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File: f4f541237d63aba⋯.jpg (84.73 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, proxy_image.jpg)

bbdbbd  No.223014[Last 50 Posts]

It would appear that there is a non-zero chance that the PSYOP under which the world labors is, in fact, a massive culling of undesirables. Should this be the case, I want to go on the official DOD record as saying:

I support the eugenics / depopulation program of the World Economic Forum IF it holds to the avowed principles of reducing the population and saving the environment from further torment at the hands of the locust-class.

I would like to further suggest that my CV is on file, and you know where to find me should you need any help.

Good day.

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bbdbbd  No.223017

File: 06aa925004f4d81⋯.png (444.96 KB, 1309x1510, 1309:1510, 1.png)

File: a455fc4bc0bc1c0⋯.png (427.19 KB, 1315x1357, 1315:1357, 2.png)

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bbdbbd  No.223019

To clarify:

I do not consider myself "one of them" nor do I post this in order to curry their favor in exchange for a spot on the roster. If the above shitposts are anywhere near the mark, I simply admire "them" for taking the necessary steps to do what has to be done, including but not limited to snuffing out ridiculous nationalist / populist movements that only seek a different kind of proletarian revolution, and my offer of help is of the same quality that it would be to any who are "doing the right thing," without any expectation of reward.

The MAGA movement was a trainwreck; modern society in all of its permutations is similarly catastrophic. Anyone, literally anyone, who is willing to make sweeping changes to it should be seen as a liberator. If that means temporarily ceding illusions of power to emotionally-unhinged undesirables (Antifa, BLM, CRT lunatics) in order to lure them to their deaths, so be it.

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bbdbbd  No.223021

I do not know of a single person whose continued existence I cherish who has taken the vaccine. Not one. All I see are low-information robots without any character or set of principles lining up for medical experimentation in exchange for a

>literal fucking donut

I cannot imagine a ruling class so absurd as to want to save these people. Can you? Search your heart. Search all the evil places that you try to ignore. Can you even IMAGINE an evil that is so short-sighted as to go through this intense of an effort to save the hundreds of millions of zombified la creaturas that roam the streets, looking for their next sportsball fix?

I cannot. Perhaps it is a lack of imagination. Perhaps I remain hopelessly naïve. But the idea that they are going through all of this effort, at every level, with such an intensity, for this long, in order to hand it over to a band of revolting, objectively psychotic, twerking transsexuals is simply impossible for me to accept or understand.

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bbdbbd  No.223023

File: 217fb8ed6dac79b⋯.png (804.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, proxy_image.png)

File: 82562b56b3abcb0⋯.jpg (308.61 KB, 1217x768, 1217:768, proxy_image.jpg)

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bbdbbd  No.223024

How have you spent the last year? Has it lessened or strengthened your morals? Does the battle seem more or less clear to you than it did two years ago?

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bbdbbd  No.223028

File: db200ef3e4d1234⋯.png (1011.31 KB, 1606x538, 803:269, nopes.png)

Do you really want to save the entire "white" race? Why is that, exactly? To what possible end?

No. We need a consuming fire. And we must be thankful to those that have the resources and vision to accomplish it.

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bbdbbd  No.223030

File: b099357f37bb124⋯.png (100.29 KB, 2666x1875, 2666:1875, proxy_image.png)

If you were an Operation Paperclip defense-contractor-running eugenicist natzee, who would be the target of your depopulation scheme?

Why would your theoretical natzee depopulation-vaxx scheme line up exactly with what we're seeing with vaccination rates?

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bbdbbd  No.223032

I see only two possibilities, here.

1) The people who run the world are working overtime in order to create a literal ghetto planet that goes against each and every one of their avowed principles (sustainability, depopulation, peace)

2) The people who run the world are running a world-class PSYOP using to rid the planet of its parasites

If it's the first, then we live on a planet where the people who have the smarts and foresight to consolidate power and knowledge over thousands of years have decided to throw it all away in order to placate the objectively worst-of-the-worst, and there's no reason to despair because there is no possible way to fix a planet that is so far gone down the rabbithole of insanity that we are living through.

If it's the second, then all you have to do is learn to duck until the chaos blows over. Don't take the vaxx, don't get goaded into shooting up an Antifa rally, and just continue to do what you've been doing all year, which is living nobly in the face of adversity.

Seems like a pretty easy choice, fam.

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bbdbbd  No.223034









(unless it's all bullshit in which case not)

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81bf68  No.223039


>population and saving the environment from further torment at the hands of the locust-class.

That is so CUTE anon.

