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File: c898e8972e9b7ab⋯.jpg (899.54 KB, 828x1525, 828:1525, Biden_More_ProWhite_Than_T….jpg)

c6be1d  No.218933

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d2e6ef  No.218935

I guess this pretty much settles the debate on whether or not the Irish are White.

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87bfee  No.218937


Cool. So now there's a white history month and you whiny chalkies can stfu about it.

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d2e6ef  No.218951


> implying

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515772  No.218996

File: 907c228e69f658a⋯.jpg (160.21 KB, 1000x786, 500:393, livingstone.jpg)


Every month is White history month.

This is Dr. Livingstone, the man who taught literacy to the African savages.

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77d013  No.219006


Irish-American Heritage Month has been March since 1993. Biden didn't declare shit. It's just the standard annual Presidential proclamation.

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6ef770  No.219089


I'm still not sure he succeeded.

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896787  No.219093

File: d488d1383e5f51c⋯.png (164.08 KB, 750x532, 375:266, Literacy_Rate_by_Generatio….png)

File: 48fea1bc7ec97f6⋯.png (12.9 KB, 547x383, 547:383, 2019179_1.png)


I don't know how they count "literate" because there are like 20% of Americans under 65 in the "low literacy" category. The standard must be pretty fucking low to count as "literate". I'd like to see the test.

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a34654  No.219154


I would like to know, having seen black twitter, what passes as literate as well.

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d4ff5f  No.219160



It would be a real shame if an Israeli attack destroyed Lenin's crypt and body. That would be a unrecoverable disaster that would lead to Russia's annihilation in approximately XX years. You are frustrating my patience.

Dear Britain, your attempts to upgrade the armaments protecting Big Ben are not exactly preventing nor helping the fact that your neighbors are still pushing forward with plans to attack and destroy it while you hide it from your people because the pretext would be too profitable to turn down considering that France is grooming them…

I will devour you. I am the wolf. Do you feel me…

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b5a27d  No.219161

File: 50ba36d332298fb⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 1612x1648, 403:412, Russia_means_Israel.jpg)


>implying israel and russia arent allies

>implying zionism isnt just repackaged communism

JIDF pls go

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d4ff5f  No.219166

>>An Owl in an apple tree..


>Implies the shit he is shown is reality.

>Assumes political motivation like a nigger.

It will go to them in their sleep. You will now see a radical increase in people calling the police not for help, but to ambush and slaughter them.

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d4ff5f  No.219168



Israel and Russia have never been allies. At no point in history has Russia willingly supported any congregation, sect, tribe, etc. of the Jewish people by writ of government for any reason beyond basic welfare for those who remained within the confines of the state.

The image you provide is a meme at worst and a gross under-exaggeration at best. This is a multifaceted problem with several hundred degrees of complexity (excluding China's desire to enter the middle-eastern block with military control and supremacy at the same time hence the Uighur experiments).

You also fail to consider Europe's involvement and corruption in the matter. It is the desire of multiple states to groom a persistent ring of terror to artificially benefit their structure.

Depending on how and if you respond I will know you.

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4bf244  No.219319


Every word you’ve said is a lie, easily proven by reading any modern document about the state of Israel and the Russian Republic. Commit suicide, retard.

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be2662  No.219342


> under-exaggeration at best. This is a multifaceted problem with several hundred degrees of complexity


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a34654  No.219401


>It is the desire of multiple states to groom a persistent ring of terror to artificially benefit their structure.

This is true. Which is why anarcho-homicidalism is the only solution for humanity. The inherent right of individual self defense and proactive murder of those in the hierarchy shall not be infringed.

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19145e  No.219417


>>An owl.

There is what is shown versus the functioning of 'reality.' Books can say many things, but one cannot deny how it has worked, is working, and will continue to work via the end result of their actions.

To make matters worse you state that I am a liar without providing any citations for you're supposed literature. Even worse than that, regardless of what literature you cite you will notice a 'unreal' trend in the knowledge and data skewed towards the interests of the parties involved in the matter. It always appears in their benefit in the end as you are always on the receiving end of their endless assault on your ass.

Back to reality… My reality…

If governments are sooooooooo smurt… How are governments going to respond too and overcome the impending oxygen crisis??? hehehahaHaHaHAHAHA Ooops, I may have said too much.

Enjoy that one it's free.

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19145e  No.219418



I was there for a lot of them… That is not a unique idea nor does it work.

>>26,000 & 3 more.

Combine politics, finance, and fame; fall like Egypt.

Create a societal mechanism that pushes out ones that are disliked; dissolve live the Babylonians and Hittites.

Convert politics into a religion; explode into a million tiny pieces like the Maya.

If you enjoy recreational inequality a little too much; collapse fat and winded like the Sumerians.

