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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: cb32cbf92eb9826⋯.png (316.54 KB, 456x384, 19:16, Screenshot_2021_03_05_5253….png)

2fe74d  No.218889

Bryan prays to president Trump to smite @Randall Fragg.

He attacks @NerdShamer for some reason.

He sperged about @DisobedientLupus and @Randall Fragg to Ron Paul on /pol/ asking him to intercede with Trump to destroy us.

He blocked @Just A Butt on twitter, called on Trump to smite me, @NerdShamer @Randall Fragg and @disobedientlupis

Bryan is sperging hard today. He caught wind that Trump has the Chinese batflu and uses that as a chance to link the profile URLs of his internet enemies.

Bryan is calling for your hero, the leader of the Red-Brown coalition, far-left socialist and space station occupant Analog Devolved to be doxed!

… we lost contact with agent @SIGSEGV

It is believed @SIGSEGV was KIA by pro-democracy western forces.

Bryan has discovered my true identity and is exposing me on GAB and 4chan.

Agent @Randall Fragg has been DOXXXXXXXXED by Bryan! His secret email has been published on 4chan and there is a good change our maga enemies and the Q conspiritards will see it.

@Randall Fragg @StreetGangsta @Battlecruiser3000ad @Begemot @HumanHive all doxxxxxxxxxed!

Everyone is doxxxxxxxxed! @NerdShamer is doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed!

You've been doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed.

It was him lmao. Doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed

Change your email you've been doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed by Bryan.

Be careful comrades. Bryan knows who we are. We've been doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed.

Bryan has figured out that we were secretly behind the capitol riots. He claims Null orchestrated the riots on my behalf and sent the global moderators along with @Battlecruiser3000ad to Washington DC to liberate the capitol and establish a socialist utopia.

Bryan links a bunch of kiwi profiles and DOXXXXXXXXXXXX information on 4chan. Beware frens, he knows who we are.

Too late. You're doxxxxxxxxxxed. He knows you were there and is exposing it.


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