82421c No.222809[Last 50 Posts]
What exactly would be the ideal outcome regarding the fate of non-whites? Removing them from our countries isn't enough because we need their resources and labor. That's sort of like just taking the problem and moving it elsewhere.
What exactly is the role of the non-whites in the white world? They should stay far away, but with what purpose?
And fuck off with your "sage" bullshit, if you don't like the thread go somewhere else.
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c05063 No.222810
let's remove expose and castrate world jewry and see how the different races evolve.
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e6216d No.222811
Any thread that attempts to talk about non-whites without explicitly mentioning that the only problem on Earth that needs be addressed is the removal of Jews is, by definition, a Jewish Thread.
You are now in that Jewish Thread. You are advised to:
1) sage
2) hide
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fe1bfc No.222812
>What exactly would be the ideal outcome regarding the fate of non-whites?
They stop existing.
>Removing them from our countries isn't enough because we need their resources and labor.
No. We don’t. Eat shit and die, you worthless fucking IMPERIALIST.
>What exactly is the role of the non-whites in the white world?
>And fuck off with your "sage” bullshit
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82421c No.222816
Stop coping you need Saudi oil and Congo coltan. How are you going to control these resources if you don't take control of the land? Also, do you realize that the West enjoys a high standard of living because some Chinese or Thai kid is working in a sweatshop for 20 hours a day in horrible conditions and gets paid like 50 cents a week? Without someone else doing the manufacturing and producing you will pay half your paycheck for a t-shirt.
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82421c No.222817
The Chinese are launching a ship a week and their economic might is so huge the West is almost completely at their mercy at this point. Their military is fully modernized and their population is fed a healthy diet of ethno-nationalist propaganda. They literally banned hip-hop among other Western garbage. Their nuclear family is uncompromised and they have a massive homogenous population (Han). Without China, everything you buy at the store would cease to exist. Yet you think that the non-whites are powerless? Wake up.
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c05063 No.222818
I'll bet that if we removed all Jewish persons from all spheres of influence on a global scale humanity will finally reconcile and cooperate with one another. And if the world chooses to not go through with this then we will have global war instead and everyone will die. It will be glorious either way. If you disagree then you're a kike.
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82421c No.222821
>implying that humans are not naturally competitive
>we'll all love and cherish each other if the Jews go away
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e6216d No.222822
This board keeps talking about The West as if anyone should give any kind of shit about saving
>muh evrope
Nope. Sorry. The Yuga has spoken. There is nothing to be saved. EVROPA is literally a Jedeo-Phoenician concoction, as is Lady Liberty, and the whole degenerate thing has to go. That includes 90% of whites, who are OBJECTIVE TRASH.
It's adorable that you think I buy Chinese things, or that I go to stores to do so, however, even though I cannot imagine what it has to do with your dumb fucking thesis.
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82421c No.222823
>the West and Evropa is not worth saving goy
>give up on your fellow brainwashed white brothers and sisters goy
>accept Chinese economic enslavement goy
shill spotted
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e6216d No.222824
Your identity politic is insipid, low, and niggerish.
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82421c No.222825
Looking out for your people is low?
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daa8d2 No.222826
>Stop coping you need Saudi oil and Congo coltan
It's simple. We kill all saudis and congoleses then have White people inhabit those places. Then we can get oil, coltan or whatever resources we need.
>Without someone else doing the manufacturing and producing you will pay half your paycheck for a t-shirt.
If we achieve White ethnoglobe and implement National Socialists ideals all over the world everyone will have decent standard living without exploiting others.
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e6216d No.222827
Whites are not my people. Aryans are my people. My people do not need to be "looked out for" because we are not a clan of niggers with fetishes and idols.
You are trash. You are nigger-souled trash. You are not an Aryan, and you are as holocaustable as a kike.
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ba68e1 No.222828
Pretty much this.
I talk about Ethnoglobalism a lot but I know that when push came to shove and we had paired the brown (part negro) nations down to something manageable I would probably reconsider.
