e0dc70 No.223238
from the Jamalberg Chronicles
Bringing Order out of Chaos
Nationalize the banking system
End banking usury for U.S. citizens
Nationalize the media
Ban international firms.
Promote national firms.
The firms exist as competition and to provide jobs for the people, not to feed the internationalists.
Make pornography illegal
Guaranteed minimum income with guaranteed employment [job creation through basic labor jobs like community gardens, street sweeping, etc. Would replace all forms of welfare]
End forced desegregation
[Recongnition of the reality that different races have different racial characteristics]
Create a "Domestic Dependent Sovereign Nation" within the U.S. for Black people, similar in status to Native American Tribes.
Desegregation simply doesn't work. Forcing blacks and whites into a pretend homogeneity has failed dramatically and both races would be better served by giving blacks their own sovereign state within the U.S., where they can elect their own leaders and not feel pressured to conform to unrealistic white standards.
Openly promote Jewish immigration to Israel
Part of bringing to an end U.S. financial support to Israel
Create "every citizen armed" civil militia
Create a "Judge Dredd" State sanctioned position, authorized to carry out extrajudicial punishments, for every State within the United States.
Penalize childbirth out of wedlock while promoting birth control
Create Nationalized adoption program to phase out abortion
Part of penalizing single motherhood would be mandatory adoption of single parent children into functioning 2 parent families.
Seems like a good time to consider returning to the original U.S. Constitution, with a few minor adjustments for lessons learned.
The great reset is upon us.
Rise of the Feral American is inevitable.
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5430a8 No.223240
hey cool more ferality sign me up sounds great and not at all niggery
more cops too jeez this is heaven on earth
do you have a patreon or something because this is really amazing
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e0dc70 No.223241
>do you have a patreon or something because this is really amazing
Well thank you for your quick and meaningless response npc faggot.
No, there is no patreon for this. But I look forward to your pants shitting up this thread when other actual cognizant capable human beings begin functional dialogue on this subject.
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5430a8 No.223243
the second some judge dredd comes to drop off a random baby at my house is the second the judge and the baby get magdumped so how about fuck you and fuck your meme high school project k
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660e7e No.223247
If the rise of the 'feral american' is inevitable why the fuck would we allow other races to live or space inside our nation, I wonder?
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5430a8 No.223248
bretty gud guestion tbqhfam
i think what he means is that he wants to fuck something and kill something and probably eat something, but do it like a viking or something. dunno. meade out of a horn, surely. skull balaclava and a /k/ patch, y'know. real nigga shit.
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660e7e No.223251
Here I am thinking we are going to live like Hobbits when all the kikes are dead, when the White Orc Gangsta's show up on the doorstep.
>"Smash Hobbitses"
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5430a8 No.223252
unironically setting a peaceful pipe and tea date with you in the next incarnation my bro; just past the bad-bend in the river, under the oak. i'll be the one with the hat. be there or be square <3
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660e7e No.223257
I will be there.
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e0dc70 No.223261
>the second some judge dredd comes to drop off a random baby at my house is the second the judge and the baby get magdumped so how about fuck you and fuck your meme high school project k
Since I don't speak 'whigger pit bull' or whatever urban shitspeak current year MTV is teaching, please try to be specific about what aspect of my original post you find "meth withdrawl" adverse.
>If the rise of the 'feral american' is inevitable why the fuck would we allow other races to live or space inside our nation, I wonder?
Allowing other races to live or space inside our nation is clearly an aspect of space being inside of our. Hopefully I translated that into your native "Meth is my God" tongue appropriately.
>bretty gud guestion tbqhfam
>i think what he means is that he wants to fuck something and kill something and probably eat something, but do it like a viking or something. dunno. meade out of a horn, surely. skull balaclava and a /k/ patch, y'know. real nigga shit.
This post reeks of antifa gayness and serves only for lulz.
Samefag, both figuratively and lubed literally.
>we all ganked that mofo! Gay high fives all around!
Excellent fail.
Round two please.
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5430a8 No.223263
You must be new. You got shit replies because this is the very definition of a midwit noeffortpoast. Nothing you've presented goes beyond anything a reasonably well-educated teenager could concoct over a subsidized public school lunch. It is the vision of a sad person wishing he wasn't sad, and it is, as a result, sad.
Anyone who unironically shills for the US Constitution is, regrettably, a nigger-souled abomination.
1) go back
and / or
2) lurk more
and / or
3) neck yourself
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660e7e No.223264
Oy vey!!
He is threatening to lube the hobbits now.
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e0dc70 No.223265
You must be new. You got shit replies because this is the very definition of a midwit noeffortpoast. Nothing you've presented goes beyond anything a reasonably well-educated teenager could concoct over a subsidized public school lunch. It is the vision of a sad person wishing he wasn't sad, and it is, as a result, sad.
So, what specifically do you object to in my original post?
Or is that too hard?
