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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: eec5c1359edf961⋯.jpeg (34.08 KB, 474x266, 237:133, COINTELPRO.jpeg)

8b4e33  No.223338

A known tactic of the feds and other Orwellian organizations is to sow conflict within any organization. They did this with the Civil Rights movement and they are believed to have done it to any other movement. Do not fall for any divisive tactics, including those that try to divide you under other lines.

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ffe41a  No.223366


no they DON'T, you stupid fucking piece of shit!

you're a LIAR, and now we are all going to ostracize you and boycott your thoughts.


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8b0f36  No.223367



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827489  No.223379


The feds were BEHIND the ✡civil rights✡ movement, you subhuman retard.

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ffe41a  No.223396


Blacklisted and Banned

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8b0f36  No.223399


you get a lot of mileage out of your big red letters fella

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7dc168  No.223415


Why else would u use them?

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8b0f36  No.223419


I do not have an answer to that. Do that old bill the cat ascii but with the big red letters

i wanna see

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