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File: d48ee3b0c5337f2⋯.jpg (3.98 MB, 2265x6856, 2265:6856, 1614992378959.jpg)

96c6cc  No.219173[Last 50 Posts]

Here's your alt right bro

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96c6cc  No.219174

File: 86187220085f42e⋯.png (2.1 MB, 900x1057, 900:1057, dfd.png)

File: 2555d6f2876403f⋯.jpg (409.97 KB, 1311x1305, 437:435, 1586867368611.jpg)

File: d0a0ea970470bb1⋯.jpg (135.82 KB, 1125x589, 1125:589, R_kkBquO2DaFTCk8Gr26p3GIAB….jpg)

Now ask yourself…why do you think they created an alt right? They created it to incite division. They want you to fight with your liberal neighbours. They want you to hate people. Where do you think all these infographs and statistics come from that you see circulating around the chan boards? They come from the very people you hate. You're being manipulated.

Yes Jews are in positions of power, yes genetically blacks are more violent on average, yes they are systematically destroying western society. But what you're not focusing on is the spiritual battle that's taking place. If you're not a Christian unfortunately you can't see all this, all you can be is a sucker played by this Luciferian system that the Jews have set up.

inb4 someone posts the pope kissing a black mans foot while saying "deus vult!"

inb4 someone posts something about Christianity promoting race mixing

inb4 someone posts how Jews used Christianity to control the Romans

inb4 someone posts how Christianity is pacifistic

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96c6cc  No.219175

File: 3a41e91e53361b6⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1908x2126, 954:1063, 16.jpg)


inb4 someone posts something about how Christians let in all the refugees in the name of love

inb4 someone posts some dumb thing Catholicism did and attributes it to real Christianity

inb4 someone posts something about how Jesus was a Jew

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96c6cc  No.219176

File: 7c42b0b20943407⋯.jpg (110.34 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, flat_750x_075_f_pad_750x10….jpg)

File: cbf7fa1235e82f3⋯.jpg (112.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


Why do they want to incite division? To set the world up for a savior (antichrist). To make the world dependent on something that they've been planning to implement as a solution to all of this. One of their mottos is order through chaos. This is all part of a strategy to systematically break down the old world order and usher in the new.

What is at the end of this fight between the left and right?

What is at the end of inflation and debt?

What is at the end of impossibly expensive housing costs?

What is at the end of men hating women and women hating men?

Novus Orvo Seclorum. A new world order

The left are hitting, poking and prodding the right with their constant degeneracy and the right (that's you guys :)) are rightfully getting mad like hornets. Then you sit around on websites like this in bitter spitefulness, anger and racism at a system manufactured specifically so that you would be that way! You are being a pawn! Wake up!

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96c6cc  No.219177

File: abe3a7f91571820⋯.jpg (94.67 KB, 599x717, 599:717, 1451822862388.jpg)

File: e889b664d798a46⋯.png (34.79 KB, 768x813, 256:271, 1399848885388.png)

File: 60c772608525d5d⋯.png (21.75 KB, 532x826, 38:59, 1399848985890.png)

File: 765907a72b45c1d⋯.png (21.95 KB, 527x626, 527:626, 1399849049082.png)

File: 01b8bbd23a9ae0a⋯.png (76.46 KB, 589x1823, 589:1823, 1399849092954.png)


It's not wrong to love your own, I'm not saying racism is unnatural and that you shouldn't think that way. But I am saying that there's no need to be a nasty ass human being either. It is a fact that God made smart people, and he made dumb people too. There's no such thing as "smart", without "dumb".

You shouldn't use disgusting language and derogatory terms toward blacks for example just because they have a lower intellect. God loves variety, he made things diverse. It was not his intention to have every race living in futuristic mega cities and blasting off into outer space.

