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File: 05e1f01d4b34156⋯.jpg (22.84 KB, 317x445, 317:445, 51f1LEt2T1L_SY445_.jpg)

e36609  No.226885

Currently watching this.

Quick rundown on the final thesis on proving the Holocaust (and why it's wrong)?

Twenty minutes in and I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

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96aaa4  No.226891

>Quick rundown on the final thesis on proving the Holocaust (and why it's wrong)?

The laws of physics preclude the possibility of the death and destruction of the bodies of that many people in that amount of time with the resources allotted to the Germans. It’s literally that simple.

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e36609  No.226921


This reasoning would hardly stand in a tribunal.

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30b699  No.226953

If I take 1 hour to cook a batch of cookies and the cookie monster has 15 ovens working 24 hours a day every day for 5 years, how long does it take the cookie monster to make 6,000,000 batches of cookies? 

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602afa  No.226959


Derik Chauvin when citizens can’t into logic or reasoning.

Juries suck…all packed with people too stupid to get out of jury duty.

Now we have 85 IQ ‘jury of our peers’ whose biggest aspiration in life was to be a guest on Jerry Springer.

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a6e78f  No.226966


Gross underestimation. First, it assumes every one of the 6 million were put in an oven. They weren't. There were 6 Vernichtungslager (extermination camps) responsible for about 2.5 million deaths in gas chambers (not ovens). There were also mass shootings and other methods used to kill millions more.

You personally reduce it to "6 million killed in ovens" to try to make your argument sound better, but nobody ever claimed 6 million were killed in ovens.

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955712  No.226968

File: 58fd9a5ab4d5994⋯.mp4 (614.97 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Auschwitz_NINE_MILLION_MUR….mp4)


Does it matter once your claims have lost credibility? Don't you think the fact that the holohoax is a multi BILLION dollar robbery of the Europeans people and total lie and slander of our people is more the issue. Do you think we run around looking to listen to something that is basically dogshit and grotesque to us? These are the real questions, anon.

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955712  No.226969

Stupid video…it stops short @12 seconds but basically it is all the different recordings and videos of how many times you changed your mind about the actual number of kikes killed. It works on the desktop but not online.

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a6e78f  No.226975


Well, the point I'm trying to make is that reductive arguments don't carry any weight. When the Jews say "6 million died", you can't add to that. When your argument is that "6 million cannot have died in ovens" all they have to do is say "We didn't say they all died in ovens".

You need to learn to argue better. Reduction isn't argument.

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955712  No.226976


>You need to learn to argue better.

Yes I do.

My own perspective was that it put the onus on them to come up with another lie. Making it a liars game to see how far they will push it before they become ridiculous in everyone's view. So smarticles, how would you argue?

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a6e78f  No.226977


Well, that works sometimes, but not when it comes to something like The Big Lie. They have 70+ years of "evidence" and argument, trials, blah blah blah. That lie is so huge that the onus now rests on those who know it's a lie to prove it's a lie.

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955712  No.226978


And we did that…actually we did it on /pol/ they freaked out and came up with that ridiculous 'article' that was so STUPID countering (ineffectively) all our points. SO basically they just made more lies the same way they would have done with reductio absurdum had we pursued that.

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955712  No.226979

File: dff3c2d8b268377⋯.jpg (158.58 KB, 850x446, 425:223, hitler_quote_mein_kampf.jpg)

What is the means to counter habitual liars in argumentation?

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955712  No.226980

I just don't have enough experience with habitual liars to understand them. They aren't just habitual liars either, that wouldn't be that big of a deal because truth is perspectival so by its nature it cannot be perceived in any measure outside of a specific perspective/trajectory. But that is not what they are doing.

They are intentionally misleading which is altogether different.

Wat do?

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f03298  No.227039

File: 1e647eabfcb8cef⋯.png (786.18 KB, 843x472, 843:472, Lippy.png)

Germar Rudolf put out a two-part documentary dealing with Lipstadts various lies and distortions.

Deborah Lipstadt's Lies and Deceptions - Part 1

>On April 7th of 2017, U.S.-American professor of Jewish history and Holocaust research Deborah Lipstadt appeared on TED-x Talks, where she related her experiences surrounding her courtroom battle against British historian David Irving. The event took place at the Sheldonian Theatre, which is the official ceremonial hall of the University of Oxford in England. This presentation discusses some of the claims she made during that speech, which lasted only some 15 minutes. It is demonstrated that many of her claims are not only false, but are actually deeply rooted in prejudice and a profoundly anti-academic attitude.



Deborah Lipstadt's Lies and Deceptions - Part 2

>This video documentary is based on the book Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust.” How Deborah Lipstadt Botched Her Attempt to Demonstrate the Growing Assault on Truth and Memory,” which is available from the publisher's website or wherever books can be bought; check here for the best prices.

