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File: 8adb9728bd141f0⋯.jpg (196.45 KB, 989x1280, 989:1280, IMG_20210419_024151_459.jpg)

106547  No.225105[Last 50 Posts]


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e2d746  No.225106

File: 33a4f4a508bdb89⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1334x840, 667:420, sorath_hitler_1.PNG)

I like winners.

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d5879b  No.225107

File: 8a45b8d6521afb4⋯.jpg (138.8 KB, 564x948, 47:79, hitler_standing_with_socks.jpg)

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6c3e2b  No.225108


That style is so 70s lol.

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106547  No.225110


Christcuck nonsense, go suck a cock

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d5879b  No.225111


I have a serious fetish for Hitler in long socks.

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e2d746  No.225112

File: 6323cd229760c83⋯.jpg (208.18 KB, 1449x916, 1449:916, herzl_4.JPG)


ad hominem isn't an argument. If you're too low IQ to speak on religion then let's talk politics.

Theodor Herzl said that "anti-Semitism" would be weaponized by the Jews in order to first create anti-Semitism and then the justification for deportations into what would be a Jewish State.

>pic related

And Hitler, or rather WW2, facilitated this.

Therefore, I conclude that Hitler was either a knowing contributor to this Zionist agenda or an unwitting asset.

Counter my actual argument and the two conclusions drawn therefrom if you're able.

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106547  No.225114


Theodore Hertzel also wanted to covert Jews to Xitianity, many other countries were virulently antisemitic. For your schizo-thesis to be true too everyone in the Reich and the German Aristocracy would have had to have been involved including Luddendorf who first purported the stab in the back "myth" and wrote anti-jew/christian/mason works.

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f57fc9  No.225116

What a wonderful man. Too bad he wasn’t ruthless. The world would be a better place.

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106547  No.225118


Rudolf Steiner was a cosmopolitan and globalist, there is no source to the Stalin quote and Hitler was an agnostic for the most part, the SS adopted arisophy and were intrigued by aryan anthropology. The Reich has factions.

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d5879b  No.225119

File: 488a34562becd39⋯.jpg (89.18 KB, 1600x1216, 25:19, hitler_drama_pose_2.jpg)


Too bad he didn't follow the one drop rule. He wouldn't have been betrayed from the inside.

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d5879b  No.225120

File: 81420110882d5c3⋯.gif (915.7 KB, 250x230, 25:23, hitler_smiling_gif.gif)

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e2d746  No.225121


>Theodore Hertzel also wanted to covert Jews to Xitianity

Irrelevant to what I said.

>For your schizo-thesis…

This is a character attack, not an attack against my actual argument.

Shame on you. There is no integrity in you! You do not care about argument or you would argue. You do not care about destroying your opponent, in this case me, because you did no such thing. Instead you name-called and refused to address the actual argument.


Most or all Bolsheviks are agnostic for the most part. If you yourself are one then I'll bet that I can reduce you to agnosticism. Try it.

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e2d746  No.225124

File: cd1a10abf9e7fd6⋯.png (64.73 KB, 1406x356, 703:178, hitler_the_one.PNG)

I rudely forgot my maymay. Sorry.

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106547  No.225125


The point is that the zionists were not s cohesive organisation, the ruling class are not either it is a conglomerate, ergo no set plan.

I know this is you Bjerknes or an affiliate, you are known for your poor debate and bad faith "arguement".

You would have to still prove Hitler, the NSDAP, SS and the German Aristocracy as being Bolshevik. Which is were your "thesis" falls flat.

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106547  No.225127

File: 57706a2112ccf9b⋯.jpg (371.04 KB, 1380x1725, 4:5, quote20201231001313.jpg)

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d5879b  No.225129

File: a2a196e9f124236⋯.jpg (34.2 KB, 608x477, 608:477, hitler_sad.jpg)


>Try it.

Pick me, pick me!

I take it back…this is an appreciation thread not a bar brawl.

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d5879b  No.225131

File: af91c89d3a26d15⋯.jpeg (47.22 KB, 588x350, 42:25, hitler_with_hitler_youth.jpeg)

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e2d746  No.225132

File: e26c9b90979c7e5⋯.jpg (329.61 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, gaga_3.jpg)


>zionists were not s cohesive organisation

You can replace the word "zionists" with "Jews" and you have the stereotypical Jewish advertisement:

"Jews are not a cohesive organization!"