He created some races to just be simple and live off the land, to live amongst nature. The reason you can't appreciate that, and criticize blacks for living in mud hutts is because you've been forcefully co-erced into co-existence with them. It's like paying tax, if you're forced to do it you hate it. When you're given the option to contribute though , people often give with a cheerful heart. This multi-cultural system has turned you hateful and into a racist. If we all lived separately the way God intended, divided by race and language you would enjoy the differences

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96c6cc  No.219179

File: 59f60c847fb09e9⋯.png (15.48 KB, 527x502, 527:502, 1399849158266.png)

File: ed71ae7c98ade3f⋯.png (16.53 KB, 887x372, 887:372, 1399849355500.png)

File: 0b05dbfb6715810⋯.png (140.67 KB, 932x1964, 233:491, 1399849421914.png)

File: bf796091104e3e9⋯.png (66.08 KB, 799x1424, 799:1424, 1399849510728.png)


Also what you need to understand is that people are just people. We're all broken, coping with life and doing the best we can. Your average leftist liberal is not trying to purposefully be evil and degenerate society. Most are simply uneducated, driven by feelings or are doing simply what they believe to be right. It can be frustrating when they're flaunting their ignorance, but know that they're simply a victim of brainwashing from TV, media, news etc.

This doesn't excuse what they've done, I'm not saying give them a free pass. But try to be more understanding right?

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96c6cc  No.219180

File: 3e19aad8aee654c⋯.png (212.43 KB, 350x412, 175:206, 1568229552280.png)

File: 4b289883cad238b⋯.jpg (413.67 KB, 1387x1600, 1387:1600, 1573031729927.jpg)

File: 2bdda8f8cc4e9e5⋯.jpg (193.08 KB, 907x1360, 907:1360, 71WjsH6V9CL.jpg)

File: 29af7accfd19f17⋯.jpg (136.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault_2_.jpg)

File: e9f70c4c12b79f5⋯.jpg (8.49 KB, 263x192, 263:192, images.jpg)

Now the Jews. What are the Jews doing? Well, lets take a look at what they believe in. Freemasonry has direct ties to Judaism. They both believe in a metaphysical concept called "non-duality".

Non-duality is all about destroying the differences between dualities. So for example, good and evil, male and female, us and them, me and you etc

Actually reality itself is dualistic. At the very top level of existence itself, we have something and nothing, creation and destruction, life and death, beginning and end, expansion and regression, same and different, clarity and confusion, known and unknown, simple and complex, light and dark, yes and no, reality and fantasy, real and illusion, truth and lie, preservation and reform, single and relational, rejects and accepts, closed and open, strong and weak, objective and subjective, order and chaos, up and down, left and right, pleasure and pain, hot and cold, soft and hard, fast and slow, in and out, introverted and extroverted. I'm sure if you keep thinking about it, you can come up with many more.

Well the Jews want to destroy that. They want to make binary, non-binary.

The twin pillars "jachin" and "boaz" represent duality, which is why 9/11 was such a significant event

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96c6cc  No.219181

File: f6c7bfaf88e9109⋯.jpg (61.13 KB, 350x512, 175:256, 364bd3baccc1f7259959529ee5….jpg)

File: 506f311f6171e37⋯.jpg (143.01 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 1606093910801.jpg)

File: 8b26d73920fcd02⋯.png (870.53 KB, 763x867, 763:867, ere.png)

File: 02a0befdbbc553f⋯.png (317.87 KB, 500x498, 250:249, 81133cfce1f8f93d4c5900aed7….png)

File: 74caeea59b410b4⋯.jpg (1013.71 KB, 2528x2916, 632:729, 1561287664735.jpg)


The star of david represents non-duality. You have an upward facing triangle, and a downward facing triangle together as one. ONE. On the ONE dollar bill, they are announcing that they want to create a new world order. This is all about combining everything into one. That is why they are promoting the blurring of male and female, good and evil (as above, so below), use and them, me and you etc.

They are promoting psychedelics through people like Joe Rogan, so that you have an ego death experience and thereby are fooled into thinking you're God, or that we're all God. They are pushing for open border, tolerance, diversity, equality etc because they are trying to break the identity of everything down to be remolded into a system where Lucifer is the capstone and all of us are just the same…"bricks" in his pyramid scheme.

