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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: a88e437c40fedc8⋯.jpg (31.76 KB, 194x259, 194:259, joe2020.jpg)

15e4fc  No.222720

>Nigger does a slight twitch, cop blows his nigger head off

>Hundreds of niggers and commie kikes come together, go ooga booga on cops and cops kneel and lick their stolen nike shoes.

If cops given them a taste of their police brutality, there would be no riots anywhere


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b880ec  No.222747

She (Kim Potter) resigned. Not smart. Now she will not be part of any fraternity that will protect her against retaliation.

I wonder if it was just totally accidental?

It is 'good' to live in a nation full of nigger animals though, right?

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b2f59a  No.222750



Why of course, diversity is our greatest strength. Yes, sometimes they act up but at least I'm not a racist.

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b880ec  No.222780


>Yes, sometimes they act up but at least I'm not a racist.

You know nothing.

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888ef7  No.222790


You really couldn't detect the sarcasm? Even after DIOGS?

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ebfa95  No.222792


>You really couldn't detect the sarcasm? Even after DIOGS?

Don't talk to bots

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b880ec  No.222804



Not a bot. Since /pnd/ became active again a few days ago we have acquired 'interested parties' who are trying to steer thinking to the center again. I am simply observing and countering.

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1e2588  No.222808


Imagine how differently your life would have ended up if you simply completed high School

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5fbb04  No.222813

yeah nah fuck cops, fuck zog, fuck niggers, and fuck the kikes that keep them fueled.

(fuck the kikes especially)

[and this thread]

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1e2588  No.222820


It's hilarious to think somebody actually thought that was a clever graphic….

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8dda9a  No.222899

"There is literally nothing wrong with killing cops." - Cliven Bundy

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