Or if we make things vulgar and, ironically, more married to truth, Jews are a cohesive organization that through psychological manipulation cause their tribe to naturally embrace the Hegelian Dialectic (with one Jews ultra-Liberal and the other ultra-Conservative). And finally if we happened to re-shape your thinking would you yourself answer

>Hitler, the NSDAP, SS and the German Aristocracy as being Bolshevik. Which is were your "thesis" falls flat.

When that the Elite who governs ALL of the things you named, the groups as one, this is the final product. We are all subjugated already, that is, regardless of race, religion, or economic status, we can do nothing.

>We can do nothing

becomes something to debate. Therefore, our exchange has at least furthered the conversation, almost in spite of your original intentions, or mine. How interesting, dont you think?

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d5879b  No.225134

File: c855e9a86e7c6e3⋯.jpg (218.26 KB, 1200x810, 40:27, hitler_with_germans_parade….jpg)

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d5879b  No.225138

File: 83aeed702018a80⋯.mp4 (15.29 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 8kun_hitler_video_rare_foo….mp4)

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106547  No.225141

File: 62bdb28d49b2e0a⋯.jpg (107.87 KB, 1342x410, 671:205, 20210321_153434.jpg)


You really hegel or dialectics for that matter.

A key point is of Hegel is that any dialectic that occurs must do so naturally, it cannot be manufactured as it will not achieve the "ideal". Also the bolshevik Jew's wouldn't adhere to hegelian dialectics as that counters their philosophical materialism, they adhere to material dialects which don't concern ideas but that of the material world.

Viewing the world through dialectics is very narrow minded and would suggest an incompetent Jewish, elite, deep state or what have you.

The world is multipolar, every society has a group of elites, old money or new "money". There isna reason conflict still goes on today between states and entites, if the whole elite were cohesive you and I wouldn't be talking, The Iran, Russia (paper tiger) and China axis are currently all ideologically different and ruled by differing groups yet are lut at odds with the occident of which the EU have straind ties with the USA and general anglosphere in attempts to appease Russia. The point is the world is complicated and multi-polar, The 3rd Reich did have plans for a post war society so it didn't intend to just die and it also crush freemasons and all manner of left hand occultists. It wasn't perfect but commendable.

True to an extent, every group is overseen and I hold no animosity to other races (only kikes but I don't complain about the women who gives me Deli), but then again alot of projections show automation and AI being the next innovation which could cripple the current globalist agenda which looks to be crumbling at the moment from CV19. The conflict will put Globalists at odds with AI/Automation elites who want to limit costs.

A little piece from Miguel Serrano

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106547  No.225142


*really don't understand Hegel

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e2d746  No.225143

File: cdc430db3fec5d4⋯.jpg (2.51 MB, 4416x3640, 552:455, mfw_ridin_on_biden.jpg)


That's a lot of words to justify the first few

>You really hegel or dialectics for that matter.

This is not a proper English sentence. I assume you were claiming that I had not read Hegel and so not familiar with his Philosophy. What do I say? Is yes I have read or no I have not read more furthering of my original argument? You haven't even considered lol Here's why:

Hegelian Dialectic is a single concept. Anon can understand the single concept without mastering Hegel's philosophy. Therefore, your argument is irrelevant. And because we both know you can not contend with this argument, and if you try only add to your shame, I win. Give me no moar trouble.

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d5879b  No.225145

It could be worse, we could be speaking German.


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e2d746  No.225146



the part can work, move, and contemplate itself without considering the greater whole.

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d5879b  No.225147

File: 5853d072c6552ba⋯.jpg (276.93 KB, 1400x938, 100:67, nazi_podium_national_socia….jpg)

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e2d746  No.225148

File: ffdf88d6d2f7b98⋯.jpg (120.53 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, hitler_ansi.jpg)


but the greater whole must consider the working part. only because the greater whole is aware of the lesser, when generally the lesser does not consider the greater.

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d5879b  No.225149

File: 9cd31c5b9518301⋯.jpg (382.43 KB, 1280x952, 160:119, germany_nazi_olympics_arch….jpg)

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e2d746  No.225150

File: 0e6883a4ab46f05⋯.png (98.2 KB, 300x290, 30:29, hitler_anime_girl.png)

Hitler is dead. Jews use the idea of Hitler to make you sympathize with their cause. Be aware of this PSYWAR.