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96c6cc  No.219182

File: 8df5eabc382ddb8⋯.png (123.21 KB, 400x770, 40:77, gdg.png)

File: 859177d98cf66e5⋯.png (378.23 KB, 1086x1332, 181:222, infos.png)

File: d98c86eb8a5e28e⋯.png (926.36 KB, 804x940, 201:235, Untitled.png)

File: d2e2550ad266be5⋯.png (1.66 MB, 6144x2328, 256:97, 60.png)


Non-duality is why you see the third eye depicted everywhere in satanism or eastern mysticism (which is just another form of satanism). The third eye in the middle of the two eyes form a triangle, where the middle eye is at the top.

The Jews are still waiting on a messiah, from my research I believe that this messiah will look similar to Jesus Christ

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3a8296  No.219183

Keep it up anon. You are doing God's work. Anyone who tells you to take meds is without exception a shill.

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7b519e  No.219184

European Ethnoglobalism doesn't require me to ever think about any of this bullshit again. That is why it trumps your pro-nigger, pro-kike OP.

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96c6cc  No.219187

File: d7bfc48044a1d8e⋯.png (756.48 KB, 832x475, 832:475, 20_1.png)

File: f53c04066a4d933⋯.jpg (168.24 KB, 640x574, 320:287, 20_2.JPG)

File: d4d9f99c64aaaf6⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1635x1759, 1635:1759, 17.jpg)

File: e5d7c41fc419cb1⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1839x1833, 613:611, 18.jpg)

File: 0767aa4e7579a4a⋯.jpg (295.63 KB, 960x866, 480:433, 19.jpg)


I'm not for blacks or Jews. I'm for dethroning Jews and kicking them back to Israel. I acknowledge that blacks on average are more violent and have lower intelligence. I'm saying that your racism, bitterness and hatred are artificially created and desirable. That you're being used as a puppet by globalist Jews to incite division. Learn to read my friend.

After reading this thread, you should now understand what the one eye symbolism means. Non-duality.

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3a8296  No.219188

File: 29ed0b5eec4078d⋯.jpg (80.43 KB, 848x800, 53:50, 29e.jpg)



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96c6cc  No.219189

File: 2c6a4c9902d2e1a⋯.jpg (914.42 KB, 1814x1369, 1814:1369, dsds.jpg)

File: 0633ddc8af18144⋯.jpg (2.49 MB, 1480x4382, 740:2191, catholics.jpg)

File: 3d47a656c6d42d5⋯.jpg (3.24 MB, 3016x4223, 3016:4223, nahh_animes_fine.jpg)

File: 4f8409fc01f3225⋯.jpg (739.95 KB, 2000x924, 500:231, wrwrw.jpg)



It was only a matter of time before you people show up.

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3a8296  No.219191


Understandable. Mind telling me what you're trying to accomplish with spamming image compilations which contain occult symbolism and references to satanism?

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96c6cc  No.219192

File: 63133427e5d4080⋯.jpg (481.33 KB, 2192x1356, 548:339, 1591949548718.jpg)

File: 22e470a268aa1a5⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 4060x3195, 812:639, 1572402437495.jpg)

File: 99a5b67919024ce⋯.jpg (2.55 MB, 2840x2636, 710:659, 1469208048260.jpg)

File: 7314b61096ec481⋯.jpg (568.46 KB, 1250x1550, 25:31, 1605295928532.jpg)

File: 94c05bd5d761313⋯.png (578.65 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 31.png)

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96c6cc  No.219193

File: 93137433f7c8ea9⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1422x2127, 474:709, 1.png)

File: fc2c0f6e8ab6c44⋯.png (3.85 MB, 1553x1352, 1553:1352, 2.png)

File: ae945aeb305e463⋯.png (890.53 KB, 691x639, 691:639, 3_1.png)

File: e94c5c8661cef2f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 747x751, 747:751, 3.png)


Many people know the Jews are up to no good, but they don't know WHY they're up to no good. It all stems from their religious beliefs, namely the kabbalah, talmud, zohar etc, I'm merely informing people of that and exposing non-duality and Luciferianism in our culture. I'm trying to show white supremacists that they simply don't have the full picture of what's going on. It's about much much more than simply winning a race war. Your eternal soul is at stake.