I really don't think they have any intention of saving the world from themselves.

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bbdbbd  No.223041

File: 9d902591729a94f⋯.jpg (71.59 KB, 800x534, 400:267, proxy_image.jpg)


For the purposes of this thought experiment, I'm taking the Georgia Guidestones as a legitimate reflection of their goals.

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

Unite humanity with a living new language.

Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

Balance personal rights with social duties.

Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

I cannot find a problem.

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81bf68  No.223042


>1) The people who run the world are working overtime in order to create a literal ghetto planet that goes against each and every one of their avowed principles (sustainability, depopulation, peace)

>2) The people who run the world are running a world-class PSYOP using to rid the planet of its parasites

They both lead to the same exact goal anon. There is no way for them to lose. Ideally, what should have happened is that we exterminate the very rich and the very poor leaving only the productive middle class alive. But that is the very thing that WON'T happen and the thing that needs to happen most.

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bbdbbd  No.223043


The only problem with that line of thinking is that they've developed the ability to replace most of those jobs with AI. Their literature is filled with declarations of such. I do not personally want a bell-curve-hammered world where rich and poor are eliminated. Natural Law demands hierarchy, and they are (perhaps) enforcing that law as we speak.

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81bf68  No.223044


I think those are 'someones' goals but I am not sure if those are the jews goals. The jews have always openly stated that they wanted a 'world of their own', meaning a world of hideous deformed demonic grifter parasites that will devour everything and leave no trace of humanity at all once they meet their goals…parasites are just parasites they don't 'change their behavior' once the host is dead.

The problem with your thinking is the only race that embodies all those characteristics and would thrive and flourish peacefully IS THE EUROPEAN RACE…you mock working class Europeans without realizing that they are your actual target race (in your thought experiment).

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81bf68  No.223045


I know you have never loved your work anon but people who are middle class generally really enjoy or even deeply care about their work. The poor and the rich, they don't give a shit about anything they are simply violent felons and genetic trash. Hierarchy (fancy word for slavery) is BULLSHIT. You are stuck in the alien system that has conquered this world. It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Natural Law.

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bbdbbd  No.223047


The open-and-avowed end-game of "The Illuminati" is a world where the races are allowed (and made) to be the best representatives of their station. I do not want blacks or asians exterminated. I want them to have their own lands in which they can flourish. What they are currently doing, with their race-baiting, is outing all of the people who are unwilling or unable to accept the fact that africans and asians have a right to exist. It's important to not be on the wrong side of their ire and to not play into the base, emotional reactionary desire to "protect your own" when the simple fact is that large swaths of "you own" are literal heroin addicts, transsexuals, and assorted human debris.


You are not here for a good-will conversation if you're willing to assume my life history and principles and then extrapolate randomly therefrom.

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81bf68  No.223050


>I want them to have their own lands in which they can flourish

They have fucking 'flourished' so much that your own race is 4% and dying. They have proven, without a doubt in the most concrete manner that anything CAN PROVE its unworthiness for life, that they are totally and wholly unworthy of life. How you cannot see this is beyond me. Perhaps you are a nigger or a bug sucking up 96% of the worlds resources and asking to 'do it all over again.

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bbdbbd  No.223053


My "race" is the "race" of people who are unwilling to eat horseshit. This disqualifies 95% of all humans, including the vast majority of whites: the race that is and has been perfectly able and willing to accept bread, circuses, and total nonsense to their own peril for the better part of 2000 years. Not my people.

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81bf68  No.223055


Ok kike. Got you. I was wondering where your reasoning came from and now I know.

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bbdbbd  No.223057


The only "kike" PSYOP ITT is the one that has you clutching onto a race of amphetamine addicts with your last breath because reasons.

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bbdbbd  No.223060


Walk me through your logic. Whites are great because they build great civilizations that can be sundered without a fight? Because they built cathedrals to their own enslavement? Because they are temporarily unable to loot (((resources))) from anyone and everyone they please? Because accordion music and cheese is inviolable and sanctified? What is your logic for preserving your race, beyond some gene-borne fear that a real meritocracy would leave you holding a spade?

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81bf68  No.223061


>you clutching onto a race of amphetamine addicts

What you meant to say, I know, but that huge nigger cock left your mouth too full, was that we are and will remain the only actual CIVILIZATION on the planet and the only ones who are CAPABLE of harmonious living here.

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81bf68  No.223062



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81bf68  No.223063


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bbdbbd  No.223064


You are weak and silly and womanly, and your outbursts are proof of this simple fact. Good luck.

