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c01c2c  No.219976

Black supremacist CNN anchor Don Lemon wants white families to hang portraits of Black Jesus on their walls to remind their white children that Jesus was black!

Clown world is getting clownier.

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372000  No.219977

File: a7555b403c2504b⋯.jpg (19.29 KB, 590x421, 590:421, loololololoollolololololoo….jpg)


>believing Jesus was white

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a2471f  No.219984

It's amazing how terrified Jews and their pets are of a strong Christian-based European population. There's a thread in the catalog proving Jesus and the Israelites were of European origin. The Synagogue of Satan have invested a thousand or more years attempting to steal our blessing by LARPing as our true identity and now in recent times we see his golem trying the same.

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942aa9  No.219985


he was descended from king david. kind david was literally white

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4e71a8  No.220026


>believing Jesus was white

Jesus, along with the Sumerian hierarchy, and ancient Egyptian hierarchy, were mostly of white/Caucasian stock.

Demographics change over time.

There were quite a few Egyptian pharoahs that were blond or redheads, but almost no modern Egyptians are naturally blond or redhead anymore.

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bc7bc2  No.220049

File: 5394a5638978a8b⋯.jpg (51.34 KB, 464x597, 464:597, 1613220208150.jpg)

>>219976 more we wuz kangz tier nonsense from niggers, claiming Jesus was nigger.


Wrong Jesus was Scottish.

Watch this doc :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlQMgcpKsUw

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22faf4  No.220059

Christfags think Moses was a white man, because Charlton Heston played him in a ZOG-film.

Moses is an literary character that never existed in reality. The entire "Hebrew" Bible was created in the 3rd century, because the Romans put the locals up to simply making up a myth for their origins in alignment with Plato.

The reason they've never found any "Hebrew" scripture older than the Septuagint is because they were both created at the same time. The stories simply didn't exist; all the older "Hebrew" shit from the era doesn't even have people named after Bible characters. The Elephantine papyri show that the various people who came to be called "Jews" weren't even aware of these stories as late as 400 BCE.

Just like modern Kikes aren't a nation, the ancient Kikes weren't either. A "Samaritan" wasn't some weird off-brand version of ancient Kikery, they were literally different people. The Roman and Greek conquests of the area brought with them idea that these various peoples could be integrated together under a bunch of myths and lies, and it didn't even really work at all. The Kike's founding religious text isn't a history of a real people, but a myth inspired but Plato's Republic to unify a bunch of different people together under a lie.

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a41c51  No.220060

File: 1a29fead0cdeb20⋯.png (31.66 KB, 1370x388, 685:194, Screenshot_2021_03_19_Chri….png)

File: f190aca83b3f514⋯.png (38.79 KB, 1394x374, 41:11, Screenshot_2021_03_19_Jewi….png)


>It's amazing how terrified Jews and their pets are of a strong Christian-based European population

Let's see.

>largest christian population in the world


>most judaified country in the world


Wow it's almost like in reality things are the opposite of what you said.

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a2471f  No.220061

File: a3df63744632202⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 2580x2588, 645:647, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity.jpg)




pick one.

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28004c  No.220062



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a41c51  No.220064

File: 49d4350ab852614⋯.png (98.04 KB, 1094x886, 547:443, 1561321.png)

File: cb09a587ced254b⋯.png (1.05 MB, 800x1308, 200:327, 8456652.png)

File: 960eb04eb2202db⋯.png (658.86 KB, 816x814, 408:407, 89456556.png)


Ok. Then why the Pope who is the supreme pontiff, the bishop of Rome, chief pastor of the worldwide Catholic Church so anti-European?

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28004c  No.220066


Because Europeans are so retarded that they actually believe ancient Israelite were European. Nobody takes "we wuz" niggers seriously, not even the Pope.

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a2471f  No.220067

File: 98f0be47d06f0e1⋯.png (452.81 KB, 601x850, 601:850, pope_pagan_2.PNG)


>Vatican 2 Freemasonic Communist Luciferianism


pick one.

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a41c51  No.220068


>that's not Christianity

What is the real Christianity then? And if Christianity is supposed to be the salvation for humanity then why is it possible for jews, freemasons, luciferians to subvert it so much?

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a2471f  No.220070

File: ea5adec75ccc28d⋯.png (655.55 KB, 1198x923, 1198:923, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity….png)


>why is it possible for jews, freemasons, luciferians to subvert christianity so much just like Christ and his apostle predicted would happen in towards the end of days?

maybe because christianity isn't bullshit?

>salvation for humanity

"Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able."– Matthew 16:28

Humanity will have salvation but who is defining what it means to be human?

