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9f8368  No.22287[Last 50 Posts]

The debt based monetary system is the source of jewish power. They hold the power of printing fresh money, and have unlimited amounts of it. We cant beat them if we play the game by the rules they created. To beat the jew, we must rip them out of the power of printing money, and borrowing it to goyim and goyernments at interest. Pic releated is the solution.

Cryptocurrencies are honest monetary systems, where everyone are equal and nobody has the power to create money out of thin air. Heck, wars cant be funded with it! This is why MSM is so against the cryptos.


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9f8368  No.22291

File: 591dfe09eb20943⋯.jpg (377.79 KB, 1300x540, 65:27, IMG_20191229_011531.jpg)

>as long as politicians dont try to change this issue, they are kike puppets or useful idiots. Jewish owned media decides wich politician it promotes and the sheep will vote for the jewish candidate. As long as they have unlimited amounts of money, they will own the press. As long as they own the press, they choose the politicians. As long as they choose the politicians they have total control.

Choose cryptos, choose freedom. Best thing is you need to ask nobody to ditch the kike currenciens and start using cryptos. Nobody can stop you from using them and nobody but you can access your cryptowealth.

This is the solution to the problem with minimal violence.

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31d0d2  No.22295

Despite the world government's attempts to stifle the growth of crypto, it will still probably become the currency of the far future. It's main selling point is that it is anonymous and can be transferred electronically. It's like electronic cash. It's also decentralized, respecting no borders or nationality. And that is why they fear it. But if will never work if dumb niggercattle keep treating it like a stock, holding it in hopes that the price will go up and frantically selling whenever it fluctuates. Like any currency, it's value is tied to its purchasing power of goods and services. Therefore, in order to evaluate its value, it must be regularly used in transactions, i.e. treated like actual money. For that to really take off there needs to be a faster way to exchange it and a more anonymous way to acquire it. The average bitcoin transaction can take hours or even days depending on the priority level, and the economy can't be run on such delayed transaction times. I know I sure as hell ain't waiting three hours just to place an order for pizza. The other problem is that most governments have implemented new laws that require citizens to provide identification to buy crypto from a list of approved good goy vendors. And most of the coin is tied up in those vendors' reserves. Since crypto is basically a fiat currency, still better than the dollar, it can't store value just by sitting around. It needs to be circulated. Someone needs to buy all that fucking coin and start spending it on actual goods in order to impart value onto it and make it easier for regular people to acquire.

Anyways, I don't see crypto really taking off until humanity becomes a multi-planet species. Until then, the cost of using it outweighs other forms of commerce. It wont be until humanity is too spread out to realistically send goods through space that anonymous, electronic money will be useful. At that point bitcoin will basically become the "space credit" like you see in science fiction settings, sent across planets and moons via laser array.

Considering in the future most goods will be cheaper to produce domestically than shipping millions of miles through space, the bulk of interplanetary trade will be done though intellectual property and copyright. And for once that means that Ron actually had an intelligent idea in his life. Susucoin has a weird ass feature where you can archive 8chan posts and supposedly other forms of media into the blockchain, at the cost of a few coins. If humanity switches to a crypto system for interplanetary trade, and mostly trades in the form of electronic media, then you could actually wrap the media in the coins themselves and thus give an actual value to an electronic currency. Of course once something like a movie is on the blockchain it's basically public access for everyone to pirate forever, so companies might have to switch to a commission/patron based business model, or else not archive their whole media in the coin and just product keys.

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faf987  No.22296

Tried cryptos. I learned hackers rule that market and steal cryptos like candy. Many I talked with got their bitcoins stolen etc. Me included got cryptocoins stolen, more than you can ever imagine. Whoever promotes crypto after seeing how criminal syndicates have taken over it completely with "trojans" and such goes straight into my alarm radar. I figure either you are a kid and completely ignorant about the issues involving it. Or you are part of the criminal syndicate.

Sad to say, unless there is some regulation, criminals will always rule those markets. There is no good side any more. I'm strongly against Crypto now due to the massive thefts I experienced and those around me. Unlike anything with currency based system, sure they might print the cash from thin air. But when you get your crypto stolen and you know that knowing can be done about it to bring the thieves to justice. Then you start to prefer regulators side currency based money system. Its about choosing the options which gives least stress and most security.

