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File: e35e48eb1b3e05b⋯.jpg (82.16 KB, 576x1231, 576:1231, zelsq9yvrqt61.jpg)

2cd5f7  No.224282




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1dfe8e  No.224288


There are more niggers, spics in USA than whites now excluding the boomers. Why don't they diversify up the vaccination guinea-pigs?

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0e1b68  No.224290


Those guinea pigs will fight back.

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2cd5f7  No.224296

This is the post you decide to nuke?


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0e1b68  No.224300


yay nukie nukie time

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2cd5f7  No.224304

File: f76c8b5e65996a2⋯.png (648.73 KB, 1234x1280, 617:640, ClipboardImage.png)

>be white

>run out of tramodol


>sign up infant for medical experimentation


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2cd5f7  No.224307

File: 3e0e11d3d51b671⋯.png (76.77 KB, 1792x883, 1792:883, ClipboardImage.png)

"ok boomer" coincides exactly with the release of the virus

just sayin

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1dfe8e  No.224334


Unlikely. Nonwhites would make better subservient slaves if they went through same level of psychological warfare whites have been going through for so long. Just look at the chinks.

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e51f23  No.224347

File: d65f51db56a8125⋯.png (22.89 KB, 242x84, 121:42, Screenshot_2021_04_17_1731….png)

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0e1b68  No.224419



that was the first thing I saw too

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