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3a8296  No.219194


>I'm trying to show white supremacists that they simply don't have the full picture of what's going on

Wow that's a very noble goal.

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96c6cc  No.219195

File: 490e5b18096916b⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1528x1080, 191:135, 11.jpg)


Cut the sarcasm bro, I'm on your side for the most part. I support segregation and sending people back to their home countries. I support the white race and want them to come back into power in their own home countries. What I disagree with is the nasty language, the bitterness, the division, the hatred…that's all Jewish



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3a8296  No.219196


Ok, keep at it. It's hard not to turn into a white supremacist and racist for a non-brainwashed white person nowadays because of all the open hatred jews and nonwhites express against whites while benefiting from living in white countries. I'm waiting for sagebro to show up and sperg out that you support white genocide because you're unsupportive of animosity towards the enemies.

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4841f4  No.219199


Sagebro is a mod.

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3a8296  No.219203


More accurately an ex-mod, no?

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d30168  No.219204

i didnt know one person can make so many low effort and boring images without hanging themselfs

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811084  No.219207


ChrisHanson. Global mod. He's currently shilling, saging, and screeching in


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3a8296  No.219216


He is also a paid shill along with being a kike mod?

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f9e1c1  No.219218


We’re not alt-right and never have been. Fuck off, jew.

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f9e1c1  No.219219


I love that you retarded shills have invented a boogeyman that you can’t even quantify.

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3a8296  No.219224

File: a3c0432bdcf18d2⋯.jpg (462.22 KB, 890x1099, 890:1099, Suiseiseki_full_13780.jpg)


I-I'm not a shill desu

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f9e1c1  No.219228


Oh, okay. OP’s a kike trying to put out a fire before it turns him to ash. You had the right idea saging at first.

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3a8296  No.219235


In 4/pol/ shills where there is high activity the shills try to blend in with the posters. But here in /pnd/ with 5 users shills are doing the opposite and accusing actual posters of being shills over the slightest disagreement without providing any argument. It's getting kinda infuriating.

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1debd1  No.219300


>He thinks Jack Donovan is Jewish


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811084  No.219301


>he thinks focusing on just one eceleb will make the others less jewish

>he's defending a faggot who is prbly a jew by birth and if not a jew by association


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a969bd  No.219440

File: fcc6aa3a05a03ae⋯.png (270.02 KB, 1366x1049, 1366:1049, a.png)

File: 868d999437cf3d9⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1365x6421, 1365:6421, Harvest.png)

File: b8dca14febb3c86⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1366x3891, 1366:3891, Quantum_on_Earth.png)

Holy based, one of the most excellent thread on this shithole in a long time.

And now, the truth…

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a969bd  No.219441

File: da2010080106af6⋯.png (3.13 MB, 1366x5079, 1366:5079, 2021.png)

File: ac4a1fcf85496fb⋯.png (70.67 KB, 1339x793, 103:61, 2nd_Revelation.png)

File: feded44cd92753b⋯.png (325.65 KB, 1366x1179, 1366:1179, b.png)

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96c6cc  No.219496

File: 02749e372c767ce⋯.jpg (3.57 MB, 1866x5968, 933:2984, 1.jpg)

File: d45b33e6bb0e3f6⋯.jpg (3.66 MB, 1920x5968, 120:373, 2.jpg)

File: dddb18bdc77f11f⋯.png (861.43 KB, 1805x7337, 1805:7337, 40_2.png)

File: bbdf62a0a307008⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1600x1077, 1600:1077, 40_3.png)

File: b89833276b089cd⋯.png (667.09 KB, 1757x599, 1757:599, 40_1.png)



>And now, the truth…

These images are nonsense, theories made up by some random to be posted in actual credible threads to derail them and make them look like schizos. Never post that garbage again. Junk like this is exactly the same as a guy posting how the catholic church is crap and associating with true christianity. Get out of here with the disinfo.