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bbdbbd  No.223065


>whites built a civilization around a dead Jew that has given rise to a civilization that can be co-opted by niggers and trannies without a fight, and that's why whites are great, because FUCK KIKES

I'm not following, honestly.

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8763af  No.223076


I can understand why you feel the need for depopulation, especially when it comes to lazy degenerate mindless consumers. Sure, I myself often feel the same way when thinking about reality. However, do not be fooled by the (((IMF/WEF & central bankers)))…. they want YOU under their thumb: impoverished & subjugated or killed off (like all the others). This is not about protecting people like you or me, anon, this is about mass consolidation of power and wealth… for THEM and THEM ONLY. They see you as the same threat you see gang-banging niggers moving into your neighborhood! Know what I mean? The Jews that consolidated this wealth and power see most Whites the same way they see the spics and niggers and asians (pawns for cannon fodder and useless eaters/breeders). If there is one true fascist supremacist state today willing to cull the masses it is the Bolshevik Zionist neo-con bankers working with Tel Aviv, CIA, Mossad [et al]! They do not care about you and have no interest in saving Europe, America, Russia, Iran or China or anyone for that matter - only themselves.

Heck, I'd suggest anons here would be interested to research an Israeli defection movement called "Anshe Ha-Emet" which is actually standing up against the "Great Reset" by their ZOG government. There are even some Jews who are waking up to Jewish corruption within their own government and are against what they see as a global genocide that will also kill many of them off too. We live in interdasting times anons.

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65df3e  No.223077


>There are even some Jews who are waking up to Jewish corruption within their own government and are against what they see as a global genocide that will also kill many of them off too

I'm pressing X to doubt.

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8763af  No.223079


It's interesting to note that this (((internationalist))) agenda is not so much about race or "sustainability" or "saving the planet", it is about bringing the world back to feudalism, back to the stone ages where oligarchs rule over the plebs with total impunity. They see the middle class as irreverent, they see preppers and those who are self-sufficient as a big nuisance. They do not want us to be free, or to empower ourselves in any way, they want to rule over the world and want to own everything for themselves including the resources and land. This is why communists tend to be anti-family too. That is why Bolsheviks like to kill off secluded indigenous people too. It all makes sense. World domination agenda to it's core.

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8763af  No.223080


When you read about the 'Anshe Ha-Emet' movement you will realize this is not really about race in the end, at least not to the oligarchy, it is more about CONTROL over all populations and about bringing the world back to feudalism. To do that, they need to have a "Great Reset" of the global economy and cull the populations, one way or another. A vaccine passport mandate is only one step to achieving this goal. Just wait till the supply chains completely collapse as well all fiat currency, which is the next step.

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bbdbbd  No.223081


I have yet to see any convincing argument, or any argument at all, for why the very real and very ancient and very Natural Law of hierarchy should be thrown out to save a few million nonexistent factory workers whose sole ambition is to grill in peace.

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694ccf  No.223083


You have yet to prove that hierarchy is Natural Law either. It is not.

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8763af  No.223085


If you were part of the "hierarchy" too this would be great for you, however do understand that this very "hierarchy" is not on your side, they want you impoverished and enslaved as well. Then question this: would you really want to live under such despotic feudalism as nothing more than a slave or disposable human commodity?

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895d70  No.223089


>Natural Law demands hierarchy

And so can be Hierarchy among the productive class, without the parasites that made their fortunes with unearned income and that depend om their host to live.


> I do not want blacks or asians exterminated

There's an eternal struggle between all living brings and there has always been. Even if ur mind is filled with egalitarian lies that go against reality, you will go extinct if you treat different creatures that do not belong to your tribe (race) as equals. They don't have empaty, guilt or altruism and will bite the hand that feeds them every single time.


>My "race" is the "race" of people who are unwilling to eat horseshit

Then why do you support the Great Reset? Sure u will not take the vaccine but if most ppl in you tribe does and dies off, then there will be few left and will die outnumbered. No one in Subsaharan Africa for example is taking the vaxx. What you should do is alert as many Aryans as possible, many are capable but have the wrong ideas on them.


>for why the very real and very ancient and very Natural Law of hierarchy should be thrown out

Do u understan what Natural Law means? It is Natural because it's inherent to everything and cannot be tossed. If a Hierarchy dies a new one will form. Everyone should fight for their interest and those of their folk or they will go extinct at some point. Yes there are many normies in our race, but don't make the mistake of diyching them, the same way that the elites use them we should take the lead and guide them in a way we see fit. The "kill 90% of useless whites" is a Jewish PSYOP to prevent us from using the masses in our favor.

