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File: b6bc3eb831694d5⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 960x772, 240:193, oops.jpg)

25571f  No.224150

I know a person who is in Alcoholics Anonymous with Van Jones's Jewish mistress, whose name is Krystal. Krystal told my confidant that Van Jones, pictured here, has a certain bedroom manner that some of you might find interesting.

Come to find out (so to speak), Van Jones cannot achieve orgasm unless he is being racially humiliated. Yes, friends, he cannot ejaculate unless he is called "nigger" (and debased otherwisely) by his Jewish songstress mistress.

This might just be dumb TMZ trivia, or it might be a key to unlocking the mysteries of the objectively-insane guilt-niggermania that has helped corrupt ZOG to its core.

I leave it to you, dear reader, to decide.

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4a5a3f  No.224153

fuck off kike with your shit threads. go back to (((neinchan))).

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25571f  No.224156

File: c8e7f94c0e73772⋯.jpg (53.14 KB, 1080x1376, 135:172, c2sul2l34lt61.jpg)


Hear me out, friend. We all know the media is… off. But I don't believe the full extent of the sickness is ever talked about. It's not that these people have an agenda; it's that they're literally insane. In the same way that the most "homophobic" Senators like to get their dick sucked by young men in public restrooms, so too are our talking heads inwardly opposite of their persona. If you take this and apply it to other cases, I believe you would find interesting patterns arising.

Some would call it "Maya," but perhaps that is too lofty.

There are many layers of deception. Many of them, perhaps, rooted in the purest self-hatred and insanity.

One cannot reason with the insane. There is no "path out" of a purely insane prison. There are things to be learned in this stupid anecdote. I am certain of it.

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3ba224  No.224159

Not partial to slandering people without them having recourse or an ability to defend themselves (even niggers)

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25571f  No.224162


Yes I too often feel sorrow for journalist's inability to defend themselves against slander, because I enjoy cocks in all of my holes.

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3ba224  No.224172


I will get back to you when I figure out wtf you are talking about.

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a5cfb3  No.224197

File: ff9f5aa19a420e9⋯.gif (461.96 KB, 500x220, 25:11, 1.gif)

File: 4ce198175cbf89a⋯.jpg (769.73 KB, 800x885, 160:177, 2.jpg)


>female ass

not sure about that one chief.

> I don't believe the full extent of the sickness is ever talked about. It's not that these people have an agenda; it's that they're literally insane. In the same way that the most "homophobic" Senators like to get their dick sucked by young men in public restrooms, so too are our talking heads inwardly opposite of their persona. If you take this and apply it to other cases, I believe you would find interesting patterns arising.

I agree with this one, but I think its been a problem for as long as civilization has existed. look up "the ant hill kids" for a small slice of just how easy it is for the insane (borderline pure evil) to take power over a group of people. another part of the puzzle is that the vast majority of humans are mentally and physically weak.

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3ba224  No.224199


During the Milgram experiment(s) only those who the kikes classed as 'disagreeable', meaning they had problems with kike based authority, refused to shock the test other subjects. I think it is time for the 'disagreeable' to handle the 'authority' that has risen too high above its pay grade.

>not sure about that one chief.

me neither tbh…had one of those, uhhh no moments.

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c762b8  No.224226

Van Jones is Homosexual

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c762b8  No.224227

File: c1bfdd8deadadad⋯.jpg (124.67 KB, 960x772, 240:193, PicsArt_04_17_08_03_06.jpg)

Sorry, but I know a faggot when I see one

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