Right now Crypto currencies are absolute trash, and promoted by the globalists to create a one world currency. Only morons fail to realize the true zionists are behind cryptos for one currency based system eventually in world without physical cash goyim is easy to control. Crypto = One Currency = Digital= globalist wet dream.

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9f8368  No.22297


Dont blame cryptos for your own stupidity. Been using cryptos since 2013 and never lost anything. Buddy of mine lost some coins anfter his iphone got stolen and we learned that apple doesnt let apps crypt their data.

There is a right way to use cryptos. And then there is the wrong way of using cryptos. Let me guess, you lost your coins because you trusted thirdparty to hold your coins? Thats the main aspect of cryptos. You dont need to trust thirdparties! Bitcoin has never been hacked, but the exchanges holdong btc have been.

You wouldnt leave you wallet onyour cars dashboard would you?

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663a04  No.22302

File: 5d525e58550db2f⋯.png (2.85 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Screenshot_2019-02-12-06-1….png)

Lol the rothskikes were talking crypto investments before the great migration, fucking newfags.

They've played this game for centuries, you think they are going to get blindsided by crypto? Kek.

Learn to lawfag you useless niggers. Fuck me you go on about final red pills and none of you bar very few anons ever delve into irl, daily red pills which can empower you more than any amount of shekels or crypto.

>What use are goyim points when one can't even do what they wish with them?

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1acdef  No.22312


>Nobody can stop you from using them

They shut off my electricity and stopped collecting my garbage because city services won't take crypto. Now what, faggot?

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2583df  No.22320


Want to hurt the Jew? It's super fucking simple and you don't even need crypto-kike currency

1. Pay off all of your loans

2. Don't get new loans

3. If you must get a loan, get it from a credit union. DON'T USE BANKS.

4. Don't use credit cards. If you must, pay it all off the following month.

5. Don't consume HollyJew and pop culture bullshit.

That's it. Do that with enough people and the kikes will cry.

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21db17  No.22326


Crypto’s are the ultimate fiat bullshit. The CIA runs that entire game and picks and chooses who it will rob and when. Anyone in cryptos is the most retarded person on the planet. At least with Gold it had a manufacturing value. Crypto’s is literally thin air. It it the Emperors new clothes…completely worthless in every way. People who use cryptos really deserve EVERYTHING that happens to them. EVERYTHING.

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21db17  No.22327


“It is difficult to free fools from chains they revere.”

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ff9aed  No.22337


>Dont use banks

Thats why you use cryptos m8. Cash is also issued by kikes and bears interest. Money is useful tool but issuing it is too much power for a man. Power like that corrupts. Thats why nobody should be allowed to issue money. Thats why gold and silver are real honest money.

There is no kikery involved in bitcoin. Its literally the worst nightmare for them. If people dump dollar and start using cryptos they lose the power of printing money and they lose the root source of their power.


You have no idea what you are talking about. Bitcoin is literally digital gold 2.0. to mine one bitcoin one must use around 7000$ worth pf electricitym thats the manufacturing cost. You have fallen for the anti crypto propaganda.

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21db17  No.22340


You have no idea what you are talking about faggot. If crypto was ‘secure’ IT IS NOT then the CIA wouldn’t hold the entire wealth and assets of Silk Road…and DON’T FUCK WITH ME YOU FAGGOT…’muh criminal’ just meant that they could waltz in ANY TIME and completely drain the entire resources and reserves of Silk Road. In order to preserve the ‘look’ of FIAT FUCKING CRYPTOS they made their own ‘laws’ and ‘rule’ violations to preserve the ‘looks’ of their illegal confiscations. SO FUCK YOU FAGGOT. You can deny the fucking reality of the situation all you want but that doesn’t make it ‘true’. What is true is that Bitcoin is totally fiat and just a way for the kikes to steal even more from you on a whim whenever they like for any fucking reason they want…at any time.

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92eca8  No.22341

Bitcoin SV is the truth and the creator is white and genuine in his intentions.