Part of the problem is that those races simply can't contain their desire to fuck and reproduce, like worthless animals they have no ability to forward thinking or population control…which means that they must be 'managed' just like cattle and purged or they will collapse their own environment.
Now that global travel is possible for brown people they will, literally crash the entire globes resource network. Of course the dumb fuck kike demons are not capable of making a decision on this to save their lives, despite the pretense that they are capable or should be in charge of the mass genocide of peoples. Instead of caring for the advancement of humanity they care only for who is a more 'useful slave'. But they are only really intent on letting their own live through the collapse they are bringing on the world anyway. If you look at the Georgia Guidestones you will see that they are only planning on letting the EXACT number of kikes in the global population survive the collapse anyway and no one else. So because Whites would let other races live and not die based on merit and true diversity, they want us exterminated first.
Really it doesn't matter if only kikes do survive…they are anti cosmic demons, so if they alone survive then all forms of humanity will die as well since their blood is psychotic and parasitic. Parasites, blood and bone, by their nature hate the host Whites, but they cannot survive without it. See what kikes are doing to other kikes in Isreal…it is a totalitarian nightmare since they can't help themselves. It is clearly the worst or close to the worst place on the planet to live…as it is the pedo capital of the planet as well as the human slavery capital as well. They don't understand anything but 'money' so they think that they are something 'great' when in fact it is a mutlicult mongrel hell on Earth.
This as well. There is no reason to continue a race that can only imagine slavery and is destructive in everything they do and touch…yet another semitic hellhole on the planet…as is everything they touch.
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82421c No.222829
Who will work the shitty conditions in the mines? Who will get paid cents to work for 20 hours and how will you maintain that system? This is assuming that removing every non-white is easy.
How is my attitude niggerish? This is why they will survive and continue to breed while your people go extinct.
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ba68e1 No.222830
Are you forgetting what got us into this problem?
Do you FUCKING THINK for one minute that not doing your own work was worth what the planet has gone through? Or our people? God damn lazy son-of-a-bitch…
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ba68e1 No.222831
Nope anon is right, you are a total nigger.
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e6216d No.222832
You have the future-thought capacity of a nigger and dwell in the immediacy of a 7-year-old girl. You are emotional and ridiculous. You want to save things that cannot be saved because you prefer nigger-reactivity to Natural Law. You struggle against the Yuga because pain hurts and you want it to go away. You are a coward. All of these give rise to your base nigger-soul, and you have many, many, many incarnations of Literal Nigger ahead of you.
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82421c No.222833
Anon, I have a background in Economics. It doesn't work that way. Wealth is liquid. Meaning that the concept of being "well-off" is relative. If you want to be rich in your country, someone must be poor in theirs.
Unless you want to create a sort of caste system where certain "inferior" whites work the mines and do other shitty jobs then there is no way for everyone to be prosperous in your scenario. This is probably what dawned on Hitler and led to the idea of enslaving the Slavic peoples. I am of the view that non-whites exist only to serve whites. There is no other reason for their existence.
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ba68e1 No.222834
mfw you are thinking that we would ever use usury without kikes around. SMDH…you are totally off your rocker…what is worse is that you can only imagine what we have now and not something infinitely better. You hold up a kike degree like it is something to be proud of and not literal training in total degenerate slavery of the planet.
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e6216d No.222835
>a midwit stumbles upon Natural Law while trying to pwn the niggers
So close. So very close.
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82421c No.222836
Look at these 2 shills trying so hard to slide my thread.
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e6216d No.222837
How fucking new are you, exactly? Jesus.
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ba68e1 No.222840
Slide? Are you NUTS? Aryans don't believe in slavery at all. Only niggers and semites believe in slavery.
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e6216d No.222842
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82421c No.222844
Then explain your solution to this problem without going into some esotericism garbage.
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e6216d No.222846
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ba68e1 No.222847
It is not 'esoteric'. It is that you literally can't understand anything other than slavery or kikel logic.
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8700bd No.222848
>Removing them from our countries isn't enough because we need their resources and labor.
Do we? How much of that is just going to service their own shadow communities?