<3 forever,


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106547  No.225151



Regardless of your personal gripes, the concept of hegelian dialectics wouldn't be applicable by your own constitution if the NSDAP were all bolsheviks, what would the synthesis be? To add insult to injury you cannot artificially produce a dialectic and especially on where one of the theses are materialistic (whether capitalist or communist).

I don't care what your particular contentions with the Reich were but be honest with yourself.

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d5879b  No.225152


I am an Anarcho-Homicidalist. No worries.

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d5879b  No.225153

File: 63f28ee617cb5e1⋯.jpg (164.66 KB, 1600x1083, 1600:1083, nazi_germany_christmas_din….jpg)

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106547  No.225154


I will give you this, they did it with Hadrian, the Tsars and pre-cromwellian English kings and so forth. But once again they are bottoming out of luck.

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e2d746  No.225156

File: d1bec2a045bd031⋯.jpg (4.89 KB, 227x222, 227:222, hitler_beer.jpg)


Your argument is faulty, my friend. You said

>if the NSDAP were all bolsheviks, what would the synthesis be?

But this reasoning assumes one group is not the same as the other. I say they're the same either knowing full well or manipulated.


thx bae <3

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d5879b  No.225157

File: f20acc7dcd252c6⋯.jpg (441.88 KB, 1247x772, 1247:772, 3rd_reich_parade_nazi_swat….jpg)

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106547  No.225158

File: 9d36193877127a0⋯.jpg (224.52 KB, 1086x1280, 543:640, IMG_20210419_024240_624.jpg)

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e2d746  No.225159

File: d919190d3be46f4⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1480x832, 185:104, taytay_hitler.jpg)


What they're doing isn't human. You can't say that

>they are bottoming out of luck

You don't know. But even if you did happen to guess correctly that they are

>bottoming out of luck

you haven't, and can't say, what the bottom is.

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106547  No.225161


They would have to have a Marxian ideology to begin with…

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106547  No.225162


You are a weird fellow, I am off to bed now so good night I wilo continue this convo tomorrow.

Mwah x

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e2d746  No.225164

File: 7ff232a0397c774⋯.jpg (124.55 KB, 476x829, 476:829, _Marx_.jpg)


The Social Liberalism of Marx VS. the Social Conservatives of Stalin is a deception. It's just a Cube!


Cya. I'll be here tomorrow when relatively sober.

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e2d746  No.225165

File: 64700ee3641b548⋯.png (213.57 KB, 820x1064, 205:266, blushie.png)



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d5879b  No.225166

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e2d746  No.225167

And the Synthesis is

American destroyed by child drag queens.

Europe destroyed by Muslims.

Christianity destroyed by Freemasonry.

Freemasonry destroyed by Luciferianism.

And worst of all you destroyed by the you submitted to Destroyer.

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d5879b  No.225169


>And worst of all you destroyed by the you submitted to Destroyer.

What anon?

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d5879b  No.225170

File: 8c999a3174e6cdb⋯.jpg (158.45 KB, 720x677, 720:677, 3_drinks_later_political_h….jpg)

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e2d746  No.225171


You cant really understand race, economy,

or politics, without including that religion/spirituality/symbolism. Anyone incapable of understanding those things can't understand anything physical, whether wealth or fame or long life.

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e2d746  No.225172

File: b57e32a922f266f⋯.jpg (62.84 KB, 850x400, 17:8, god_building_hitler.jpg)

See. listen then you who can listen.

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d5879b  No.225173


>without including that religion/spirituality/symbolism

I think most of us understand spirituality.

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d5879b  No.225175


I know what you are worried about anon. Much of the time you are right. I know it. I don't reject the truth. But it has to be placed carefully into my world view so that I can understand it.

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e2d746  No.225176

File: 28c887e5ec0a02b⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1435x785, 287:157, hegelian.png)




This understanding is current, or even behind, because what have men not seen? There is technology of which you can't even think. This world is evil and deceptive, I tell you the truth! There is something beside this and race, though here I put race first.


There is such a high standard for what is Truth by men who uphold the Truth, that only Time can proof anything to Truth. I think.

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e2d746  No.225177

File: b5dca2c779c3d03⋯.jpg (123.47 KB, 673x964, 673:964, mfw_not_for_you.jpg)

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e2d746  No.225178

File: 201809da5189f4d⋯.jpg (37.86 KB, 633x488, 633:488, Not_for_you_2.jpg)

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d5879b  No.225179


>There is technology of which you can't even think


I can think of a lot.