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21db17  No.22347


‘White’? The jews are ‘white’ when it suits them. True in his intentions? What does that mean? It is another form of slavery, there is nothing ‘new’ or honorable about NEW CHAINS that are shinier than the old chains. They are all chains.

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ff9aed  No.22349


Stop talking shit about subject you know nothing of. You seem retarded and crazy, get help. Cryptos have nothing to do with silkroad. It was just form of money that suited that kind of business well because of its anonymity. Bitcoin protocol has never been hacked or cracked. The protocol has been 100% safe since beginning of time. Only 3rd parties handling btc has been hacked, and idiots like you who store btc at shady dark web drug sites have lost their money.

I have stored my btc on a encrypted paper wallet, wich is 100% safe from hacking since the privatekey has never been on a machine that has been connected to internet. Stop talking shit whacko.


Craig was supposed to prove hes satoshi by moving some early btc. Heclaimed he has privatekeys to those but he failed to make the transaction. Bitcoin SV(satoshis vision, core is satoshis vision lmao) has all theelements of exit scam.

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21db17  No.22352


Why do you think the US Gov is the majority holder of Bitcoin? Where did their interest come from? Crytpos are not ‘secure’…the jews completely control them. If Bitcoin has never been hacked (lie) then where did the money from silkroad end up? How did the government confiscate the funds of silkroad if they are ‘secure’? Bitcoin is, if possible’ even LESS SECURE than any other form of currency on the planet.

>shady drug sites?

If it was SECURE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SECURE you faggot kike.

You are proving with your words that it was not secure and it has never been ‘secure’. Do you think that the average user of /pnd/ is a stupid and incapable of seeing what is clearly in front of their face?

>muh wallet safe

Even if it was, which it OBVIOUSLY ISN’T, what are you going to trade it for in the event of an EMP…what will you use as currency when the system is compromised or down?

QUIT THINKING LIKE A FUCKING KIKE. The only purpose of things like btc was to vacuum up the very last of the gullible US citizens funds. It is as controlled, by its fucking nature, as all other currencies are at this point.

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c57f3b  No.22354


I have neither seen not heard of anything to suggest Bitcoin doesn't work the way it is supposed to.

The funds were sucked up because they gained access to the private keys, not because they hacked them.

People being insecure with their keys is the vector of attack, or by having your funds in someone else's control when they hit the road jack (third party exchanges).

There are serious concerns about segwit. There are serious concerns about the way the kikes took over the core development and steered the ship. There are serious concerns over how Bitcoin ABC devs got compromised. There are serious concerns about Craig wright and all the Chinese connections to mining because power is 1/2 price there allowing them to continue to mine at a profit when it becomes a net loss for the rest of the world.

But there are many roads being paved right now all thanks to the block chain method which allowed for decentralizing systems that were previously forced to be centralized…like banking…

McAfee is a charlatan in his own right but his recent video talking about building a decentralized exchange is VERY important. That, plus a privacy coin that actually works, and a way to handle these central development authorities that keep getting bought lit are the holy Trinity required to cancel the current fiat system of financial control….

From which all wars, msm corruption, political influence, education brainwashing etc etc etc all stems from … If these Jews lose their golden goose they lose everything else. And like McAfee says, it is inevitable and the only question is whether the transition will be quick and painful, or long and painful. Either way it is coming…

And none of it can be stopped by your whining propaganda or anything else.

Now will it be btc? Bch? Bsv? Eth? Dash? Xmr? Probably not. All of those have serious issues …but then look at all the faggot Homebrew cell phone OS that existed before apple and Google stepped in.

Did you not see the writing on the wall with cell phones until Jobs showed it to you? Are you like me gates who couldnt see the inevitability of the internet? Will you be blockbuster standing against online video on demand?

Give me a break. None of what anyone says about the topic matters. The technology exists and it will continue to be developed. And one day………

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2583df  No.22357


That’s neat and all, but bitcoin has one fatal flaw that prevents it from being a viable currency: it is unregulated. And since it is unregulated, kikes can at any given time buy up a shit ton of it, and then dump it, creating volatility. People can lose their life savings. Economies would crash and burn in an instant.

You’d be better off basing your economy on Coca Cola stock. At least it is stable and regulated.

