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File: 2ae340287b4840e⋯.jpg (45.98 KB, 494x330, 247:165, gays_for_trump_zion_don_mi….jpg)

File: 8765868052d7966⋯.jpg (240.49 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, lady_maga_america_vs_socia….jpg)

File: dd700eb7ab42519⋯.png (181.05 KB, 908x659, 908:659, MIGAPEDES_LOVE_THEIR_NIGGE….png)

File: 686a3dbc6e461b7⋯.png (676.65 KB, 1809x719, 1809:719, ptg_and_their_hypocrisy_th….png)

4fdceb  No.221799

Seriously they just love to larp as white nationalists and white supremacists but always talk about how the democrats are the real racists and love their legal lgbt buttsecks "nationalism" fuck these zionist retards. i fucking hate their larp and hypocrisy.

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212bce  No.221800


>Seriously they just love to larp as white nationalists and white supremacists

I don't think this is true at all. Outside of a window around the 2015-2016 campaign when they were trying to squeak out an electoral margin and during that period of time they were always careful to just let WN types like Spencer do all their own talking Trump people and his voter base seem to be borderline lunatic nigger lovers, judeophiles, and anti-White radicals.

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c7f22b  No.221813

Forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes has a "Right" wing, and yes, these people will be brutally killed when the Turner Diaries comes.

The "Right" wing of the ZOG only hates the "Left" because they think they get no respect for fooling the masses of the White Nation into going along with their shit. No one actually hates the masses of the White Nation more than the "Right" wing of the ZOG, which consists mostly of Christfags who would turn every white male into a homosexual, and marry every white woman to a nigger, if they thought the Kikes in Israel wanted them to do it.

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b2c0d2  No.221858


>Imagine thinking these retards are white supremacists

It's normal to make a caricature of your enemies to ridicule them. We do it with kikes all the time.

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124936  No.221861


They aren't caricatures. They are conservatives. Anglosphere conservatism is the inheritor of a radical anti-State and anti-Nation merchant revolution.

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22ff30  No.222996

This is what a Nazi diversity hire looks like.

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