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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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40da66  No.222113

This is for all you globohomo faggots still on our board lurking and being critical of women…

"Yo all you homeboys out in the Bronx, this ones for you…"

The left is still eating itself alive.

Nothing is as good as watching it in action.

Check out AOC's total nonsense reply in the video, which was what the Butt Plug was 'journalistically' critical of…word salad of epic proportions that says nothing at all.

Any bets on AOC's actual IQ at this point?

For the ButtPlug LBTQPJFCOISHFRUHR Journo to be lightly critical and her (or her supporters) to send out the gestapo is hilariously funny!

We obviously need more of this in the USA…he prolly thought he was 'good to be critical' due to his dicks ass pipe cleaning habits exempted him from his 'White Male Privilege' but the Period Queen (or whatever the globohomo left labels women as now) is having none of it.


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304b84  No.222206


It's a statistical fact that Puerto Rican women have the lowes IQ's. They're even dumber than she-boons.

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e3d5ee  No.222207

File: b11a035a3dc867a⋯.jpg (448.1 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, proxy_image.jpg)


I taught at Universidad Interamericana for a couple of years. I wouldn't say that Puerto Ricans are stupid, so much as Puerto Rico is stupefying. When they come to the mainland, the fact that there is (was) a civilization to maintain has to be an incredible shock to a system used to spending its days drinking coffee, napping, and listening to the chickens. They call it the Island of Enchantment for a reason, y'know.

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40da66  No.222236


>a civilization to maintain has to be an incredible shock to a system used to spending its days drinking coffee, napping, and listening to the chickens.

She is the most worthless of all of the House politicians as she has not proposed a single bill or other piece of legislation that has ever once been accepted by any other legislators.


That is the NYT's. How bad does it have to get for the puta until the NYT's throws her under the bus? lol

Really her time would be better spent with the chickens.

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