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3286c8  No.22378



Violence solves all. Instead of beating them in any game (theirs or ours) or any rules or laws, simply kill them.

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21db17  No.22379


If its value didn’t change then it would be viable. But look at the shift (fluctuation) in value during the term of its ‘life’. Has its value fluctuated leading to your point? Yes it has…it their some sort of ‘scarcity’ of ‘nothing’ (btc)(electronic bits of data) in the world? I don’t think so…there is exactly as much value in them now as there was when they were created…so how have they been manipulated to be worth more or less than they have when they first came into existence?

They are manipulated because their is controls on them. Artificial scarcity (because who believes ‘nothing’ is scarce somehow…lmfao) that and the establishment of control systems that interfere with markets is problematic for any real financial system. FIAT is the stand in for something of actual value, your labor. Bitcoin is not only FIAT there is nothing actually there at all unless you have some sort of way to trade in electrons (0,1) which is typically beyond most (but not all) peoples reach.

The volatility and the coordinated racket they run through criminal enterprise is what should be in question here. It is one thing when a man can ‘make money’ by mining for it, refining it, and owning the product of his labor OR he could trade his labor for something someone else refined and processed. He has choice. In the system that we find ourselves in WE HAVE NO CHOICE…and those who want CHOICE are murdered…every single last one of them are slaughtered in the worst way possible.

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21db17  No.22380


>simply kill them

Yes, their extermination MUST take place otherwise there will never be peace on this planet. They are a parasitic canker on the Earth…they and their systems of death dealing.

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544a24  No.22402


>simple explanation

>huge diatribe in response

You are better off doing stock market speculation than using crypto.

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388d3f  No.22404

File: 7f4b6c4500fa770⋯.jpg (8.5 KB, 319x158, 319:158, link american psycho.jpg)

buy chainlink

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ff9aed  No.22407


Trying to achieve big enough portio of btc by buying it feom the market will just sky roclet the price.and if you dump what you just bought you will end up losing, bwcause the skyrocketing price qill attract more buyers. Only about 10% of existing btc is for sale anyways,you cant buy them all up.


We rip them out of power of printing money and they slowly die off. You have to produce something of value to get money, and pushing propaganda with btc doesnt create value. Eventually they run out of money!

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388d3f  No.22408

File: cf21f05874e093b⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1765x966, 1765:966, btc eth link.png)


srsly if u weren't buying chainlink at 40 cents aftetr /biz/ shilled it from aug 2017 until april 2019 non stop then u failed the IQ test

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388d3f  No.22409


there's still time , add small amounts of RLC/ENG/DAG/QNT into ur portfolio as well as as much LINK/ETH/BTC as u can

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ff9aed  No.22410


You cant beat evil with evil. You became evil yourself in the process.


You are wrong and dont understand how bitcoin works. If you have one bitcoin you know you have 1 out of all the 21 000 000 bitcoins. You can look it up from the blockchain! Nobody can change thefact that only 21mil btc will ever exist! And thats the key element that will kill the kike.


I think that btc being unregulated is strenght of it. Governments can regulate it, but they can not control it. Regulation is useless because people can still use it anonymously even if it is regulated.

Money separated from the government is what the humanity needs. People corrupt, algortihms doesnt.

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388d3f  No.22412

File: 94ab5417b431954⋯.png (409.58 KB, 900x900, 1:1, me buying link.png)

File: 582551f4e163c59⋯.jpg (149.77 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, link saving west.jpg)


try get 1000 - 5000 LINK and 32 - 64 eth so u can earn dividends via staking


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388d3f  No.22413


china outlawed btc and it put a dent in the price but never stopped it being used in china and the dent was temporary back in late 2017 , cme are trying to tame btc currently with derivatives markets but its a game between chinese vs american vs other whales fighting each other so its hard for it to tame

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ff9aed  No.22419


Yes. More the governments fight crypto, more resistant they became. The price used to tank back in the day after every negative MSM news. Nowadays they dont matter a shit. Daily price is just that, daily price. Btc has never stopped growing, just recently new mining hashing record was made.

Nobody is surprised that communist countries outlaw stuff that gives people freedom. Too bad outlawing doesnt mean shit. People can still use cryptos in countries where its banned.