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e0dc70 No.223266
Fixed for whigger speak
>You must be new. You got shit replies because this is the very definition of a midwit noeffortpoast. Nothing you've presented goes beyond anything a reasonably well-educated teenager could concoct over a subsidized public school lunch. It is the vision of a sad person wishing he wasn't sad, and it is, as a result, sad.
So, what specifically do you object to in my original post?
Or is that too hard?
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e0dc70 No.223268
>Anyone who unironically shills for the US Constitution is, regrettably, a nigger-souled abomination.
Also this.
Is specifically the group that needs to get necked in America® 2.0
The original constitution that recognizes human autonomy and deals specifically with threats to it without compunction.
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660e7e No.223269
>Create "every citizen armed" civil militia
This is the only thing I agree with.
Ima let you know right now, that after these kike shitheads are resolved, if anyone even thinks about telling me what to do I am going to put a 10' spike up their ass and out their throat.
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5430a8 No.223270
The civilization that Aryans want and will have again has zero need for your ridiculous bans and seizures and illegalities and death squads. You are so far up the Kali Yuga's ass that you simply cannot conceive of a world that is not a reaction to kike demonolatry; this puts your "system" on a foreign spectrum and the whole thing, literally all of it, is compromised from the first nanosecond.
Aryans do not penalize. Aryans build.
You could not possibly understand.
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e0dc70 No.223284
Fuck. All the way off. Nigga speak = rope.
Have an intelligent argument but can only whigger pit speak? Move to Canada while you have a chance.
>The civilization that Aryans want and will have again has zero need for your ridiculous bans and seizures and illegalities and death squads
Not an argument. Neck size?
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c3998d No.223285
you've provided a good datapoint for my thesis
you've provided a good datapoint for my thesis
you've provided a good datapoint for my thesis
you've provided a good datapoint for my thesis
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5430a8 No.223286
17.5; mother's maiden name is "Stevens"; first car was a Honda Accord; childhood friend was Ethan
My thesis is that the WEF purge will be a net-positive for the planet. Thank you for your continual and constant reaffirmations of this fact.
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b4bf7e No.223287
>End forced desegregation
For me it's not enough. Cannot share a country. "Their side of town" or "their school" isn't good enough.
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e0dc70 No.223288
I get that you purple haired maladroits think this is fagchan/pol/ where posts get pruned in minutes and being clever is its own reward.
But fortunately for the human race, this is atechan, where shitposts can last for weeks, and even turn into boards.
All I want to discuss is
America® 2.0
Rise of the Original Constitution
a return to the original constitution and its focus on human autonomy.
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5430a8 No.223289
What an unfortunate combination of good digits and bad faggotry. Sad.
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e0dc70 No.223290
>For me it's not enough. Cannot share a country. "Their side of town" or "their school" isn't good enough.
How the fuck would you even know? Are you a fucking time traveler? Or worse…
>I must subvert…
Still not an argument, but thanks for recognizing the Old Gods role in this. Your rope time will be adjusted accordingly.
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5430a8 No.223291
Imagine you're making bread, but instead of yeast, you use human shit. Your bread is not likely to be good. The same thing applies here. If you want to start your thought experiment with a lump of shit, namely the Constitution, which has proven itself to be one of the most abject failures in all of recorded history, then you're going to wind up with something unpalatable. Total non-starter, making this thread
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c3998d No.223292
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5430a8 No.223293
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5430a8 No.223294
lmao holy fucking shit anon you are touched
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c3998d No.223295
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e0dc70 No.223296
What, specifically, is the argument?
What is it in or about this thread, specifically that you are opposed to?
What is your spider-sense tingling about?
If you can't elucidate then it's likely furry pedo shit. Or worse.
And that's okay. That's your right.
Human beings are free to do whatever they want.
Including establishing a place where human autonomy takes precedence over technological achievements.
If you can justify your gay ass bullshit then run with it. Run like a motherfucker.
Because somebody else is going to have the right to disagree and take proper recourse.
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5430a8 No.223297
Your plan is reactionary, purely reactionary, and that is the surest way to calamity. If you want to build something, build it. Don't use jewish bones to build it with, or else you'll just wind up with another golem.
Nowhere in your… outline… thing do I see any mention of beauty, for example. If I were building a new nation, I'd start there or somewhere close to there. I'd use a rock solid thing to build it. Not objectively broken remnants of a corpse. If you are going for necromancy, that's fine. But there's nothing good to be found rummaging around in the dustbin.
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5430a8 No.223298
You are nowhere near understanding the Terminal Overness of this idiotic country. You need to move on. I'm telling you brother-to-brother: you need to move on.
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e0dc70 No.223299
This is Replika level bot shit, and not an argument. Reinvent the fucking wheel shit.
America® 2.0
A lean, mean, "fuck your shit up" machine.
Where fucking around means finding out.
Where you can be Black and only be shot by Black cops. Because you live in an only Black state.
Where you can be White, and send your entire paycheck to Israel, because it's the only home Jews have. No dual nationality in America® 2.0.
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c3998d No.223353
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5430a8 No.223354
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c3998d No.223356
White on the outside, nigger on the inside
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6bdbea No.223360
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e0dc70 No.226805
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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