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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: f262eda319046f6⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1920x1440, 4:3, IS00488W_Did_the_Ancient_G….jpg)

70e965  No.223832

Hi anons i have a lot of books about holocaust denying irl but i cant find shit online where did the kikes hide it all?

Please help

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f6c600  No.223835


Not giving you fed bois location of resources. Fuck off

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70e965  No.223838


dude I dont even live in America

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f6c600  No.223840


>Other nations don’t have a globalist government

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70e965  No.223843


I dont get it whats the point of keeping them to yourself share so others can share and more people know the truth

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e204ec  No.223845

Do you have books denying the existence of leprechauns? (Leprechauns have more proof of having existed.) No?

Why bother? To win arguments with faggots on the internet? Why bother? Updoots? Likes? In-group feeling with people who exist only to eat a different kind of kike propaganda?

Free yourself from the semitism. If you care so much about the holocaust, MAKE ONE YOURSELF. Stop being a fucking child.

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70e965  No.223849


You had a point there still I want it for myself mostly maybe I learn something new and it was really immature to call me child brother

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0ec9b5  No.224119

File: d762726327af4c7⋯.pdf (1.47 MB, Gregory_Douglas_Gestapo_Ch….pdf)

I'd appreciate it if we could get a lot more of this series. Anybody? They're not boring. Muller is a very clever and amusing man and he says whatever the fuck he likes.


Mueller regarded Washington as "a cross between a zoo and an insane asylum." He had contempt for his CIA colleagues whom he cuckolded regularly. Many were gay and, in spite of being racist, had Black lovers. Their wives were also a rich source of information.

The CIA is filled with" pseudo-intellectuals, drunks and egomaniacs" that have no idea at all what they are doing, he wrote. "[Alan] Dulles is one of those well-bred idiots who went to the correct schools and met the right people. If it weren't for that, he would be scrubbing toilets in the YMCA in some small town in New Jersey."

The CIA was trying to set national policy and would be responsible for the Beacon of Democracy sliding into Fascism, which he admitted was preferable to Communism.


Mueller's Journal is extremely credible which is why his comments on the Jewish holocaust are very provocative.

Remember this Journal supposedly was not intended to become public. On July 9, 1949 he wrote:

"The Americans ought to set up some sort of detention camp system and put people like [Alger] Hiss and others into protective custody. I had some idiot tell me yesterday that all of our camps were filled with Jews who we gassed by the millions and then turned into lampshades, ladies gloves and hand soap!

"I have no idea where they get such shit but I imagine the American press makes it up for political reasons. The camps were never designed for Jews and we did not gas millions of them or make soap out of their remains. The camps were mostly for professional criminals and Communists. About 75% of all camp inmates at any one given time were political prisoners and the rest divided up between criminals, spies and Jews. The worst error Himmler ever made was to put Russian prisoners into the camps because this brought typhus that killed off thousands of prisoners. The pictures often shown here of stacks of emaciated corpses are not pictures of dead Jews but pictures of typhus victims. And gas chambers at Dachau with sixty thousand gassed Jews there! I have visited Dachau on several occasions and no one was ever gassed there. Pictures of ovens with titles that "in these ovens, tens of thousands of murdered Jews were cremated" is more nonsense. All prisoners who died in jail were cremated and their ashes sent home. And especially with the typhus epidemics raging everywhere. Well, I can say nothing about it so on to other matters."

According to R. Wistrich, (Who's Who in Nazi Germany) Mueller had a central role in the extermination of European Jewry. "He signed the circulating order requiring the immediate delivery to Auschwitz by 31 January 1943 of 45,000 Jews for extermination and countless other documents of the same tenor, which reveal his zeal in carrying out orders. In the summer of 1943 he was sent to Rome to pressur the Italians, who were proving singularly inefficient and unenthusiastic in arresting Jews. …In his hands, mass murder became an automatic administrative procedure."(p.174)

In his Interrogation, Mueller claimed: "You want to know what my role in these camps was. Let me be very brief about that. I put people into such camps for criminal or political offenses. I did not have anything whatsoever to do with the running of these camps nor their policies."

He also claimed that he has a clear recollection that only a half million died in the camps, many of typhus and not all Jews. In my opinion, this is a glaring falsehood on Mueller's part. What did the Nazis do with the aged, children and women unfit for labor? Why would they round them up in the first place? Moreover, many Jews were hunted and shot outside of the camps.

Before becoming Gestapo Chief, Mueller was briefly in charge of arranging Jewish emigration. In 1939 he personally organized the famous steamship "St. Louis" effort to settle 900 well-to-do German Jews in Cuba. FDR felt they were too close to America and blocked it, evidence that the Illuminati needed a Jewish catastrophe to later justify the foundation of Israel.

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