for easier subjugation

It is literal speculation. The people pulling the strings have endorsed and engaged in eugenics before. They used to forcibly sterilize people who they considered to be untermensch. WWJew made eugenics taboo, so they had to change their game. So, it's entirely likely they want to make everyone as retarded as a nigger.

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458281  No.228140

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438f07  No.228678

File: 6f4209d9734fb18⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1056x2880, 11:30, jewsinchina.png)

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04155e  No.228683


Robert Lawrence Kuhn is one of the main reasons I am a hard determinist. That man is pathetically materialist if you have ever listened to his lectures, I had a instantaneous negative reaction to him.

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438f07  No.228691


Never listened to him before, might do it some time whenever I feel like making myself cringe, if he is as bad as you say he is.

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04155e  No.228697


He is very cringe. He has a whole set of Philosophy Lectures that are available on YT.

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b4d65b  No.229031

I don't believe the virus is fake or any of that BS, but that makes way more sense. The ignorant, brainwashed Trumptards actually believe the government would kill the leftists and not them. They think the vaccine is to test leftists and that they will fail. They don't realize that if what they are saying is true, they are the real target, and not those who comply.

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6a139d  No.229036

Government and its media propaganda is why people don't trust a vaccine. Left and Right are to blame. Anarchy is a matter of informing the public.

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