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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 670c5d802637e42⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 892x3735, 892:3735, Screenshot_2021_04_10_Bide….jpg)

9ad6f9  No.222006


REVEALED: Biden's nominee for ATF head is an anti-gun lobbyist who was at the Ruby Ridge standoff and Waco massacre – and lied about cult members shooting down helicopters

Biden pick to head the ATF David Chipman held 'Ask Me Anything' Reddit thread last year where he is revealed to have lied about aspects of the Waco Massacre

Chipman claimed Branch Davidian cult members were able to shoot down to U.S. helicopters with .50 caliber Barretts even though this event never happened

ATF showed up at the religious sect's ranch in 1993 with a search and siege warrant for illegal firearms and weapons in the facility – a massive fire ensued

The handling of the Waco incident quickly became the subject of major criticism after 76 Branch Davidian members and five ATF agents were killed

Chipman was also involved as an ATF agent with the Ruby Ridge standoff

He was an ATF agent for 25 years and now is a senior policy advisor for the gun control advocacy group Giffords

Gun rights advocacy groups are concerned with Chipman's nomination, claiming: 'Joe Biden knows he cannot beat gun owners in Congress'

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a9f14a  No.222013


>Gun rights advocacy groups are concerned with Chipman's nomination, claiming: 'Joe Biden knows he cannot beat gun owners in Congress'

Honestly anon…if you are still thinking about the US government as anything other than a failed state that has nothing to say to White/Europeans then you are sort of fucked in the head. Where I live no one relates to Washington in the slightest. We don't care what they do because most of us are preparing for the coming civil war…not bemoaning whatever mass murderers the jews install in places of power.

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a35f15  No.222076


Kill all jews and everything is solved.

Fail to do so, and you lose.

Get it over your head.

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a9f14a  No.222084

File: dcdd4c3de2bf24c⋯.png (323.64 KB, 602x725, 602:725, bidens_10_top_appointees_j….png)

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af580d  No.223026


It never hurts to pay attention.

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3d4735  No.223031

Is that really him posing with the wreckage? I saw that being circulated, but I figured it had to be a Trumpnigger fake, as there's no way ZOG would be that blatant.

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a9f14a  No.223038

File: 3c580aa4648b36e⋯.jpg (58.9 KB, 796x527, 796:527, waco_us_government_set_fir….jpg)


I believe that photo (and the others) has been around 'forever'. Not sure how but a lot of my older incriminating photos of Waco (the inside of the complex, the aftermath) are all missing on this new computer.

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415a20  No.223058


>Not sure how but a lot of my older incriminating photos of Waco (the inside of the complex, the aftermath) are all missing on this new computer.

<are all missing on this new computer

I've tried warning anons over and over and over again NOT to trust Windows 10 or other newer proprietary systems!! This is exactly what Bill Gates openly stated Microsoft would start to do: purge unwanted files from users remotely (to control history!)

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a9f14a  No.223059


Yep, it is not just Waco either. Pretty much all/most of my most kike incriminating photos are gone. Lesson learned too late. 8chan was the best resource on the planet and at least, in my case, it is almost all gone now.

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415a20  No.223066


I've warned people to backup all their files less than a year ago when the news came out that Microsoft was going to work with (((US government))) and (((Soros NGOs)))) to purge "fake news" and "abusive files"…. seems like it is now really happening. My recommendation would be to switch to a trustworthy Linux operating system (see distrowatch.com) or get a backup ISO copy of Windows 7 with the serial and make sure you completely disable all auto-update settings and any third party bloatware. I have a de-bloated Windows 7 without auto-update and it works just fine.

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a9f14a  No.223073


Well anon…honestly, I think it is all in my head at this point. It was a learning tool for me. I can't imagine that we have much time left to teach others as things are moving so fast. Because people cannot understand or process the kikes will probably get away with another global massacre of humanity and humanity will just have to learn the whole thing all over again. I know people who ruthlessly archived everything so I hope that holds. That is all I can do at this point since all the best evidence against them is gone now, except for in my head, where it will stay forever. Your advice is good advice for someone who believes that things are just going to keep going like they have been. I know that it will be good advice for someone else on this board who is lurking.

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