Torrents are and were illegal aswell. They still thrived and and forced the movie industry to develop. Thats what cryptos are doing and they will win.

In 100years 1985-2035 will be viewed as the time when internet was invented and how it changed everything. Including money as we use it.

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21db17  No.22420


>you don’t understand…

kike continues to blah blah blah…I do understand the important part.

Tell it to all the people who have been ripped off including that High Security Crypto Currency Wallet company that resulted in China outlawing it. TELL IT TO THE PEOPLE WHO USED SILKROAD. TELL IT TO ANYONE THAT DOESN’T HAVE A BACKDOOR SYSTEM IN THEIR HARDWARE INSTALLED BY THE US GOV AND ISRAEL…you can’t fucking think that they don’t know your encryption and know everything they need to to take EVERYTHING from you whenever they please. I see that you are determined to bury your head and be a slave to the biggest scam that has ever been perpetuated on the planet, ‘money’.

There is no help for your type of slavery because it is in your mind and you are willing to be enslaved. You think that your greed is payback enough in case you get burned…a gambler by choice, you do not care if you have to ‘pay later’ as long as you get the instability that drives your imaginary prosperity now.


Look how ‘clever’ you are…the kikes new endeavor for global slavery is ‘going well’ and you think that is some sort of ‘surprise’ that couldn’t be anticipated. They literally have all the money on the planet to prop it up and they DO THAT with the fiat currency that is currently in circulation.


Are you all surprised?!

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388d3f  No.22422

they knew about bitcoin in the 90s but they choose not to release it until the right time, had bitcoin been released before 08 the crypto would have taken over, instead they waited as they planned how to control it

paper here from the 90s


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ff9aed  No.22426


Your examples are all 3rd parties getting hacked or people trusting 3rd party losing their money. There is a right way to use crypto and then its 100% safe. I literally created my paperwallet from a pc that i booted fresh ubuntu installed on usb device. It was never connected to internet so there is nochance it could leak anywhere. I also made sure that the printer i used didnt have any memore or internet connection.

Your lunatic and your knoweledge and understanding of blockchain technology is very limited.

Also, i have already taken 10x out what i have put in so i already won. You have lost because you are refusing to learn.

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ff9aed  No.22433


Thats a centralized system without blockchain. Blockchain is the key invention, it makes the system decentralized.

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5c6ef0  No.22451



First post - clickbait


Buy bitshekels, goyim.

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5c6ef0  No.22452

The only thing which valuable is weapons and ammo in the coming years.

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ff9aed  No.22475


Dont believe this kind of disinfo. Study cryptocurrencies yourself and use your own logic.

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21db17  No.22535


Are you going to fire your 0,1’s at someone when they come to take your shit? I believe anon is correct and you are in error. Also, ‘greed’ doesn’t work on me >>22426. There are things that are harmful and things that are MORAL for society and I chose not to participate in things that are obviously harmful and kike oriented…no matter how many GIBS (me dats) you say you squeezed from the system. Anyone who cannot see that what you are talking about (making money from nothing) and what has happened in the USA with the kikes ‘ferderal reserve’ which also ‘made GIBS me dat’ from nothing is a fucking FOOL. There are correct ways to earn and INCORRECT WAYS TO EARN. There are benefits to society and things that kill, torture and harm society.


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ff9aed  No.22587


Lmao to the one who doesnt understand the concept of investing.

If the value of your house goes up what do you do?


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d3fe93  No.22590


Unnatural gains do not 'appear out of nowhere' anon. You are just like a nigger on welfare who thinks that the money just 'comes forth out of nothing'. To fucking stupid to understand that if it comes to you, it is TAKEN from someone or somewhere else.

If my house goes up in value it is because I labor on it every day, making improvements in it which is them reflected in the value of the house. It is not 'muh investment' it is my lifework and something that is going to reflect that I left the world BETTER off than when I came into it.

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ff9aed  No.22599


No, the value of your house gpes up because the demand for houses in that area goes up. The renovating also affects but it can go up in price even though the actual house gets older.

Price of the land you own goes up. What do you do?

