The situation in Australia isn't that unique, it's just a step ahead. The Antipodeans are the litmus test, the "dry-run" for any new offensive against citizens in a western country to be tried upon so other member nations of the UN, WEF & NATO can cut, copy and paste the most successful bits for their own customizable tyrrany against their own citizenry.
>remember Martin Bryant and Gun Control
>remember Brenton Tarrantard & introduction of the world's harshest "Abhorrent Online Content" e-safety laws
>remember Julian Assange being afforded no rights as an Australian Citizen
>remember Pine Gap
>remember East Timor
>remember the floating of the Australian Dollar
>remember the Mickelberg brothers, their Perth Mint heist that went wrong and the very recent discovery of PNG child slave labour mined gold being accepted in the millions-worth of gold ore by Perth Mint.
>remember Aussies don't have a clue as to how much their leader kill, rape, fuck, exploit and generally shit all over the good aussie battlah.
>bonus round.
What was Marina Abramovic doing at Ayers Rock in the 80's around the same time a dingo ate my baby!
Enjoy your Green and Gold pill going black as fuck.