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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: f34b22b2e4aab19⋯.jpeg (48.17 KB, 474x434, 237:217, Corporatocracy.jpeg)

7ce36c  No.223340

In reality there is no such thing as left or right. The American democratic system is a show, like medieval kings putting on a show of voting each other in. In reality, it is all run by those that have the money.

It is like feudalism. The king and highest elite are the billionaires and millionaire political families. The landed gentry and nobles are the billionaires and corporations. And we, the peasants, work for the billionaires. Even if you so called "own" your house, you really don't. Why don't you stop paying the bank for the house you "own" and you'll see how much you really own it. You aren't allowed to just claim your own piece of land without paying taxes (tribute) to the government. Your money goes to support foreign wars.

The government does what the billionaires want, and the corporations do what the government wants, helping each other out. You have the freedom to shut up and hope your opinion aligns with those in power.

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586003  No.223343

another guy who does not mention spies when talking about the American power structure.

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1a9282  No.223627

File: be97cc03fa80542⋯.png (50.99 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 3ukl6yk45w341.png)


Yeah dude the holocaust was totally wrong

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d2cdf4  No.223939

capitalism has always been "left wing" socially, or at least it has been in the way that turn of phrase is perceived in america

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75f593  No.223940



Holy fucking shit. Are you 12?

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f14d10  No.224051


seems like you hate capitals as well

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