>There is something beside this and race, though here I put race first.

What would that be. 'Race' is just data.

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e2d746  No.225180


Race depends on the organic body. But in the future if the organic body is replaced, which requires human consciousness to be fully understand, do you understand that then a "human being" might be grown from a toilet sheet role? If not then why? The human is just biology which can be manipulated.

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e2d746  No.225181



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d5879b  No.225182


Why do you believe in spirit anon? Why not just live a material life? Is their a difference or is one just higher mathematics?

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d5879b  No.225183


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e2d746  No.225184

File: f7392e46188125d⋯.jpg (142.51 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, HItler_or_Stalin_we_get_th….jpg)


I tell you the Truth: The answer is too high for me, and so no doubt, to high for you. But look: The material life whicn you see, so I say "look," is only a symbol of another layer of reality. You to whom I speak have already existed but have not yet yet. Time is trivial as is "place' and "being." But you will come to this place or the other.

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e2d746  No.225185

q predicted this

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d5879b  No.225186


>But you will come to this place or the other.


This discussion? Or something else?

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e2d746  No.225187


What do you want?

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d5879b  No.225189


To know myself.

It seems simple but it is complex.

What do you want?

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e2d746  No.225190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


To know you.

It seems simple but it is complex.

What you want.

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d5879b  No.225191


Well we cannot know ourselves without testing.

Have you found your limits?

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d5879b  No.225192


>To know you.

Lol I don't think anyone has ever said that to me. Has anyone ever said that to you?

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e2d746  No.225193

File: 30472b17c3465a4⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 240x220, 12:11, mfw_its_serious.gif)


No, I have not my found limits.



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d5879b  No.225195


Well I want to know people but then, when I get close to them I get scared, because I don't want to alter what I don't know about myself yet since I have not found my limits. I want a pure record so that I can analyze it for error.

If I care about someone else then I will not get to make a pure record. I want to tell you that I want to know you, because somewhere inside I think that there must be some room for that but I can't yet until I know myself. It is a conundrum.


IDK…I will look it up.

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d5879b  No.225196

Hey look at our post numbers. We have the whole place to ourselves! :)

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e2d746  No.225197

File: 03b43f51b45a8c6⋯.jpg (112.16 KB, 1024x875, 1024:875, mfw_you_want_to_play_chick….jpg)


I suffer.

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d5879b  No.225198



I can't find limits. How can knowing someone else help?

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d5879b  No.225199

There are a lot of things I don't understand honestly.

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e2d746  No.225200

File: 50119f3a80f5610⋯.jpg (10.91 KB, 300x161, 300:161, hello_clarice.jpg)



I think it depends on your motivations.

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d5879b  No.225201


>I think it depends on your motivations.

Hmmm talking to you is strange.

What if I don't know my motivations?

(I must have them, but I can't think of any; perhaps because I never considered it)

Do you know your motivations?

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d5879b  No.225202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d5879b  No.225203

File: 7d4a4168b2eb302⋯.gif (469.69 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Alice_Running.gif)

I can think of one;

I am looking for someone.

But I can never find Him.

So in the meantime, I try to 'know myself'.

Same as it ever was (I have to wonder at this point how long it has really been)…

Sorry anon. Lets stop now.


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9d0eaf  No.225204


You are quotinf serrano now????

You confuse me man…

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9abb6a  No.225206








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961c81  No.225224

File: 3eec42463d250b1⋯.webm (13.44 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Adolf_Hitler_You_said_I_w….webm)

This webm almost makes me tear up.

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d5879b  No.225226

File: 9ba70d565da2860⋯.webm (7.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, hitler_speech_germany.webm)

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d03a06  No.225233

its impossible not to notice that everybody in this thread is homosexual

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d03a06  No.225234

Micropenis Hitler was born with only one testicle

AND he was Jewish

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d03a06  No.225235

and everyone in this thread is TRANSPARENTLY GAY

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b83b8b  No.225237

File: 307946075435813⋯.jpg (84.09 KB, 760x509, 760:509, 16166911792.jpg)


>Jewish с большой буквы J



Коммипидор - на сосач.

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a568ef  No.225264


Why is this thread not first place? It should be the most popular thread today.