The list is quiet endless, but more importantly… This is til death do us part all the way. It just happens to be that you never cease to exist.

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4de81c  No.219432

File: f0bd21b09cdbd65⋯.webm (1.7 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, 1591458405517.webm)

Why is Biden and Kamal still in official office? How did we lose?

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a34654  No.219433



> This is til death do us part all the way.

Not married to any of these people anon.

Just looking for a workable solution.

I also think you dismiss it out of hand rather than persistently fighting against evil until it is vanquished and driven from the Earth.

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a34654  No.219434

File: 105ea28395ad300⋯.jpg (291.98 KB, 1232x682, 56:31, alt_kikes.jpg)


Not understanding?

It is very simple. Only hierarchy's create hierarchy's. Regular people do not do this. We should tear them all down until there is none left.

Someone was complaining on 8kun about what 'revolutions' were always instigated by wealthy and without wealthy no revolution is instigated. I swear to God that most people are completely brain dead.

There are only TWO SIDES. One is the pro hierarchy side (DEATH OF HUMANITY) and one is the human side (DEATH OF THE HEIRARCY).

So basically that anon was complaining that the hierarchy is required to overthrow the hierarchy. Batshit insane because they are never going to do that. Power does not reform power.

This was one of the main (outside of the fact that they were all homosexual [fucking DISGUSTING] kikes) problems with the 'alt-kikes' was that they were only interested in 'overthrowing the hierarchy' as long as they 'BECAME THE NEW MASTER'…which means that we would suffer under their agenda rather than the last hierarchy's agenda.

It is pretty simple to understand 'babylon' once you see it and reject it. But you have to decide that LIFE (living free) is worth dying for…which is a paradox of course when you think about it. Hierarchy is death…but you have to confront and conquer death and your fears in order to actually be free. So in the current system a human being is only 'not a slave' for the fractional moment in which they live to free themselves from the death throes of hierarchy.

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33c583  No.219444


"We" weren't "winning" before them, nor will we after they're gone. They are irrelevant. Go away with your D&C.

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33c583  No.219445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>le 8148D upside-down underwater zero-g backgammon

If anyone needs to see more of Putin sucking (((their))) weenies, just search for his name on this JooToob channel.

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4bf244  No.219446


You’re illiterate. Israel and Russia are allies. Today. Right now. In virtually every way that nations can be allied. Commit suicide.

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a07bb3  No.219447


Because you are weak and stupid.

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240654  No.219490

My folks did more for this shit country then any fucking irishnigger ever did, they got 0 support for it from this jew country, fuck the Jewnited States

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d4ff5f  No.219763


>>The owl once more.

Do you like that China. That was just a sneeze. I lay here dying…

Where are your nukes?

Where is that big army?

You lie about the numbers… Don't fuck with me. I know how many I took.

My power continues to grow.

Soon I will piss on your fucking neighbor and erase their existence for eternity. Do you feel me? I'm hungry…

I want more of you.

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d4ff5f  No.219767




I need my words to fall on deaf ears.

I told you how it ends. Nato will protect Russia after it declares war on the United states, before it destroys Turkey and Germany.

I promise all of you with all my love from the deepest depths of my heart that you will all die.

China will eat North Korea and reign supreme for a thousand years.

Or we can do it my way. In my reality.

In my reality I take your fucking breath away.

My heart stops for you.

It just happens to be that my heart stops a couple times a day in a situation where I get to ask for and see some things…

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d4ff5f  No.219773


I see you.

Be speechless you fucking whore bitch. I can sense your thoughts. It really is that bad.

I'm a wolf in wolfs clothing. You tell your old bitch Xi what I said. It's time for me to eat some pills for nap nap time. That's when I go out and rape the minds of the ones that are sleeping over there.

You go sleep on it just like the fools that had to sleep on it for that deadly mRNA vaccine solution they loved so much.

We're going there. I'm taking us to that special dark place.

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d4ff5f  No.219775


>>The fox, a wolf, and my special bird.

Russia is not Israel's ally. I would especially know all about that. Inside of them. In that place where they think to themselves, but don't say it out laud. Where they think they are safe from me.

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4bf244  No.219776


Reported for purposely misquoting all users with your paid shilling classification system. Reported for posting disinformation. Blow your fucking brains out. Russia is Israel’s largest supplier of oil. They have visa-free movement. They buy military tech from one another. There’s a direct communications line between their governments. They’re working a free trade agreement. IT IS ILLEGAL TO QUESTION THE HOLOCAUST RUSSIA.


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86ef53  No.220711


Sounds like a jewish thing to do. Prepping them to use as weapons. I don't like him.

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f2b3a0  No.222519


Lmao fuck you

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fb14e6  No.222530

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fb14e6  No.222531


checkin these but what is the means of this disdorder?

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