>Both this documentary and the book demonstrate that Dr. Lipstadt clearly has neither understood what the principles and methods of science and scholarship are, nor has she any clue about the historical topics she is writing about. She misquotes, mistranslates, misrepresents, misinterprets, and makes a plethora of wild claims without backing them up with anything. Among other things, she utterly fails to use generally recognized standards of evidence. Given the way she handles documents and data, it is clear that she has no interest in scholarship or reason. In fact, truth has been the antithesis of her enterprise.

>Rather than dealing thoroughly with factual arguments, Lipstadt’s book is full of ad hominem attacks on her opponents. It is an exercise in anti-intellectual pseudo-scientific arguments, an exhibition of ideological radicalism that rejects anything which contradicts its preset conclusions.

>Since she admits herself that her opponents’ motives are irrelevant, as an inescapable consequence, so is her book.



There's also a compilation of clips from Michael Collins Piper's radio show where he talks about Lipstadt's intelligence ties, and tells the story of when he and Willis Carto confronted her.

Michael Collins Piper - Deborah Lipstadt: Grand Poo-Bah of the Hоlocaust Racket


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3da2b7  No.227903


Thank you!

Unfortunately bitchute blocked in my country every video you posted. I managed to get to the first two via the other links, but for the third one, what can you suggest?

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60c5d5  No.227989


continuously characterizing them as children.

conscienceless behavior is something that comes naturally to children because conscience tends to develop around age 7, so as long as you insist that the tantrums and outbursts of infantile types who lack impulse control can be disregarded, you can also presumptuously talk down to the children.

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b5d540  No.227994

They really did Deborah a favor by having Rachel Weisz play her.

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25fda5  No.227996

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c2baa8  No.228020


Let's face it, all jews are disgusting

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81ff2d  No.228162

File: 49f95fa353c6a5f⋯.png (591.4 KB, 910x1113, 130:159, jewish_narcissim_NPD.png)



Judaism produces (or perhaps breeds) narcissism as a group trait. Many people can't wrap their head around how to deal with even a single narcissist, let alone a whole tightly-knit, high-IQ group of them.

When dealing with narcissists, keep two things in mind:

Narcissists are sociopaths

Narcissists are stunted children who attempt to play games where they are the "parent" who lectures and orders you around.

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791532  No.228164


Wow, that doesn't bode well for humanities future.

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0678a2  No.228165

I want to see how they arrive at a sum of six million. I want to see all the estimations made, alongside who made that estimation and on what basis.

It's hard to argue for or against such a claim. They have to argue on each specific case included in the six million. That's where it falls apart. How many of the deaths were estimated by soviet "investigators", i.e. propagandists?

Go to the wikipedia article on Auschwitz and ctl-f "evidence".

Generally we don't allow confessions made under torture (Höss) as evidence, or evidence made by people with a severe conflict of interest. But as far as I can see, most of the claims of the scale of the killings are made by propagandists from the winning side of a war - and have little physical evidence to back them up.

A final thought:

Is it possible that the Soviet Union investigated the crimes of their enemies in good faith? Do you trust Stalin as a source of truth on anything?

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0678a2  No.228166

File: 867d8b997a05380⋯.png (135.31 KB, 323x256, 323:256, ClipboardImage.png)


1. Go to wikipedia: Auschwitz

2. Infobox claims 1.1M killed

3. Citation for that claim is a book

4. Follow link to book

5. Book was comissioned by the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum

6. Go to wikipedia page on that museum

>The museum was created in April 1946 by Tadeusz Wąsowicz and other former Auschwitz prisoners, acting under the direction of Poland's Ministry of Culture and Art

7. Look up the "ministry of culture and art" on wikipedia and look at who was running the place during Soviet rule: Guess what devout communists.

Including this bullshiter about Auschwitz: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B3zef_Cyrankiewicz

>According to post-war communist era-propaganda, while in Auschwitz, Cyrankiewicz attempted to organize a resistance movement among the other imprisoned socialists and also worked on bringing the various international prisoners' groups together; those claims, used to build up his reputation in post-war Poland, are considered exaggerated by modern historians.

>considered exaggerated by modern historians

And this guy was in charge during the "research" and "investigation" of what went on in Auschwitz.

All this stuff is there on Wikipedia. There is no need to go off the mainstream accounts to see how inadmissable the evidence is - when you have Soviet propagandists known for "exaggeration" running the institution doing the investigation.

I read on WP that that guy was postumously convicted of murder. Here's a picture of him.

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791532  No.228167

File: 6afee6789de4392⋯.mp4 (13.24 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, jews_future_of_poland.mp4)


>>The museum was created in April 1946 by Tadeusz Wąsowicz and other former Auschwitz prisoners, acting under the direction of Poland's Ministry of Culture and Art

Poor Poles are probably fucked and Europe along with them.

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