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ba68e1 No.222849
Everybody all together now:
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82421c No.222850
Wow. I never knew 8kun had cucks like these. Enjoy Chinese slavery.
Well we've seen what non-whites do to our countries. I don't think I have to explain how much of a net-negative they are. Even if they were a net-positive, it doesn't make sense to have a mixed society, the idea just repulses me.
But we must also consider how much resources and labor potential is under their control. It just seems like the only solution would be an imperialist approach where we would control the land and people. China is literally colonizing Africa right now. They've taken control of key locations and are planning to turn the continent into China 2.0 before their demographic bomb cripples the Chinese economy.
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e6216d No.222851
>enjoy Chinese slavery
I actually have the capacity to do just that, as I am not a feeble woman-brained hedonist.
The Ride Never Ends is not a meme. The sooner you into that, the sooner you'll stop all your disgusting hand-wringing.
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ba68e1 No.222853
>The sooner you into that, the sooner you'll stop all your disgusting hand-wringing.
IDK you may have more faith that kikes can be reasoned with than I do…lmao. Just the fact that this one is this 'into' slavery leads me to believe that it isn't going to understand shit for millennia, if ever.
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8700bd No.222854
>But we must also consider how much resources and labor potential is under their control.
Do they need to be here? I'm not following you at all. I asked you a very straightforward question and maybe you don't know the answer, that's fine I don't know the answer. I asked how much of their labor is doing anything but going to support themselves and their communities here?
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82421c No.222856
No they don't need to be here. Removing them is the first step. Then, we need their resources and labor. Can you follow that at least?
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e6216d No.222857
>we need their resources and labor
Literally a kike. Hiding and saging. Very bad thread.
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8700bd No.222858
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ba68e1 No.222863
In Sweden less than 2% of the muslims/semites that were imported have found work. So they are just on EuropeanRapeCation. There is no need for them to be in our nations unless it is to parasite off the host under the watchful eye of the kikes.
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82421c No.222868
>if you don't agree with my opnion then you're a Jew
Europe and North America are barren of any useful resources. All the good stuff like oil, coltan, iron, etc are elsewhere.
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ba68e1 No.222870
>Europe and North America are barren of any useful resources.
What the shit? Where did you get that idea?
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8700bd No.222885
>Europe and North America are barren of any useful resources.
Yeah, I don't think this is accurate.
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8700bd No.222887
Frankly, I don't even find the work argument persuasive. Who cares if they work? Don't want them here.
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ba68e1 No.222892
It is not. Even if all we had was recycling as a 'resource' we would still have more resources than most of the natural world.
Neither do I. They are a net negative in every aspect of the idea. Muslims are basically the same or worse than niggers since at lease niggers can sort work (while not being productive in any way and a gross net negative on society since we don't factor in all their crime…but we don't factor in all the muslim crime either). I mean, how much is their bullshit really costing society (not in terms of just the welfare)
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e6216d No.222893
Arabs are incredibly good at getting Bangladeshis to do stuff, however. They don't have anything resembling compassion, which is really handy if you want a tea, and you want it quickly.
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ba68e1 No.222894
Good, then they can all fuck off to Bangladesh. I don't want Arabs, tea or Bengalis in my nation.
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e6216d No.222896
If you want to sound abrasive, call them "'deshis." (You can use it when you tell them to get out.)
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59b307 No.222905
>Stop coping
Sage and report.
>you need Saudi oil and Congo coltan.
We do not need Saudis and Congolese to BE ALIVE for us to obtain those resources, you subhuman ape.
>How are you going to control these resources if you don't take control of the land?
>Also, do you realize that the West enjoys a high standard of living because some Chinese or Thai kid is working in a sweatshop for 20 hours a day
>Without someone else doing the manufacturing
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59b307 No.222906
>The Chinese are launching a ship a week
>and their economic might is so huge
>the West is almost completely at their mercy at this point.
Keep fear mongering, subhuman. You said the same thing about the nips in the 1980s. Then they collapsed and their population imploded. The same will happen to the chinks.
