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File: cbe51e276d62874⋯.webm (13,41 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 00Vegans_The_Epitome_of_M….webm)

32117a  No.223626[Last 50 Posts]

I was wandering through another board when I ran across this video. I never knew Nasim was a vegan. The more I thought about it and reflected on it the more I began to wonder about the connection between veganism (or vegetarianism) and violent extremism. I am a vegetarian and I have been for over 20 years. But I gradually began to wonder, while watching the video if lack of meat combined with the lack of territory/genocide of your people caused a certain trigger in people for violence. When you think about it, based on the physical body, it makes perfect sense because you would be trying to secure physical territory or die. Vegetarianism might even be a natural indelible physical response to invasion and securing the continuation of animals as a food source in the region. Either way it is a physical sign of the decline and destruction of your region or territory.

I started to wonder if I would be less likely to feel like I do now (slaughter them all; basic bitch response to subhumans) if I ate (clean/non 'vat') meat.

Then I began to wonder what would happen to the planet if things like Gates 'forced veganism' went through or any diet that altered millennia old human physical/psychological norms. Would we see a natural astronomical rise in violent extremism occurring within the population? Obviously all of this 'civilization' is dogshit based on the worst principles that could ever be imagined and those who thought that 'humanity could be changed' through this civilization are bullshiters because much of this is based on physical/psychological needs of the body rather than just making human silly putty into 'whatever was in vogue at the time to the parasites' enslavement of humanity.

At this point in my life, I don't even want to eat meat but I feel like I have to simply to verify if something deeply psychological is not being fulfilled because it is being suppressed. I don't know, maybe I am weak, but maybe we need to kill things. Maybe not eating meat is not just 'delayed gratification' but frustrated gratification that emerges psychologically from a very deep seated innate need as a threat/murder imperative in response to loss of territory.

For me, watching Nasim dance around and sing about not killing animals and then to watch her turn around and try to kill animals was just strange enough to cause me to reflect on the changes in my own personality over the time period that I have been vegetarian. Where does vegan/vegetarianism come from? Well it is the idea of the vastly overpopulated street shitters and why would I ever think anything they did or do was worthy of emulation? IDK. I am reflecting on it right now and thinking that is a TERRIBLE idea. Basically I am following a paradigm that is 'religiously inspired (losers compensatory)' from a group of people that could not protect their own territory…basically it is designed to compensate but also from a position of weakness and failure.

I think Europeans need to be increasingly cautious about the 'fad' bullshit we have adopted from other 'cultures', especially slave cultures, because there is a way of success and there is a way of slavery. We need to make sure we are sticking to the way of success. Just think about who becomes a vegetarian/vegan nowadays, predominantly highly educated White females, and again I am sure this is a response to lack of territory, increasing slavery, displacement and (((education))).

I am sorry about the quality of this video but you get what you get. There are a lot of things humans need to start considering in terms of things that are handed to us via 'civilization and actual European temperament and needs. We could argue that we are 'becoming more civilized' when we follow all these bizarre rituals and customs that are unnatural but we should also expect there to be equal physical outcomes.

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53dc39  No.223644


you overthink everything, and it turns people off. we don't have the patience required to stay interested until the second sentence.

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53dc39  No.223646


I'm vegan, and I cannot relate to ANYTHING you typed

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32117a  No.223647


yet. (I am going to keep it short for you)

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2f8dd4  No.223649

File: 173dcd5bf9aa7de⋯.png (1,48 MB, 1200x698, 600:349, l.png)

Anyone who has not yet seen the holy and sacrificial nature of meat and does not intuitively understand that it is not meant to be eaten three meals a day, 365 days a year, for 70 years, and that veganism is just a reaction to the problem of overconsumption, and that both veganism and total-meat-ubiquity are both modern, decadent, ridiculous and thereby disposable phenomena, are:


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53dc39  No.223650


why is your video nothing but ugly creepy homosexuals and losers with facial piercings?