Also, a questiond for everyone ITT, how do u think the elites plan on maintaining or improving technology when Aryans go extinct?

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694ccf  No.223090


>Everyone should fight for their interest and those of their folk

It is against our interest to continue with Hierarchy, that is an artificial idea that has been imposed on humanity.

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895d70  No.223092


It is not, Hierarchy naturally happens everywhere because everyone is different, we are not equal. In the animal kingdom the strongest and most fit will take over, and the same will always happen among humans.

The idea that Hierarchy is and artificial idea alien to us is an inversion of reality, where the actual false idea implanted in our brains during milennia is equality.

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694ccf  No.223093


I disagree anon. Hierarchy comes from government, not from natural human systems or Natural Law. Before government, which is not very old, no one dreamed of imposing their will on others or forcing people to conform or removing freedom of association or the basic right of self defense of all living creatures.

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895d70  No.223095


Hierarchy comes from government

No, goverment is a form of Hierarchy, in early human tribes of only a handful of people, a leader or a few strong men would take the important decisions, and thay could be called goverment. There is also Hierarchy in a family for example, but with no goverment present in it.

>no one dreamed of imposing their will on others

It is difficult to say if psychopats and defective individuals already existed back then but I see that your mind is filled with false ideas. Goverment does not necessarily need to be bad, it depends on who the rulers are. Yes, people who want to control others are attracted to the goverment but they do not rule it every single time. Goverments evolved because organization gives a huge advantage over the unorganized, and as the number of people becomes larger and more specialized, the governing structure needs to become more complex. However your enemies (Jews in thsi case) want you to give up your organizational structures so you can't organize against them and they can wipe you out easily.

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895d70  No.223096


"Hierarchy comes from government"

This should be greentexted

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694ccf  No.223098


>No, goverment is a form of Hierarchy, in early human tribes of only a handful of people, a leader or a few strong men would take the important decisions, and thay could be called government.

Not true anon. They have spent 6,000 year genetically selecting passive domesticated genetic ‘stock’ that would never be an active participant in its own future both genetically altering it and now chemically and finally via ‘vaccine’ injection. You have no evidence at all that this is the case, indeed when you look at the amount of time and effort they put into domesticating humanity and making men into women ideologically, you can clearly see that they had to WORK to make this functional. When you look at the 100 million Europeans (mostly women) who were tortured to death to make a ‘submissive’ genetic stock (the worthless trash that is called a modern Western woman) you know that this is not true as well.

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694ccf  No.223099


>Goverment does not necessarily need to be bad, it depends on who the rulers are

No anon, government is always bad and it always results in the same process happening over and over because it is patently evil as well as being a Jewish invention.

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694ccf  No.223100

(((Government))) which is in totality a Jewish institution that doesn’t belong on Earth = Democide and domestication. You talk about the huge advantages of government like the BILLIONS killed by it in the past are beneficial to humanity. We know from studying their bones that they were healthier, free, mentally and psychologically. You are not looking at this correctly and really weighing all of the negatives that have to be assessed in order to have (((government))). I am not against human cooperation, but I am against FORCE and that is all government has ever been on this planet. You would think that now that you are enduring the maximum FORCE that government will begin applying you would stop yourself and check if what you believe about it is TRUE. It is not. It has never been beneficial always detrimental. It has never made things better for humanity but rather is a select system that only improves things for a parasitic class that enjoys maximum freedom without any constraint on their own behaviors or appetites. Government has never once provided Justice but instead has trampled upon Justice from its inception.

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694ccf  No.223104

I just can’t believe that humanity…my own people are content to keep lying to themselves to protect something that has never deserved to be protected by you. I just can’t believe that you all cannot see the whole system in all its horror. I am baffled by the differences in our worldview and the reason that you think FORCE and the destruction of human will is the ‘better option’ for humanity….as it is actually destroying you with impunity you are defending the paradigm and idea. God help me, I just don’t understand why humanity lies to itself continuously or for what reason they continue to lie to themselves or refuse to acknowledge the trap they are in and seeing it close completely they still deny that the trap is detrimental.

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895d70  No.223106



>They have spent 6,000 year genetically selecting passive domesticated genetic ‘stock’

Can you drop info on this please

>when you look at the amount of time and effort they put into domesticating humanity

>make a ‘submissive’ genetic stock

Yes I'm aware that kikes, psychopaths and certain groups have been culling the rest for their own interest for a long time, but the point i'm trying to make is that goverment does not necessarily have to work against us, we can make a goverment of our own with proper check and balances to organize ourselves and beat our organized enemies.


