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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 4fee3e6695f3e4b⋯.jpg (82.33 KB, 612x408, 3:2, The_Great_Reset.jpg)

9acb82  No.220899

So many idiots still believing that these are just "conspiracy theories". We should spread the redpills about the great reset and how a pandemic gets used to implement a socialist distopia. We should create graphics like this and spread them on Normiebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube.

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608551  No.220907


>no evidence

>no sources

>no coherence

All you're spreading is feely feels. Fuck off.

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557846  No.221189

There's something fucky going on in Australia. Government assistance has just been cut off and the moratorium on evictions has ended. People will lose their jobs without the JobKeeper subsidy, they will not be able to afford $400+ per week in rent, there are very few rental vacancies, and already more people are becoming homeless. There are dozens of applications per rental property, and people are losing out to those who can afford to pay months of rent in advance. A lot of people who were able to defer their rental payments are now suddenly evicted, often homeless, and thousands of dollars in debt. And the lockdowns are still happening.

There is a crisis looming with housing. There aren't enough houses, and the prices have skyrocketed, often selling for hundreds of thousands, even more than a million, over the asking price. Interest rates were lowered dramatically last year, but they will rise again. A fair few businesses are expected to collapse with the end of government assistance. There are not enough jobs available. A lot of people will find they can no longer afford their mortgages.

If you want some bleak fucking reality mate, look at the situation in Australia. Make that into a fucking graphic. And pray for us.

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dcff67  No.221243


No. We should have started the mass killing of the blue pilled scum, along with the jews. But cucks will refuse to do it and call everyone else a glownigger.

Enjoy the permanent and unchangeable communist dictatorship now. You all deserve that for not killing your enemies.


>A lot of people who were able to defer their rental payments are now suddenly evicted, often homeless, and thousands of dollars in debt. And the lockdowns are still happening.

Yes. If you don't kill your enemies, you will be enslaved by them. Should have learned that by now. There is no political or peaceful solution. There is no solution that will come from the law. Either kill everyone who is against you, or you will be enslaved by them.

Life is that simple.

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fc9163  No.221542

File: bcb011148c456cf⋯.png (120.03 KB, 1279x876, 1279:876, AUS_FED_investig8_itself.png)

File: 3e8434bcb3d883e⋯.pdf (67.45 KB, AUS_FED_investig8_itself.pdf)


The situation in Australia isn't that unique, it's just a step ahead. The Antipodeans are the litmus test, the "dry-run" for any new offensive against citizens in a western country to be tried upon so other member nations of the UN, WEF & NATO can cut, copy and paste the most successful bits for their own customizable tyrrany against their own citizenry.

>remember Martin Bryant and Gun Control

>remember Brenton Tarrantard & introduction of the world's harshest "Abhorrent Online Content" e-safety laws

>remember Julian Assange being afforded no rights as an Australian Citizen

>remember Pine Gap

>remember East Timor

>remember the floating of the Australian Dollar

>remember the Mickelberg brothers, their Perth Mint heist that went wrong and the very recent discovery of PNG child slave labour mined gold being accepted in the millions-worth of gold ore by Perth Mint.

>remember Aussies don't have a clue as to how much their leader kill, rape, fuck, exploit and generally shit all over the good aussie battlah.



>bonus round.

What was Marina Abramovic doing at Ayers Rock in the 80's around the same time a dingo ate my baby!

Enjoy your Green and Gold pill going black as fuck.

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e6cdfc  No.221544

>>It is done.

I will now create the circumstance for Iran to invade America from specifically the east coast.

I cannot be stopped.


I truly keep what I take.

I love how your reality has become fantasy to the extent that I appear to you as unreal. What an invisibility cloak I have.

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e6cdfc  No.221545


>>Owl Fox Wolf

What was three is now one. My one is now two. Behold my powers of creation and destruction.

1 109

1 109

9 86

9 86

9 86

My religion is mine. These are my toys. I play with them. They are mine to play with.

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e6cdfc  No.221546

>>Oblivion the void.

Speak to me my children. What be on your mind?

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37dd01  No.221889


The topic of real and false chosen-ness.

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4749c1  No.222529


Killing jews. You know, the usual.

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aa0704  No.222567


Australians gave up their guns, mate. They are totally unarmed.

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fa1c61  No.222614

File: 463beaeba27d165⋯.jpg (94.58 KB, 960x640, 3:2, proxy_image.jpg)


There was a good thread on /pol/ this morning (no seriously) about Blackrock buying up all the properties in West Virginia.

Picked the wrong week to start reading Camp of the Saints tbqfhfam.

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