Remember to filter ID+ all bot posts
I am going to use this thread to post links and things that will help people understand the 'narrow gate' or WINNOWING that is coming up that people are going to have to pass through, or they will become food for the Gods (Anunnaki) which is, of course, their own freewill choice. This first video is not as important…it is the second video that I wish you would pay attention too.
Basically, this is a thread that is posted and can be added to so that people will understand the agenda of the disassociation of the soul, emotional intelligence, how to reconnect with the REAL natural law (if you so desire), and how to pass through the narrow gate (if you so desire).
I don't think you can 'make a mistake' in whatever you choose, but I do believe you can make an informed decision. It is my goal to compile the data that will help you make an informed decision about about the direction you wish to travel. Either to the 'machines' or away from them.