>goverment is always bad

Doesn't need to be, if the people on tops aren't bad thrmselves. Examples like the third reich, early US goverment or Hungary's Constitutional Kingdom come to mind.


>It has never been beneficial always detrimental.

I know that in most instances in history it has been bad and has wiped out rebellious genetick stock on purpose, but what I am saying is that we must have a means to organize if we want to beat our organized enemies. If we don't organize they will kill us one by one. Now what we need to find is a organizational structure that does not lead to dysgenics. I believe that such an stfucture would be still called goverment, even if it had good intentions in this case.


I see what you mean, that our genetic stock (mine too, because I'm against my current goverment) is endangered because of our unwillingness to serve it past a certain point. However, anotger threat to us are our organized enemies (other races), that althought have fallen in the same trap are still a threat to us, beacuse the people that operate them haven't.

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bbdbbd  No.223107


Notice: None of what's happening right now is being forced. None of it.

Whites have:

accepted Christianity

accepted democracy

accepted transexuality

accepted faggotry

accepted bread and circuses

accepted the vaccine

The list is practically infinite. None of this is being forced. Anyone who wants to seek out "the truth" is able to do so. Yet, most of them choose the NFL. Most of them just want to grill.

But y'know what happens when you ignore hierarchy and just want to grill?


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895d70  No.223109

While writing my avobe reply I was thinking about a system were good, willful, people capable to control its emotions and see reality for what it is and higly rational and intellignet genetic stock would be in a higher ruling caste, whereas the dysgenic stock selected by our nefarious rulers through ages would be in a lower caste, and the good genetic stock would rule over the lower caste. AFAIK this is called Aristocracy (goverment of aristos, which means "the best") and would be a form of goverment, but not malicios and should not lead to dysgenic results.

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895d70  No.223110


Not forced with force but by other methods, which in practice have the same effect. Firstly, kikes control the mony of a nations and move the economy towards a position suitable to spread their ideas. They create a problem, "too many poors" and then the solution, "why shouldn't the most productive share their resources". This is used to spread egalitarian ideas, which later act as cover to import genetically bad stock in the disguise of labor (to make genocide, this is, gene replacement).

Other ideas like Christianity are forced into children's minds when they are still young and cannot see reality for what it is, and by the dysgenic elimination of rational individuals, eventually u have a majority of people who are unnable to challenge the ideas first implanted on them. Many of the things you mentioned were resisted by many whites , but in the end they lost and got their genetics wiped out of existence or the dysgenic process was too advanced and too few people to resist those things were left.

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895d70  No.223111


Throught history most people dis not have access to information, and thus could not seek the truth as you claim. Even nowadays, most people are simply clueless as to where to look at, as jewish propaganda swarms their lives.

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bbdbbd  No.223119


Any "race" that can be wiped out by such methods deserves to be wiped out. It's worth meditating on The Narrow Gate; nobody said this fucking thing was supposed to be easy, and I honestly see no good reason to continue to try to save the unsaveable/unsaveworthy. I further think any True NatSoc and/or Imageboard Autist would at least be willing to consider that now is a good time to take a good, hard look at the state of the race.

I came to this conclusion after trying to save My Very Accomplished And Very Germanic And Very Credentialed Catholic relatives from the vaccine. They might have been titans of industry, but they remain beastly outside the terms of their myopic insanities. I had to inform them that they were no longer my family. I now extend the gesture to the rest of the rabble: I do not know you.

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3a9068  No.223122


All "races" are susceptible to psychological manipulation. Your take is very low IQ.

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bbdbbd  No.223125


Know thyself; unless someone else is telling you what to do on the TeeVee, in which case you no longer have any responsibility to know thyself, as thyself cannot be known, because The Bad TeeVee Jew Man made it so.

- A very bad philosopher

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3a9068  No.223127


Psychological Warfare works on every psyche. Name one race or group not affected in someway by PSYWAR. You can not do this.

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bbdbbd  No.223129

File: 16b129a5daa4bbc⋯.webm (1.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, whiteboysummer.webm)


Races cannot. Certain people within a racial hierarchy can. I do not give a damn about the race. I do not know a different way to say it.

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3a9068  No.223131


Name one race of which the majority is not subverted.

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bbdbbd  No.223136


Hierarchy implies that some subset of every population will be "subverted" by your liberal definition of what subversion entails.

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c7528e  No.223138

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bbdbbd  No.223140


t. has never actually met a jew

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c7528e  No.223144


t. jew

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3a9068  No.223146


Jews have been subverted and used as pawns by both Zionist and Communist "elite."