You dont understand basic economics, and i am 100% confident you use kike currencies such as $,£ or € everyday. Do you understand how those currencies are created through debt and every single dollar is someones debt and someone is paying interest for it? And because of this mechanism the whole world stays in unpayable debt for ever and thats why most of the people will stay debt alaves.

Cryptos are created in different nature, in a honest way through a mining algorithm and every btc has lots of electrical work behind them.

I didnt get money out of nowhere. i bought a bitcoin with money i earned by work and its value considered in kike currencies went up as the demand got higher. The value of BTC also in $ went also up because $ lost value, bwcause more of it was created from thin air. The amount of bitcoin i had didnt change. I could have bought a piece of land and its value could have gone up in a same way.

Stop making fool of yourself and educate yourself. https://youtu.be/DyV0OfU3-FU

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d3fe93  No.22607

File: dff3c2d8b268377⋯.jpg (158.58 KB, 850x446, 425:223, hitler quote mein kampf.jpg)


We are coming at this from tw odifferent positions. You think that the kike system is fine…this is your underlying premise…and I think it is shit and that we could do infinitely better with something new. You keep trying to point out that I am missing out on your greed and I keep telling you that you are an immoral fuck and that your system is SHIT. On a fundamental level we are not even discussing the same thing.

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000000  No.22665


>borrowing it to

Fugging hell this drives me insane. A lender lends to the borrower, who borrows. Idiot.

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000000  No.22668




Relax. Civilization is dead. 'Jews' (EBIL JOOS BOOOOO uhahaha) are parasites on the corpse of civilization.

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9f8368  No.22776

File: 42b959238dfa60f⋯.jpg (424 KB, 700x1030, 70:103, d83vlc0-7d5f50ee-9dcd-47e0….jpg)


I am not native english speaker. In my language borrow and lend are the same. How ever now i remember this and i should have known it earlier.


Yes we are talking of different topic because you fail to understand my point. Its a fact that € and $ are created as interest bearing debt that enslaves whole humanity to work for the kikes. The fact that there will always be more USD-debt than USD-currency and how that fact means that the debts are unpayable and forces majority of people to keep working and keep COONSOOMING.

And you fail to understand how the creation of cryptos is different since they are not created out of thin air by centralized authority as a interest bearing debt.

Your ignorance and stupidity goes to levels way over my comprehension. Really makes me feel like i am argumenting agains a KIKE SHILL defending the current debt-based-monetary-system by talking shit about the honest alternative. Fuck you too!

Attitude like yours is pretty common here on imageboards nowadays. Really makes me think why anyone would think like that. The debt slavery hoop can be understood with logic very easily. And the decentralized nature of cryptos is just as easy to understand.

So fuck you kike shill. Keep using your shit kike currencies. I am using cryptos to protect myself from inflation and all other kikery that happens through your belowed out-of-thin-air "money".

Jews are scared of cryptos because it kills their golden goose.

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21db17  No.22814


That is rich. ‘Protect yourself from inflation’ by participating in a kike system that is artificially inflated by the same kikes. Yeah there is no down side risk to this bubble they have created for you, is there…

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ef8411  No.22913


>Jews trade with gold.

<"Oy vey goyim, don't trade with gold like we do. That would be very bad."

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efa647  No.22918


"Enough people"

Like a few million? Six million? I don't think they care if one guy is off their debt slavery ride. The majority are still on, if they want a house or a job. If you want to hurt them you have to do something more substantial.

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21db17  No.22924


Nobody, at our level ‘trades in gold’ you ginormous fucking faggot. You can’t spend it in an emergency either because the value of it is too high for people to risk the loss if it is counterfeit. People need something that isn’t going to make or break their household in an emergency. NO ONE IS GOING TO TAKE GOLD. NO ONE…except maybe the kikes. That is one potential solution to dissing out the kikes…just exterminate anyone with gold or trading in gold.

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21db17  No.22926

No, fuck it; I revised. Kill anyone who trades in anything other than common materials that are commonly available. There is a solution to figuring out who the kikes are in emergency situations. Hit them with what they love more than life.