>What is the real Christianity then?

It depends on how many levels of "real" you can perceive. Historically the Roman Catholic Church is the real Christianity, but as you mentioned it's entirely pozzed, so there must be another layer of real to consider. Real Christianity is the Mystical Body of Christ. Churches, hierarchies, ceremonies, these things are embellishments which exist for the pleasure of the Mystical Body. When those things become corrupt and undesirable they are thrown off like dirty clothes but the Body itself remains intact, strong, and clothed in armor.

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62ef8f  No.220105


>Roman Catholic Church is the real Christianity

Then why did it split from the rest of the church on 1054?

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21580e  No.220116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Greek Christianity split from Latin.

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a77b48  No.220192

File: 2df09a3db1cfae0⋯.mp4 (326.46 KB, 720x476, 180:119, Don_Lemon_admits_to_being_….mp4)

Reminder that Don Lemon is a so-called "non-practicing" jew.

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dd35ed  No.220221

“Dat nigga wuz also gay.” — Don Lemon

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b141e4  No.220225


Highlight my accents, make em glow faggot.

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c04631  No.220558


Ok. Then why the Pope who is the supreme pontiff, the bishop of Rome, chief pastor of the worldwide Catholic Church so anti-European?

After 200 years of fighting secret societies that were pushing Modernism, the Catholic Church was taken over by Freemasons in 9 Oct 1958. Freemasons are the gentile foot soldiers of the Jew, their agenda is identical. Vatican II contradicted Catholicism, and introduced Modernism as doctrine. God cannot contradict Himself, Catholicism (the religion He created) cannot contradict itself. Therefore the church after 1958 with the new Masonic/Judaic doctrine, is a new Modern Church.

There has been no pope since 9 Oct 1958, the seat is empty. The Magisterium is arrested at that date.

Bergoglio is patriarch of the new Modern Church, making the way straight, for the anti-Christ. All the patriarchs since Roncalli have been ravaging the church with that singular goal in mind.

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c04631  No.220560


>>that's not Christianity

>What is the real Christianity then? And if Christianity is supposed to be the salvation for humanity then why is it possible for jews, freemasons, luciferians to subvert it so much?

That is the kind of question small children and devil worshippers ask. Can you imagine that person A gave you an instruction book, on how to get from NYC to LA, precisely. And that it is absolutely correct. It cannot provide a warranty because it is you, not the book nor the author that has to get to LA. Ok, that is salvation.

Now can you imagine that you fucked up and did not make it to LA. Is that the author's fault, or yours ? Millions of people have used it, and gotten to LA, some with no problem at all, other with substantial problems that they overcame.

The Jews; luciferians; freemasons; etc have committed themselves to NYC, and they will die there. They are extremely envious of anyone who gets to LA, because they will live, they will not die. They do everything they can, to stop people getting to LA. Do the problems they create all the way between NYC and LA succeed ? Of course. Does that prove the instruction book is false, wrong ? No.

The two have nothing to do with each other, they come from different sources. You have free will.

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e54b95  No.220712


The pope is a fucking jewish faggot, look at that little cap on the cunts head.

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72db45  No.220961

File: b53687ff8bf9f88⋯.webm (730.64 KB, 640x480, 4:3, cop_uses_man_as_a_trampol….webm)


Mongolic faggot nigger. Jesus kike might as well be a nigger faggot because he only serves them not the righteous. HELIOS is now my God!

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72db45  No.220963

File: 22b987db84b4b3e⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 383x375, 383:375, 1611116848038.jpg)

File: 0ea231b24cd9560⋯.jpg (416.38 KB, 1015x1024, 1015:1024, White_Cock_Loving_Faggot.jpg)

File: d6bc78fcc2b4ef0⋯.jpg (246.23 KB, 653x600, 653:600, HAHA_flaming_faggot.jpg)


He is a deep nigger faggot

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72db45  No.220964

File: e4fdfc6689a4aed⋯.jpg (277.61 KB, 1200x1694, 600:847, 1578718094395.jpg)

File: e73fd6382ee73a6⋯.jpg (390.99 KB, 528x677, 528:677, family.jpg)


Niggers can't swim

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206078  No.221216


a nigger and a kike, cursed 10,000 times

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206078  No.221217


oy vey, yet more jewish ritual human sacrifice of their siblings

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ec0f44  No.221237


Holy fuck! Fooled me.


Kek. Din't fool me there. NASTY is that coom. ill


Is that true about his sister?

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807dce  No.221244



It is always ok to kill niggers, jews and leftards.

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