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32117a  No.223653


Because veganism is an extremist response to stimuli.

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f533ef  No.223655


Nope…. not yet….

Not ever, I guarantee

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f533ef  No.223656


whatever you say, Mr. Diverticulitis

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f533ef  No.223657


Veganism wasn't my response to jack fucking shit

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f533ef  No.223658

you're simply an angry man….

and you can't hide it

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32117a  No.223659


>I guarantee

You can't.

>Veganism wasn't my response to jack fucking shit

It is not natural for humanity.

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32117a  No.223660


>you're simply an angry man….

You don't seem mentally balanced yourself anon.

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f533ef  No.223661


yes it is……. obviously

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f533ef  No.223662


I never said I'm balanced

but I'm not angry

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f533ef  No.223663

and you ARE

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f533ef  No.223664


your biggest downfall

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f533ef  No.223665


you are your own enemy

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32117a  No.223666


Yes, anon. I agree. I don't know where to start, but I am going to begin infrequently eating meat and I may also kill it myself so that I know where it comes from and understand what I am doing.

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53dc39  No.223667

I can EASILY debunk and disprove ALL of your claims about us "needing meat" and how it's "not natural"….

but I've debunked these erroneous claims

thousands of times before

so this time?

I'm not even going to bother

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53dc39  No.223668


lol no you won't….. you'll see…..

maybe one time, but you won't do it twice

it's going to literally make you nauseated

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2f8dd4  No.223669


I limit it to special occasions and when my body tells me I "need" it, which is about every 2-3 weeks on average. (Though I have gone for years without, as well.) I've done this for the better part of 30 years, and I am not yet weak, malnourished, or dead. Trust your body, anon.

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32117a  No.223670


>I'm not even going to bother

Because you are mentally unbalanced and you know it. There isn't anything else to say.

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32117a  No.223671


That is what I was thinking. Maybe once a month or so. I can't imagine taking it up daily or weekly but every other week or maybe monthly.

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53dc39  No.223674


Nope…. wrong…..

It's actually because I won this argument hundreds and hundreds of times before you were ever even born….

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53dc39  No.223675


All these years in your body, and you still can't correctly interpret what your body is telling you?

WHY would your body tell you "I need to try to extract superfluous protein from the decomposing carcass of an animal which is not going to digest as it works its way through your stinking digestive system" ?

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53dc39  No.223676

your protein arguments are the weakest part of your platform

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53dc39  No.223677

animals do not produce protein.

they STORE IT just like us….

and they obtain it from PLANTS

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53dc39  No.223678

unless they're a carnivore, which humans ARE NOT

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53dc39  No.223679

But alas…..

I've won this argument SO many times….

I have no need or desire to win It Again

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53dc39  No.223680

I'm going to stop, before I start naming molecular scientific facts

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2f8dd4  No.223681


I don't claim to have perfect knowledge of the perfect human diet, but I'm reasonably certain that there's no legitimacy in your frenzied proselytization. You think like a woman and/or a nigger, frankly. Hiding this thread, now.

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53dc39  No.223682


you'll do whatever you choose to do… and that's okay

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53dc39  No.223683


I think like a woman, huh?

and how would YOU know how women think?

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53dc39  No.223684

that might explain why I've never been without a girlfriend, multiple girlfriends, or a wife, for more than 3 or 4 days before I met the next onesince I was 16 years old

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53dc39  No.223686


andYOUoverthink like a sheltered child

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32117a  No.223687


You are insane anon. I wouldn't take a single bit of your advice. In fact, you are the poster child for my decision. If I needed further proof, you have clearly provided it. Not only did you manage to entirely miss the point of the thread but you did so with a style and insane flare that actually proves me right. Filtered. Get some help.

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53dc39  No.223688

the topic may as well be FECES SANDWICHES

because you might force yourself to eat one

but you'll never make it to Sandwich Number Two

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32117a  No.223689


Thanks anon. Sorry to see you go, but thank you for your support and comments. I appreciate them.