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efa647  No.22930


If you are holding land not to put work onto it and resell it you don't deserve that land. All you are doing is making land artifically expensive simply because you own alot of it and aren't selling it. This is the Jewish idea of "Profit by Possesion" an economy works by people putting in work and improving things, not just by simply owning them. Which rockets a few to the top artifically allowing them further control with (((investment banking))) permantly ruining the natural selection and viability of the Market economy they infect forever. All for what? They put nothing into the economy and only take out. Their CEOs didn't found that company they just bought it out from under hard working Aryans.

If you want a healthy private sector all investment banking, private banking and profit by possesion schemes (including crypto) must be destroyed.

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efa647  No.22933

And the majority of homeowners already turn a profit by putting work into their estate and reselling it. That is fine. It's only the big Jewish land real estate firms that profit by this system. And if they were busted up and made illegal the problem would solve itself. I'm not against private property just land speculators.

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4d2f3d  No.22997


Daily reminder that money only has value so long as you pay taxes

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c57f3b  No.23756


nonsense. Money has value as a lubricant for trade.

You are a goat farmer. I am a carpenter. I prefer cow milk, but you want my chairs. It would be very difficult and costly for you to find a cow farmer who wants goat milk so you can get the cow milk I want to trade me for chairs and real hard to trade me enough milk in one sitting to afford one of my chairs.

But with a currency, we all get something we can store and then split up and trade to others to buy what we do want.

Money has a function.

But the vulnerability is having it based on something that is printed out of thin air AND usury. Add those two in and it's unstoppable theft that will create a super class of shiesters that will dominate the world forever.

Bitcoin works. (Well, not BTC, they really fucked that protocol up) as a way to do this over the internet. But gold and silver are still ideal for storing over time.

The interesting thing about gold/silver is that you will start to value your personal security a lot more since without it you will be robbed completely. In other words… people will be more supportive of 2nd amendment, naturally.

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a31e9a  No.33159


>Cryptocurrencies are honest monetary systems, where everyone are equal and nobody has the power to create money out of thin air. Heck, wars cant be funded with it! This is why MSM is so against the cryptos.

This seems to be the solution, however, consider the fact that they still have to ability to create an unlimited supply of the defacto instrument of wealth exchange, the FRN. So, while a finite medium of exchange such as BTC may be a step in the right direction, they can always use their fraudulent Jew debt bux to purchase BTC. The true problem is the design of the system. That a small group of wealthy Jews disproportionately control everything.

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ddc065  No.35125


>because they hit CTRL + P (print) and just fill in any amount..

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de8ec3  No.35133


There are a few ways this goes. Their power is in essence, a pyramid scheme. Every single government under them will keep on piling huge amounts of debt to keep the bread&circus running. This can go on for a long time, but it will crash. We can bolster unbelief in their money and system, and it should collapse once our memes reach enough people. They are already more open to taboo subjects, such as antisemitism and racism than they were 5 years ago.

Crypto, or people operated FIAT money is a functional alternative in terms of economic power.

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8e4050  No.35134


No he's right here is how your montary system works;

>FEDs want money!

<Private Central Bank tells U.S Mint to print it

<Gets the money

<Loans it back to the FEDs with (((intrest)))!

>FEDs raise taxes to pay that intrest

If you didn't pay taxes, the USD and every currency in the west would mean nothhhing. Because the Fed wouldn't be able to pay the intrest.

This is what people mean when they say "Debt Based Fiat Currency" that's all it is.

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ddc065  No.35137


It's actually a failed form of the gold standard.

Look at the decoupling (inconvertability) of dollars into gold..

Guess what happened to the price of that barbarous relic they hold deep in their vaults (with a big chunk of gold that's being mined heads straight into some vault..)

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000000  No.43904


Not defending the debt-based monetary system here, but its White Americans that are the principal source of Jewish power, and they will continue as such for the foreseeable future. They are so far gone that they will allow themselves to be designated as terrorists even while they cry every time you pull the Jew dick out of their mouths.

False hope is worse than no hope.