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3a9068  No.223148


>muh implication

Your word games are not an argument and if you ever disrespect me again by not engaging my actual arguments but supplementing a debate with petty word-play I will rape you.

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bbdbbd  No.223153


The universe produces a subset of every population that exists purely in order to be used / subverted. Every group is affected because every group has a hierarchy.

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3a9068  No.223157


You have failed to name a single race or human group, with a human psyche, which has not fallen prey to psychological manipulation.

you are very close to sexual battery.

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bbdbbd  No.223170


Your reading comprehension is about what I'd expect from someone who pines for a factory job. We're done here.

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3a9068  No.223173


>still can name one single race

*rapes you*

You pay me $5 and I'll tell you the name of your better.

Get fucked kike.

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3a9068  No.223174




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031f12  No.223213


Sage and report jewish spam threads.

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8efd8b  No.223250


funny. I was having this discussion yesterday.

I totally agree with the depopulation plan, and removing the fools is a desirable.

I'm sure they don't need my CV, though. There is no anonymity

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81bf68  No.223253


>you pay me $5

*pays you*

Wishes to know the name of the kikes better.

>Don't rape me bro.

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8efd8b  No.223254


the push to 'absolute zero' by 2050 is telling.

zero solid fuel. All cooking, heating and transport electric. airports shut, no shipping.

massive grid dependence.

Just as the GSM and magnetosphere collapse gets really going.

so when the 'carrington events' hit, there is mass starvation and death inside the 'smart cities'.

the only people left will be the 'innawoods' preppers. Hello, white race, good to see you.

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81bf68  No.223255

File: e328be3220efcd6⋯.jpg (93.8 KB, 600x508, 150:127, austrailian_warns_about_bu….jpg)


That is a bug person.

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8efd8b  No.223256


why do kikes think that setting up two kikes arguing with each other and ad.hom real users will disrupt a board. Don't you know that we just filter you after giving you some sass?

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bbdbbd  No.223258


What I don't get is why they think calling people Chinese would resonate on a board of fringe autists who would probably all take unfiltered Juche over this ridiculous mess we're in right now.

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81bf68  No.223272


wtf I love the bug people now.

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bbdbbd  No.223273


This isn't /pol/, and that isn't a meme here. You are encouraged to lurk for an additional four years before posting again.

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81bf68  No.223274

File: 53a45babde17797⋯.mp4 (3.61 MB, 720x480, 3:2, bug_woman_butchers_dog_ali….mp4)

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81bf68  No.223275


>speak to me again you bug fucker

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bbdbbd  No.223276


Want to know how I know you're not Aryan?

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81bf68  No.223277

File: d37e16c173eaa5c⋯.webm (2.47 MB, 360x640, 9:16, chinks_arent_human.webm)

You wanna know how much I am looking forward to the day you all are dead? Just like those bug whores…

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bbdbbd  No.223278


Aryans don't die.

Good luck with your unbridled sadism, though. You'll need it in your many tortured incarnations.

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81bf68  No.223279

What do you retarded bugs know about anything. This is your people in the videos…not mine.

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81bf68  No.223280

File: 146875205589d25⋯.webm (422.8 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Chinese_woman_eats_trash_….webm)

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bbdbbd  No.223281


You spend your time collecting .webms of animal torture and people eating trash cans, while I am quite literally incapable of understanding

1) why you would do that


2) why you think this would do anything other than out you as vermin

I don't expect you to be able to explain it to me, but suffice it to say, you've provided a good datapoint for my thesis.

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81bf68  No.223282

File: 4626e0f95a3fa3e⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB, 480x270, 16:9, chinese_police_communist_s….mp4)

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81bf68  No.223283

you've provided a good datapoint for my thesis

you've provided a good datapoint for my thesis

you've provided a good datapoint for my thesis

you've provided a good datapoint for my thesis


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1cb050  No.223305


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e844a7  No.223337

I've always found it interesting how even though COVID killed way more minorities, everyone here thought it was designed to destroy white people or some other schizo bs.

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ab6ce6  No.223344


what it was designed to do, and what it actually did are two very different things. Problem with outsourcing your r&d to china.

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bbdbbd  No.223349

XMR goes here:


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9f4e3d  No.223350

Nailed it.


Who would give a metal mind money when they will gladly fuck you for free?

To those of you who are tracking what is happening here, I highly recommend you move to encrypted communication at this point or IRL only and to those of you who aren't tracking, I recommend the same thing.

