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File: 7f430177e192195⋯.jpg (466.43 KB, 900x1070, 90:107, frederick_the_great_1712_1….jpg)

6656ed  No.218439

Gig Economy

Unless you are already a millionaire, innawoods or on the neetbux, looks like you will soon be in the "gig economy". Your boss will be an AI, and you will scurry around doing menial tasks that they haven't figured out how to automate yet - like literally sucking cocks.

I don't envy zoomers. You guys had better start planning your innawoods while still in high school.

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53b71c  No.218442

Yup. Welcome to capitalism, anon.

>zoomers plan innawoods in high school

They’re coming for the country side as well. If a bunch of white men move to the woods, you better believe that the elites will keep an eye on that. Wouldn’t it be better if single childless white guys just stay where they are in the cities and not concede any ground?

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6656ed  No.218444

File: f7bb3d3f84e5112⋯.png (726.13 KB, 728x463, 728:463, ClipboardImage.png)


>Wouldn’t it be better if single childless white guys just stay where they are in the cities and not concede any ground?

I can understand the sentiment here, but as honorable as it sounds, it's just not sound tactics. Movement is an essential, if you are in an untennable position it makes more sense to regroup than to hold.

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6ef1e0  No.218453


>I don't envy zoomers.

You shouldn't. It's hell for us right now.

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ee3ccb  No.218456


jewish capitalism isnt capitalism. capitalism doesn't exist with worthless paper "currency"

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6656ed  No.218457


>You shouldn't. It's hell for us right now.

What are you doing with your life now? What's your plan?

I'm 38 years old, and the number one piece of advice I have for people younger than me is: If the rent is too high - move.

I used to live in a big city, with a big salary, but I was probably giving about 60% of my salary to the landlord.

Since I moved to a smaller city (population 700k), I have bought my own house, and have a mortgage on a vacation house too which will be paid off in a couple of years. I worked for 12 years in the big city and basically achieved nothing financially (I just advanced my career).

If the rent is too high - leave

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ba3fd8  No.218462


Good advice anon. I know a couple zoomers and I have given them the same advice as well as advice about not being priced out of the market because they bought to late. Ideally they would build their house themselves and not carry any sort of mortgage either.

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6656ed  No.218476


>Ideally they would build their house themselves and not carry any sort of mortgage either.

Yeah, ideally.

Although I'm not that worries about mortgages and debt as the average anon. Cash is about as jewish as debt these days. If a mortgage is the difference between owning the place you live in and not, you should do it.

The real problem is getting into more debt than you can handle. Don't get sucked into a 30 year mortgage in which the repayments are 50% of your income.

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