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53dc39  No.223690


you run and hide like an intimidated child

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53dc39  No.223691


bitch, if you thought I was here "hoping you would take my advice", then you must somehow thinking your existence matters to me.

I couldn't care less what you do or don't do


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53dc39  No.223693

for me, your thread represents the only time your existence appeared on my radar….

an ad hoc toilet, an opportunity for me to smear my shit on your walls….

and you actually thought I was here to cater to YOU?

Im here to cater to ME, dude

I'm here to keep myself laughing, not you

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53dc39  No.223697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


still can't embed?

(that's what she said, right?)

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53dc39  No.223731

and…. killing things isn't your forte

btw, "forte" is pronounced "fort"

…………the E is silent

and yeah, you're not here to kill anything

that's not your thing

which is good

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53dc39  No.223768

File: 42f2a86acce2b61⋯.jpg (241,46 KB, 1023x735, 341:245, PicsArt_04_16_11_17_14.jpg)

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294c96  No.223784


There is nothing wrong with vegetarianism as long as you stick to non-GMO organic foods, the problem is most "vegan" food is being loaded with toxic preservatives and flavor additives today, making the bulk of the food just as bad as junk & fast food.

I am no vegan myself as I prefer to keep a traditional diet of various food groups: meat, fruit, vegetables, grain and fibre. The difference is I prefer non-hormone non-nitrite meats that are fresh (or properly stored and naturally preserved without the use of toxic chemicals) whether free-range chicken or grass-fed beef. Typically I prefer to stay away from foods loaded with sugar, high fructose and/or aspartame which is very unhealthy. Eating healthy is more expensive sure, but so are unnecessary medical bills and medical interventions!

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ce8b7c  No.223787


I understand the role of globohomo in destroying the planet.

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ce8b7c  No.223788


I hear you.

I am not making a nutritional argument though, I am making a psychological argument (or trying to) about vegan/vegetarianism being an extremist ideology.

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f72790  No.223789


Bullshit, Johnny, we have been over this before! Humans are omnivores, we have historically eaten both meat and plant life, and that is just fine as long as it is not toxic (or loaded with toxic chemicals during mass production). There are many historical tribes that have thrived on eating fish and wild game, being very fit survivalists. The difference is they don't eat mass produced crap and get proper exercise to digest the food properly. If you want to substitute meat I'd recommend organic mushrooms, like morels, as they are loaded with protein and vitamins.

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ce8b7c  No.223792


I don’t think you should continue to justify its obvious psychosis. It is already ‘on the very edge’ of a psychological break (as evidenced in this thread).

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f72790  No.223795


LOL, the issue with Johnny is he loves animals a little too personally, he would treat chickens or cattle the same as treating a dog or a cat. I too respect animals and treat them humanely, but some are very good sources of meat unlike others. What is ironic is the food chain which he ignores, many wild animals do consume other animals, it has always been the nature of life on Earth. I live near coyotes, Johnny would likely sob if he knew how they treat other wildlife around here (including wild cats).

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f72790  No.223804


Even wild cats will eat rodents, squirrels and rabbit when they catch them. The fact you raise so many cats and not know they are natural carnivores makes me worry about your pets.

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ce8b7c  No.223805


Ok so a sheltered delusional with no knowledge or experience with the natural world as well as being a globohomo destroying faggot. How does one get to the point where the love destroying another mans asshole completely (the anus is not a sex organ) as well as sexually molesting little children, but completely freaks out over the ACTUAL natural world? Yet another reason faggots and pedos should be completely removed from the planet.

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f72790  No.223809


Odd thing about chickens, I know this as I have some: even though chickens eat lots of grain, the raccoons around here won't! Thus the reason you need to shelter the chickens in the coup at night, and make sure the chicken wire covers ALL entrances to the chicken coup. Those raccoons will eat more chicken than a whole family dinning together in one sitting!

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ce8b7c  No.223836


It is almost like your chicken are their own nation that needs to be protected from predators to produce something for you.

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