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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 580f307bc38ae2b⋯.png (348.44 KB, 1316x837, 1316:837, FlowerTower.png)

9a7c96  No.219856


i found this YT channel and it drives me crazy. Its a black cunt hating on white people. Just listening to what she says makes me go far to angry. If you have the time, pls leave a dislike to her videos.



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18adae  No.219860

File: 244ee6bae53954e⋯.png (186.08 KB, 841x685, 841:685, Untitled_Copy_Copy_Copy.png)

File: 76f705374d0dd29⋯.png (195.88 KB, 839x695, 839:695, Untitled_Copy_Copy.png)

File: 90ede4816e9074e⋯.png (25.05 KB, 500x460, 25:23, i_deliberatley_entered_a_t….png)

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5e49e9  No.219861


First post, every time. The lack of self awareness is astonishing.

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5cb7db  No.219889


Come on, sagerino, it is funny, right?

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2f34cb  No.219891




she sounds jealous

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1c85ad  No.219913


She's a nigger. She doesn't know how to spell.

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db7cb5  No.220007

File: 1cb9b8bba187733⋯.jpg (6.29 KB, 205x246, 5:6, A1A_Nordic_Specimen.jpg)

I would go so far as to say this thread is Jewish in origin. Giving a fuck at all about Coloured Race thoughts? Who gives a shit about the thoughts of any alienist, let alone, my God, a dark black one. "Here take a look at this dandified savage." I won't be edified by this cannibal preceptor. You might as well be listening to the spells and incantations of a painted witch doctor. Stay focus on pic related.

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8ebb50  No.220012

File: 43b49c8c701e8fa⋯.png (986.39 KB, 681x999, 227:333, 1499400317066.png)

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8dda89  No.220040

File: 6fd3f88ee8600ad⋯.jpg (130.78 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 6fd3f88ee8600adf4362b03cb4….jpg)

File: 6fbffb09acac965⋯.jpg (15.05 KB, 255x140, 51:28, 4bff7c222f5f9f9fa83774f2ed….jpg)

File: 6b604a23fecd851⋯.jpg (292.01 KB, 756x573, 252:191, 6b604a23fecd851d2bccc42863….jpg)

>me watch nigger , me mad

You sir are an idiot, to even waste your time giving a nigger views and attention.

Every well rounded white knows niggers hate us, and keep that in mind .

Here is some art to print out and hang onto your fridge, lest you forget .

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e59fea  No.220434



Same with Asians, there is nothing we can learn from cannibals, primitive races that don't eve have a language.

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bd601d  No.220662


Fucking based. I ccouldn't care less what any anti Whites think. They know where the technogies come from that they use to bash us? They know they are inferiors. Their days of parasiting from the White man are coming to an end.

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fac3b3  No.220669

Dey feeid dey keeids tuh alluh-gay-tuhs mofukkah? dat sum chamuh-tie-zun mofukkah!

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48ab15  No.220674

The hypocrisy of kiketube once again. Death to the jews.

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60b7fd  No.220921

Monkeys on jewtube are something else. ALL OF THEM believe the Earth is flat and after that, it's one batshit insane thing after another.

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72bc03  No.223322

"School shooter"

I didn't know a spa was a school.

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