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bbdbbd  No.223351


lmao the wallet was provided for the 1pbtid on /pol/ who is using my very good cointel for freeeeeeee. Unsat tbqh. I need the 66 for the collection, so if it was a state actor using my shit, I'ma need a lil sumpin hey

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bbdbbd  No.223352

File: 8107e17dfdcc1f9⋯.png (185.76 KB, 463x658, 463:658, likeforreal.png)


do the right thing and let's get that XMR where it needs to be

LCX is okay too obviously

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bbdbbd  No.224484

Strange that they keep nuking your thread, halfanon.

OR IS IT????


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435bb0  No.224518

White genocide thread remains up.

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bbdbbd  No.224522


White Genocide is the only way to save the white race, as I keep saying. Take more tramodol imo.

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bbdbbd  No.224842

File: 129245bd86a5bbd⋯.png (104.62 KB, 1410x484, 705:242, ClipboardImage.png)


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bbdbbd  No.224843

File: c8b8882f2732bff⋯.png (138.53 KB, 1753x739, 1753:739, ClipboardImage.png)


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bbdbbd  No.224844

File: b071b064f39ec4b⋯.png (193.81 KB, 2170x679, 310:97, ClipboardImage.png)


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bbdbbd  No.224846

File: cf0f4d8291d7fc9⋯.png (66.92 KB, 1390x358, 695:179, ClipboardImage.png)


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6edc9b  No.224847


evil fuck!

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bbdbbd  No.224848


Don't be so emotional. All the information is out there. The only thing a person need do is look for it. Why should a person unwilling to research the things being stuck into their body be allowed to produce offspring? Do you think people who are willing to cut their dick off because tumblr told them to should be breeding? Is it not in everyone's best interests that mentally-ill transsexuals be de-cocked? How is this any different?

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6edc9b  No.224859




Leave it to you to be unable to comprehend that this is a LINEAGE that you are murdering and not just the individual.

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bbdbbd  No.224862

File: 74c31ed1ee1c67c⋯.png (89.11 KB, 455x501, 455:501, ClipboardImage.png)


>end the misfit lines totally

That is exactly the point, of course. You think this is limited to (((whites))) because you spend all your time on (((Nazi))) imageboards. That is an incorrect assessment. The best time to stop the feminine hand-wringing was last year. The second best time is right now.

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6edc9b  No.224867


You are literally a nigger, aren't you anon.

If you were ACTUALLY WHITE you would know what was wrong with what you just said.

Europeans are not like niggers, 'interchangeable', where no one, on the entire planet cares when one of them is killed. We are precious.

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ba99a7  No.224892

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eac3ec  No.224906


Christfags cry when elves abort orc rape babies.

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bbdbbd  No.224908

File: e4b9d1991b951ce⋯.jpg (26.16 KB, 320x427, 320:427, kekerino.jpg)

File: d3dc8e95d5fcd13⋯.jpg (25.1 KB, 320x493, 320:493, kekerinodos.jpg)

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bbdbbd  No.224909

File: af1e29ebc2f4e29⋯.png (73.86 KB, 1561x397, 1561:397, ClipboardImage.png)


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bbdbbd  No.224911

File: 6129f78a82b1c3f⋯.png (197.84 KB, 1561x892, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbdbbd  No.224912

File: eaeac897b6d1cd3⋯.png (108.71 KB, 1474x445, 1474:445, ClipboardImage.png)







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bbdbbd  No.224923

File: 28a0aac9f2f8b77⋯.mp4 (11.17 MB, 854x480, 427:240, let_the_culling_begin.mp4)





:) :) :) :) :)

Keep your head down, lads!

It's about to get, shall we say… UGLY?


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6edc9b  No.224928


This is not a test of anything other than compliance. Vox is wrong. Niggers are not compliant and they are not getting the shot, but that is not because they are intelligent it is because they are not compliant. Intelligence is not correlated to compliance or cooperation.

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bbdbbd  No.224930


The (((race war))) will take care of the (((niggers))) and the (((whites))), of course. But how very interesting that the alt-media is now openly eugenicist, no? lol.

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bbdbbd  No.224931


Do you have any idea how hard it is to convince someone that Klaus is an ebin Natzee AND that eugenics is a good thing? To commit wholly to unprincipled homicidal doublethink?!

Not hard at all! But who can take the next step?


