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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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81b12d  No.223364

Looking for a nice spear to pork a randy hog?

I heard there might be one here.

Angel fuckers 101

“Roam back and forth through the streets of Jerusalem, And look now and take note. And look in her open squares To see if you can find a man [as Abraham sought in Sodom], One who is just, who [has integrity and moral courage and] seeks truth (faithfulness); Then I will pardon Jerusalem—[for the sake of one uncompromisingly righteous person].

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a99713  No.223420

Seems like a good fella. Concerned about sustainability as well as morality.

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1bbe51  No.223426

File: 4bbff454cfbf43f⋯.jpg (186.53 KB, 800x959, 800:959, x.jpg)

soypoasting eat my pussy dgaf

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a99713  No.223430


I’m wet for you, anon, take me now!

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