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d5879b  No.225279


>everyone in this thread is TRANSPARENTLY GAY


Careful some rando might come by and thrash you like yesterday on /random/

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d5879b  No.225280

File: d5b6e2002211d1f⋯.jpg (149.23 KB, 1280x846, 640:423, Winter_time_in_nazi_german….jpg)

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d03a06  No.225289



The adult male who actually uses the word THRASH

You're just like a woman… There's nothing even vaguely masculine about your presence

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d03a06  No.225290


Q: what's a term that's never used by heterosexual males?

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d03a06  No.225292


in EVERY Hitler thread, one by one, every male in the thread slowly reveals their sexual attraction to OTHER MALES

gee, that's odd

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d03a06  No.225293


Ivan, you'd be THE FIRST ONE to drop to your knees when I unzipped my pants.

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d03a06  No.225296


I don't blame you for being angry and resentful…

That's understandable, considering you come from DIRT, an economically depressed shithole, where parents actually WANT their daughters to become prostitutes, so they can afford toothpaste and bread.

If the most desirable career for women is prostitution, it's completely understandable why you are so frustrated…

Meanwhile, over here we've got running water

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d03a06  No.225298


and YES, if you read the posts in this thread, you will soon realize that ALL of the young men posting in here are sexually attracted to other males

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d03a06  No.225300


I still occasionally bust out laughing whenever I think about Reagan and his "tear down this wall" speech….

because that's when your people bent over and spread their legs….

And we destroyed you, building a couple McDonald's and Kentucky fried Chicken outlets here and there, while your "breadlines" became 5 times longer and slower.

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d03a06  No.225301


Instead of working on finding a girlfriend, YOU focus your energies on knowing which threads get the most bumps….

That speaks volumes, STUD

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d03a06  No.225303


The angry resentful bitter passive aggressive cowardly little wannabe Nazi sissyboy, who NEVER gets any pussy or interacts with females, but instead lives his entire life in front of a computer monitor, hoping to initiate conversation with other sexually failedMEN

Completely uncomfortable and awkward around females, Mommy's little stormtrooper only feels natural around other men….

Other men just like him, who also never learned how to look a woman in the eyes and convince her to climb into bed with him….



that's your sole source of entertainment

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d5879b  No.225307

File: 02f08e8272ec3f0⋯.jpg (93.2 KB, 792x530, 396:265, marble_hall_germany_destro….jpg)

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d03a06  No.225308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're just a small town boy, aren't you?

To your soul

To your soul




You leave in the morning with everything you own in a little black case

Alone on a platform, the wind and the rain on a sad and lonely face

Mother will never understand why you had to leave

But the answers you seek will never be found at home

The love that you need will never be found at home

Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away

Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away

Pushed around and kicked around, always a lonely boy

You were the one that they'd talk about around town as they put you down

And as hard as they would try they'd hurt to make you cry

But you never cried to them, just to your soul

No, you never cried to them, just to your soul

Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away (crying to your soul)

Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away (crying to your soul)

Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away (crying to your soul)

Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away

Cry, boy, cry

Cry, boy, cry

Cry, boy, cry, boy, cry

Cry, boy, cry, boy, cry

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d03a06  No.225310


Why don't you tell us the name of the last girl you had sex with?

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d03a06  No.225311


And of course, it's okay if you use her prostitution pseudonym

Because of course she's not going to tell you her real name

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d03a06  No.225312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When an adult male demonstrates no sexual interest in females, and lives his life in an empty image board, surrounded by other MALES, it doesn't take Einstein to realize that adult male is a homosexual.

At least you seem to respect other men

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d03a06  No.225313


Mommy's little videogame TOUGH GUY isn't a child anymore, right?

at least it APPEARS that you're an adult at first glance

But the effeminate video game sissy remains…

Hey, here's an idea:

Why don't you go through some more threads and find some other sexually failed adult males, and you can discuss video games or Hitler…

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d03a06  No.225314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Perhaps you would look more "intimidating" with an eye patch?

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d03a06  No.225315


lol @ your mother's disgusting "cooking"

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d03a06  No.225316


I can't even imagine what it must've been like to grow up eating GARBAGE….

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d03a06  No.225317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


While you seem to have no problem being rude to females….

When it comes to image boards filled with sexually failed adult males….

You Never can say goodbye

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d03a06  No.225318


Your women are genetically repugnant….

There's something decidedly masculine about them… Ugly and blocky and distorted and malshapen

So I suppose it's easy to see the connection between your people and your desperate sexual attraction to masculinity

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d03a06  No.225319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d5879b  No.225320

File: 583ced39765f7be⋯.jpg (253.68 KB, 1280x1012, 320:253, berlin_stone_carved_face_g….jpg)

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d03a06  No.225321


Also : your military is broken and weak, bankrupt, and unable to afford modern weaponry.