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1af37a  No.53181

HitlerCoin when? :D

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589061  No.53196


When are you actually going to provide an argument other than posting memes about how communism happened and failed, or something about Tumblr feminism which has nothing to do with Communism and hasn't been relevant since 14' gamergate? Pol Pot actually wasn't a Communist (calling yourself Communist doesn't mean you're actually a Communist if you do nothing even remotely political… same would go if you called yourself a Nazi and married a Jew), Venezuala isn't Socialist just because they nationalized the industry - - - the government owns the industry, not the citizens. Nationalization via government isn't Communism or Socialism. No one argues that Venezuala is good. If they do, then they truly are uninformed. Finally, the reason why people say Communism hasn't been tried, is because it hasn't. Communism (AKA Full Communism, hence the gay subreddit Full Communism), and Anarchism are synonymous. Communist wants to achieve Full Communism through Socialism. An Anarchist wants to achieve Communism (or Full Communism, or Anarchy) by skipping the Socialist state idea and going straight to it. The reason why you see so many people argue today about how Communism should be brought today is because Lenin fucked things up with the idea of a vanguard party which was supposed to lead the Socialist state into Communism. In laymen's terms this essentially meant having a group of supposedly dedicated Communists that would never betray the cause usher thee Russians into Full Communism. What happened is Lenin died, Stalin was now at the head of the Vanguard, and then in essence told everyone to eat his cock and became a dictator. Communists of today generally (90% I'd say) don't like this idea of a vanguard party. That's why they shit on Stalin and Lenin and say it wasn't tried properly. As for the Cheka, they slaughtered a shitload of the ruling class and white guard, along with their families. I'm not sure what you would expect from a group of angry ex farmers that had been living under a literal Tsar in 1917 to do. Stalin was a dictator and killed his political opponents. This would be the same thing as Operation Hummingbird or various other purges committed by Hitler. I know I sperged out but I can't take the memes anymore.

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2fa481  No.53199


>No, the value of your house gpes up because the demand for houses in that area goes up.

One of the primary upward pressures on home prices is the creation of money for asset transactions [e.g. buying a home].

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000000  No.53252


The way I see it, only sandniggers have actively resisted the jew lately. Niggers, spics and now even asians are quite fine lending themselves to be pawns of the Jew as long as they think they will benefit from it. The Jew is a formidable enemy and the normies of any race don't stand a chance.

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7d47c9  No.53285


Well, obivously sandniggers are capable of resisting sandniggers. It's easy resisting your own kind. The scorpion fights the scorpion.

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000000  No.53386


Sand niggers are not cunning like the jew is though, they just know instinctively that everything he does is poisonous. My point remains, the Jew has everyone dancing to his tune but with some of them foolishly convinced they wanted to dance.

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76357e  No.83772

File: 14f36e9345155c0⋯.png (40.49 KB, 1000x540, 50:27, liberty.png)

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f5dd9a  No.83815


The local power company come to install a new smart meter on my home that connects via cell tower to read my meter (not the truck that drives around and reads meters) - which means they probably have the ability to shut it off remotely, too. I declined the switch. If you think you're going to escape the system with your computer money when your internet or power can be shut off remotely then good luck. You're relying on the "grid" in which you have no control over to store your wealth. A cashless society with digital money is a globohomo wet dream.

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16377c  No.83901


> it is anonymous

it is anonymous? Naw dawg. It definitely is not anonymous. There is a possibility of some coins being somewhat anon in some ways but its not like the IRS couldn't get it sorted… and if they couldnt get it sorted they would just jail you until you gave up your password Constitution be dammed. Never ever think that a crypto would be as anon as say a silver coin slapped in your palm.

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64c116  No.83977

File: 497b976de467850⋯.png (621.04 KB, 686x695, 686:695, your_future.png)


You are way too optimistic.

They are currently going the China direction with the internet. Which means: forbidden websites, tracking at the ISP level and most importantly, identity prompt for each internet connection. Not completely there yet, but it is coming and fast.

While it does mean that they feel threatened by the internet, the golden days are soon to be over.

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efd7cb  No.83982


>you can't beat evil with evil

I am beyond good and evil

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5b90a5  No.87690

all cryto is compromised since wikileaks involvement

there some genuine good job done by this group; but their involvelent brought too much light unto the cause

also satoshi was basically invited/selled out by one of his "allies"(who quickly cashed out) to talk with agencies

everything was testted above and beyond



you were warned

you were not listening

bizonacci told us

metaphors are too real

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c4829c  No.87813

Cryptocurrency is money created out of thin air.

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