Now for some actual info:




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75c548  No.219516


I support neither Terrant nor Breivik, but that's an odal rune on the gun, not a fish.

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75c548  No.219517


He is a jew apologist though.

>Regarding the Joos… I find the subject pretty tiresome, and I'll admit that I start rolling my eyes after the first 5 minutes of listening to a tirade about da Joos"

Jack Donovan

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377dbf  No.219562


>thinks Sam Hyde is both Jewish and Alt-Right

I think the trolling went too far over OP's head on that one.

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96c6cc  No.219563

File: db0e724cb589380⋯.jpg (39.75 KB, 349x642, 349:642, 1371831278385.jpg)

File: 620e59346f77322⋯.png (72.68 KB, 744x1340, 186:335, 1371830572030.png)



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5b4833  No.219605

First of all, like other people have said we are not "alt-right". Second of all some people seem to be on that picture just because the author wanted more people there. Why is reviewbrah there, cause he said one time that he went to pol? Why are the Le Pens or that jap there? This alt right shit is an american thing. Or rather some kind of jewish trick played in the US. Not every slightly right wing youtuber, opinion spouter, etc either sincere or controlled by the kikes is "altright".

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1246f0  No.220412


Fuck off glownigger . (((The jews are evil and want you to worship them! Worship this other jew instead!)))

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1246f0  No.220413


Fed spotted

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f00270  No.220414



I would never imagine Sam Hyde and Linkola being in the same image

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f00270  No.220415


and fucking ReviewBrah

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c20259  No.220416

File: c0ef57fbb986b77⋯.jpg (60.86 KB, 666x666, 1:1, original.jpg)


> How do i convice everyone that people i dont like are jewish because i think they are?

> I know, I'll use MS Paint and stick a star of david on them and put it in a big picture!

> Now everyone will hate the people i do.

> Im so smart it should be illegal.

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9528ed  No.220435

File: 9424c09e3ad7263⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 1023x1187, 1023:1187, frazetta.jpg)


>HH dubs of truth

We used to be barbarians 'n sheeit.

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96c6cc  No.220464

File: 0f8c38822afcace⋯.png (642.76 KB, 1022x731, 1022:731, depress_1.png)








Nice. This place is dumb, if not dumber than 4chan itself. Bunch of retards saying useless crap.

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3a8296  No.220467


>This place is dumb


>if not dumber than 4chan itself

No. 4/pol/ is pretty much indistinguishable from /bant/ now

>Bunch of retards saying useless crap

And you're one of them

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1e9749  No.220491


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96c6cc  No.220498


Just let the thread die then tard. This information is lost on you.

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0ac4df  No.220500


Lol, why am i a fed?

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3a8296  No.220504


>Just let the thread die then tard

That's what I'm trying to do you tard

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3a1aa1  No.220525

Oh noes, not muh nigga, Jesse Lee haha. OP must know that the term, 'alt-right' was coined by a kike and that we aren't these e-celebs audience.

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06fa02  No.220542


No one will ever believe you.

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e60728  No.221018


You exist just as I do, faggot. And you exist, just as I do; as a Punishment.

There is nothing in this cosmos that is not also Punishment.

Ashes and Echoes

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35731b  No.221147


How in the hell is the japanese guy with the swastika flag a jew?

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e60728  No.221167


Because Jim Watkins is a fat masonicnigger.

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f1ae23  No.221258


Japanese jew perhaps? I want to know how full asians spot crypto jew asians lol.

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8a2186  No.221375

This one rustles the kikes feathers. Faggot kike mod couldn't clean up the spam but this one must keep the fucker up at night haha.

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f54e88  No.226756

File: 88dfeb04f4a8737⋯.jpg (8.42 KB, 173x231, 173:231, download_6_.jpg)

The whole lot of you here are faggot kike rats. Sam Hyde aint a filthy jew and neither is Anders Breivek. Fuck off with your pathetic demoralization attempts you vermin scum.

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7a9b18  No.229636


Anders Brevik is a literal Freemason, which is nothing but an offshoot of Judaism. Freemasonry = Judaism. Look at the first few images…are you people actually that dumb?

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