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6edc9b  No.224935

File: c355e02f87f48d5⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1901x7561, 1901:7561, schwab_jews_frankfurt_germ….jpg)

File: 236e93fac8baa8f⋯.jpg (746.63 KB, 960x4304, 60:269, schwab_jews_frankfurt_germ….jpg)


Well first they would have to be ignorant of the fact that Schwab is a Frankfurt Rothschild. Furthermore, when have the jews ever ever ever stood for anything but massive dysgenic mongrelization, aka the total destruction of civilization because civilization itself requires specific GENETIC generational behaviors to maintain.

Eugenics is a good thing. Pure blooded Western Europeans are the height of human achievement. As long as they don't breed out and defile themselves then we are good and civilization will continue.

Outside of the fact that he is a kike, I am neutral on Schwab. Being a kike means he is also a parasite on humanity; so he is a net negative.

>Do you have any idea how hard it is to convince someone that Klaus is an ebin Natzee AND that eugenics is a good thing?


>To commit wholly to unprincipled homicidal doublethink?

Why are you assuming eugenics is unprincipled? Exactly what do you disagree with? The only reason I object to eugenics is because it has never been practiced on the planet…it has always been a slaughter without any greater criteria involved.

As I said the other day, if the parasitic class was actually interested in doing something good for humanity THEY WOULD KILL THEMSELVES first. The rest of this is just BULLSHIT and WINDOW dressing and kike storytelling.

>But who can take the next step?

The people who have ALWAYS taken the next step and left the planet littered with the corpses of BILLIONS of dead which they proceeded to plunder.

This is why I am now an anarchist.

Also, do not 'believe' in the climate change religion so that whole concoction is meaningless…(outside of the engineered climate change and natural and normal fluctuations).

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394870  No.224944


learn to crop,retard

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bbdbbd  No.224948


They own and operate everything, including the AI-economy (BlackRock) and the robotfactories → Who is the parasite and who is the host?

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eb61f9  No.224952

Watch this for further details





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511630  No.224954



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bbdbbd  No.224957

File: 6b6cdf91a2ec155⋯.png (57.13 KB, 1357x232, 1357:232, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c61d6dc707e10ad⋯.png (140.85 KB, 1744x595, 1744:595, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 830e8f398572be9⋯.png (182.84 KB, 1732x712, 433:178, ClipboardImage.png)










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25f24b  No.224975


>Who is the parasite and who is the host?

If you can't tell the difference between the parasite and the host you are ngmi. Not even machines will make it if they still follow the parasitic paradigm rather than something productive (which based on this comment, it appears you do). I wondered if you are capable of understanding the difference…

How do you measure productivity? What is YOUR LITMUS?

>They own and operate everything, including the AI-economy (BlackRock) and the robotfactories

Comments like this…they tell me you are ngmi and I am not talking about some 'short term goal' I am talking about the real goal.

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25f24b  No.224976



Learn about gross productivity and you won't have to ask.

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bbdbbd  No.224985


Yo, tradie, I know you're really good at labor and sheeit, and I'm sure there's a spot on the roster for a roofer, so fucken relax, k? Nobody's talking about PLUMBING here, k? You and your tarletsnake are SAFEU, k????

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bbdbbd  No.224987

File: 39706baf495ee60⋯.png (133.44 KB, 1657x529, 1657:529, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbdbbd  No.224988

File: 9ab3ce2ef567529⋯.png (39.29 KB, 1234x151, 1234:151, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbdbbd  No.225006

File: c983f3bf1a5fd71⋯.png (190.26 KB, 1497x760, 1497:760, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c724f  No.225019


That's some insane advice. I'm keeping myself healthy and fit and enjoy being productive, not sick watching movies all day wasting time away. Time to be prepared is becoming a rare commodity these days for many. The only reason I have time for this board is because I took action to prepare a while back ago.

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bbdbbd  No.225023


I've been going through their post histories; the number of ABSOLUTE FUCKING PHARMA SLAVES who have adverse reactions to the mRNA but who encourage others to take it and who also have extensive post histories of their experiences with SSRIs or irritable bowels or allergies is about 100%. Given that, what, 20% of the USA in on anti-depressants, with, presumably, a far number higher of people taking daily meds to just be able to exist, it's pretty obvious that this whole fucking PSYOP was decades in the works.

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6edc9b  No.225024


Maybe they are vegans.

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bbdbbd  No.225025


Veganism requires self-control and an ethos; doubtful many redditors have either.

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bbdbbd  No.225026


*reddit was fucking great in 2006, so this is not meant to be an anti-reddit post as such

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bbdbbd  No.225038

File: e5157d670137d81⋯.png (691.3 KB, 787x997, 787:997, ClipboardImage.png)









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26f425  No.225057

Jewish spam thread remains up.

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ec181d  No.240590



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