>Their military is fully modernized
>and their population is fed a healthy diet of ethno-nationalist propaganda.
But poisoned food (because they pollute their environment so much) and rations so bad that they send home for meals, requiring TWO logistics chains for every single fucking soldier.
>Their nuclear family is uncompromised
>and they have a massive homogenous population (Han)
>Without China, everything you buy at the store would cease to exist.
Proven falsehood.
>Yet you think that the non-whites are powerless?
Yep. They exist at our whims.
>Wake up.
You will really prefer we kill you in your sleep.
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59b307 No.222907
Paid shill confirmed.
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59b307 No.222908
>Who will work the shitty conditions in the mines?
Whites, just like we always have.
>Who will get paid cents
>to work for 20 hours and how will you maintain that system?
Same way we always have. With whites only.
>I have a background in Economics.
Having been read the Talmud from birth ≠ a background in economics. You know literally NOTHING about economics. You worship Keynesianism and MMT as though they actually EXIST, never mind work.
>Wealth is liquid.
Jew confirmed.
>the concept of being "well-off" is relative.
>If you want to be rich in your country, someone must be poor in theirs.
Communist confirmed.
>Unless you want to create a sort of caste system
Jew confirmed.
>where certain "inferior” whites
Jew confirmed.
>there is no way for everyone to be prosperous
>This is probably what dawned on Hitler and led to the idea of enslaving the Slavic peoples.
>I am of the view that non-whites exist only to serve whites. There is no other reason for their existence.
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59b307 No.222910
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8700bd No.222921
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Keep fear mongering, subhuman. You said the same thing about the nips in the 1980s. Then they collapsed and their population imploded. The same will happen to the chinks.
This is not really correct. Japan's economic model was forcibly altered with the Plaza Accords while their central bank was running an asset bubble in the country to discredit that model.
The US has deep structural problems that need to be addressed and a National Socialist/industrial capitalist system forcibly imposed.
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82421c No.222927
Screech like an autist all you want. If the West even slightly pisses off China, you are utterly doomed. Westerners enjoy a good standard of life because Chinese people are naturally submissive and will slave away for 50 years.
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ba68e1 No.222928
No one fears (or respects) Asians. They are basically irrelevant downy rape babies.
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59b307 No.222945
>oy vey muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks
>you literally already called out my propaganda
>but I’m going to keep posting it
>muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks muh chinks
China is powerless.
China has a shit military (relative to NATO) and an economy entirely based on trade with NATO countries. The only threat the pose is economic. They’re actively looking for ways to collapse Western stock markets and delete wealth in retaliation for–or preemption of–NATO aggression in the South China Seas or North Korea. But it’s not just an intentional threat they pose. China is responsible for almost all of the world’s economic growth now. The West has been stagnant since 2008 and the entire world has been riding the coattails of China as it continues to build more and more production capacity, no matter what the cost. That cost has not been seen yet, but it will be realized. Soon. Chinese debt is out of control. Their economy is based on increasing demand in Western countries, but the amount of debt that we could accommodate peaked in 2008. We have no more demand, therefore China has no more growth. Ergo emerging markets have no one to sell more raw goods too. The Chinese have been in denial about this since the last crash and have simply increased borrowing to keep production and economic growth, but no one is buying more. The loans will never receive their projected cashflows and each year they add more and more. China is about to implode and the Communist Party will be overthrown by the People’s Liberation Army.
You only have to look to Japan to realize this. They had enormous growth from the end of WWII to the 1980s (thanks, billions of US tax dollars in reconstruction!). Finally, when they were the third largest economy in the world and everyone was predicting they’d be the biggest in the world by the year 2000, they imploded and have had stagnation ever since. What happened in the ’80s? Manufacturing moved to China. In the ’90s, GATT and other trade agreements helped move even more manufacturing to China than had ever moved to Japan (people hate Japanese cars for a reason–they killed American jobs). China has already hit its peak. It’s all Japan from here. Except this time it’s not happening to an ally. This time the overcapacity is many times greater. This time the whole world is overburdened with debt and has low growth. The Japanese had a growing world to sell to. The Chinese will not.
