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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: a11c47dbd72dad2⋯.jpg (170.11 KB, 798x798, 1:1, Evil.jpg)

5f1143  No.223794

(ядnon Lives)

Back in the Day, Before I turned the World On Its Head!

No One Cared Or Was Really Concerned With Politics!

Government Conspiracy, Politician Conspiracy Sure!

But it seemed to Be Nonpartisan.

DOOM Ruled the DAY, Conspiracy was a Side Note that

Got Brought Up From time to time!

Then it Became OBVIOUS all That is True Evil seems

to Flow From One Party! (Liberal Progressive Democrats)

Then Came the IDEA, All Doom, All Conspiracy, All Woe,

Everything, that effects us in a way that causes chaos,

is caused by an ancient evil that has always been with us.

This evil has had many names over the millennia.

We Only Recently Call Them, (Liberal Progressive Democrats)

That is our name for them in this time.

This Evil is a Thinking Pattern People are Born With.

These Individuals Inevitably become what we currently call democrats!

They can not avoid it, They Are Born with this Evil In their DNA.

They Possess all of the most disgusting qualities of humanity down to their very core!

(capital vices, or cardinal sin) envy, gluttony, greed, arrogance, ego, lust, pride, sloth, wrath.

And Thusly all Forums, All News, All Social Media Turned Political!

The World Woke Up to The One TRUE EVIL that Is Killing US all Slowly!

The Nasty, Filthy, Dirty, Stinky, Debaucherous, Liberal Progressive Democrat!

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8e8e42  No.223796


lmao you fucking retard

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182347  No.223797

>look at me!

fuck off narcissistic kike

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6490fc  No.224447


lmfao @ you spray-painting a trendy fake veneer of "Q Pedophile QUESTIONABLE FIXATION ON CHILD MOLESTATION" ontoTHE GOD DAMN JFK / NORMA BAKER IDIOTIC CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!!!!!!!

wow, dude…. wow

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6490fc  No.224449

File: ab5d2191c19ec60⋯.jpg (318.92 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_04_17_03_44_56.jpg)

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74f1f4  No.224453



Fuck off phonefag.

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6490fc  No.224454


So……………………. You actually thought you'd be persuasive by not knowing what the fuck you're talking about?

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6490fc  No.224455


Blow me, videogame obsolescence

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6490fc  No.224456


your PC days are over.

I'm stretching this hole out now.

find new horizons. this one's mine now

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74f1f4  No.224459

File: b1941624f019f69⋯.png (26.46 KB, 326x494, 163:247, 7c85d68b0ba749a22473d674ba….png)


>videogame obsolescence

Fug. It's one thing to deal with shills who use buzzwords and cuckchan catchphrases but you bots with your retarded vocabulary are make it even more infuriating. Sagebro is gonna have a field day with you pieces of shit.

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6490fc  No.224460


You've got secret info, alright…

shit you've kept repressed for a LONG TIME….

is okay…..

Let it out, Timmy

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6490fc  No.224461


Now I've decided to not only stretch out 8hole

But I'm ALSO going to stretch out URhole

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6490fc  No.224462


Hello … I'll be the one emasculating you from now on.

get used to me, Creampuff

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6490fc  No.224463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The wingspan of a hawk are more than you might think, lover….

and I'm going to be blowing loads into and onto you

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6490fc  No.224464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6490fc  No.224465

seriously, Imageboard Fuckboi

get bent, bitch

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