When the time comes, we're going to steamroll you flat like a pancake.

Then we're going to build thousands and thousands of McDonald's and Arby's across your wasteland

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d03a06  No.225322

File: 7e9c6c2781c1c87⋯.jpg (405.52 KB, 1366x1080, 683:540, PicsArt_04_20_12_39_06.jpg)

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d03a06  No.225324


Скажите своей маме, что я знаю стриптиз-клуб в Америке, и они оплатят ей дорожные расходы и позволят ей жить в красивой чистой новой роскошной квартире

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d03a06  No.225325

для нее не будет денег, но, по крайней мере, у нее будет хорошее место для жизни, и она всегда сможет найти уловки, чтобы поесть в McDonald's

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d03a06  No.225326


You obviously don't know anything about the 1970s

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d5879b  No.225329

File: 7ddd946fb391e10⋯.jpg (132.36 KB, 1020x903, 340:301, sword_oath_germany_nazi.jpg)

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d03a06  No.225335


None of their uniforms fit correctly… Even the helmets are the wrong sizes

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d03a06  No.225336


It's strange how none of the guys in that photograph seem even vaguely tough or intimidating to me… They look like a handful of randomly selected custodians and garbage men, thrown into ill-fitting uniforms… All of them have an uncertain expression on their faces… Like a bunch of loosely knit clowns

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eaeb59  No.225365


Happy Birthday. Sieg Heil.



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7ea9f5  No.225377


Their military gets a lot better bang for their buck than the US. Don’t forget the Russians defeated the nazis. They have a will to fight beyond what Americans could possibly conceive of.

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7ea9f5  No.225378


Shut the fuck up debate faggot. Just overwhelmingly virginal nonsense.

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41cc62  No.225381

File: 149b89f32dc9808⋯.gif (1.49 MB, 500x391, 500:391, 1613491826730.gif)

Happy Birthday

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d5879b  No.225399

File: 83171fe0fafc5e2⋯.png (907.77 KB, 1697x956, 1697:956, germany_had_the_nationalis….png)

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f52452  No.225444

File: 492e3f2ba3252db⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 398587c7b5f5211⋯.png (557.54 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Screenshot_Doom_20210420_2….png)

Friends came over and we made this cake and stuff and had it while watching the Chauvin trials. We closed the book sideways to blow out air to put out the candles, kek. Then we played Moonman Doom coop for a few hours. Good times.

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a568ef  No.225445


The only man here who is sexually "attracted" to other males is the one I am replying to, who is probably a liberal hippy boomer.

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a568ef  No.225447



Everyone, disregard any posts made by this person, all of their posts add nothing of value, and contain filthy content. Just ignore this person. Freedom of speech is valued, but I also have the freedom to label you as ignorable content, and ensure that people who truly have a goal in mind will not be confused by your posts.

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a568ef  No.225453


Take the arranged marriage pill.

Also, it is not likely that anyone ever agreed with every single action Hitler took. I am not a nazi, but Hitler had many admirable qualities. Though he ordered the murdering of native Czechs and Poles in their homelands, he did more for the white race during his lifetime than every other modern (white) national leader since at least the 1800s. I can fully back that statement. Though Hitler may be seen as leading to a liberal wave after WW2, he did not, that would have happened anyway. Any Jewish influence that Hitler had was nothing compared to Trump letting his daughter marry a jew or pardoning a jewish kosher slaughterhouse. Hitler would have hated Trump.

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d5879b  No.225455


He is a homosexual nigger/hapa bot. Normally hangs out on /random/ (they are desperately trying to get rid of him somehow because he is closeted homosexual) or /freedomzine/.

I STRONGLY recommend you filter him. He never says anything of value. EVER.

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a568ef  No.225457


I have begun to notice that the same person posts liberal homosexual content on /pnd/ frequently. He seems to be in almost every thread now.

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be7a5d  No.225463

Happy birthday H-man!

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66dd65  No.225468

Happy birthday papa Adolf :)

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46e635  No.225517


A bit late to the party, anyone archived the previous year post? Or the 8Chan ones?


For beginners.

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6c54e1  No.226890

File: cc3b5869d51bbdc⋯.jpg (78.75 KB, 524x933, 524:933, David_Lane.jpg)

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