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82421c No.222948
You just confirmed my argument.
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e6216d No.222950
Loads of manufacturing is moving into India/Pakistan. My ex's faggot bay area organics company is out of China totally and did it all in the past year. Any time any one of their reps went to China to see what the factories were doing, it was a total dog&pony shitshow. It's a farce. I've never heard any reports of anything coming out of China to suggest there is any non-farce anything there.
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ba68e1 No.222952
I don't suppose you could give me the name of their products so that I never buy them, could you?
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82421c No.222959
China makes almost everything you buy at the store, or makes parts of it.
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ba68e1 No.222961
Yep but he is saying that 'china wasn't "good enough"' so they moved the factory to India/Pakiland. You really want to eat something that China wasn't good enough so they move production of an 'organic' product to India, the human shit capital of the planet….with 3 billion public/street shits per day?
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2093d8 No.222963
They look pretty chill to me. Kinda looks like a white guy but a bit more tan.
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72ed3b No.222967
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69f796 No.223025
>sage as a downvote is cemented to a core feature
Terminal newfaggotry.
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e6216d No.223027
high-to-mid-caste indians are bretty darned gud tbqhfam
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961d9e No.223082
>we need their resources and labor
No, we don't. All non whites must be killed. Anyone who doesn't think so must also be killed. No more forgiveness under the guise of necessity. Only White people who hate the inferior races must be allowed to exist from now on. Everyone else must be killed.
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a6481d No.223207
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a6481d No.223208
Sage. Report.
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bd48f1 No.225516
You already got into this mess with that line of thought. Do you really think it won't just lead to your nation being more kiked?
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af0748 No.225934
Note for newfags. This is how jews shit up political boards with trash to distract lemmings from their crimes. The responses in these posts are from jews constantly bumping these posts.
Jews are evil. Here's a sample.
Jews Say Non-Jews Are Only Born to Serve Them as Slaves.mp4
57.8 MB
What World Famous Men Said About The Jews.wmv
0.2 GB
Dr. E. R. Fields - What World-Famous Men Said About the Jews (1964).pdf
8.6 MB
Henry Ford Sr. - The International Jew (Print-Ready Quality with Bookmarks and Cover).pdf
11.4 MB
The Myth of the Good Jew.avi
15.3 MB
9∕11 Missing Links.mp4
1.27 GB
9∕11꞉ The Israeli Connection (4 Part Series - December, 2001).avi
51.7 MB
Christopher Bollyn - The Dual-Deception of 9∕11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror
547.2 MB
Christopher Bollyn - Solving 9-11꞉ The Deception That Changed The World.pdf
4.5 MB
[911MissingLinks.com] Expulsion Of The Jews Throughout History [109 Times !!] [ ProThink.org ].AVI
30.2 MB
Black Man Exposes the Jewish Controlled Black Slave Trade on the Montell Williams Show.mp4
12.9 MB
Dontell Jackson - We Thought They Were White (Website Screenshots and Pages).zip
27.4 MB
The Jews of Mass Destruction.mp4
73.2 MB
Why Are People Afraid of the Facts About Jews.mp4
0.2 GB
Willie Martin - 1001 Quotes By and About Jews.pdf
1.3 MB
These Are The Jewish Psychos That Run Our Governments and Industries.mp4
75.8 MB
10 Hard Facts About the Holocaust Scam.mp4
23.5 MB
256 References To 6,000,000 Jews Prior To The Nuremberg Trial Announcement.pdf
0.1 MB
Dr. E. R. Fields - Jews Behind Race Mixing (1970).pdf
1.3 MB
Pol Book Packs #1-#23
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aeded8 No.226845
>we need their resources and labor.
Fuck off JEW. They need White labor,, they don't have resources, they want Whites respources, that's why they're flooding into WHITE countries, you fucking retarded cock suckin kike faggot.
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aeded8 No.226846
Keep this up. I've noticed the shills abandon their threads when the redpilling starts, coward cock sucking jew scum they are.
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