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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: a24c137485c8c51⋯.png (59.06 KB, 1919x992, 1919:992, access_denied.PNG)

e9db3d  No.217811

Anyone else get this?

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2c3e96  No.217813


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b49bbb  No.217814


Cute kitty.

What is Psywar?

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e9db3d  No.217816


damn. thought i was unique and upset everyone.


Psychological Warfare

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102dfe  No.217818


I got it too.

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e9db3d  No.217820


Doubt it's related but here's an interesting thread on Vanwa and 8kun.


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b49bbb  No.217823


Yes, aware…psywar against whom? It is an interesting thing to have only that and a schedule with notes on your desktop.

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e9db3d  No.217993


I'm compiling examples of Zio-Bolshevik psyop used against the public, particularly on chans, so anons can wage guerilla information war against hostile governments and groups.

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d4b623  No.218077


After the inauguration everything changed. Not many noticed.

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03591c  No.218078


Yes, but then I switched to a Russian IP and shouted "praise putin!" into the microphone and it let me in.

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b49bbb  No.218080


>Russian IP

I have to get me one of those. I think that is the one IP my collection is missing.

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3a3e09  No.218086


I think an IP is good to avoid getting doxxed by some admin in a Gmod server, wont protect you from the gov tho, you have to be balls to the wall stupid to think they don't bypass it in a matter of seconds.

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6a8fc0  No.218115


I think anyone with a decent to somewhat decent web crawler could identify us everywhere we have ever been or commented on the web. Certainly the (((government))) knows exactly what we are up to. I don't really worry about the government yet…I do worry about BLM retards and other bolshevik faggots who patrol this website though. And my main worry is that I don't want to have to shoot one of those faggots when they come at me, but I will to protect myself. It is a delicate balance when someone becomes too much of a pain in the ass to be suffered to live but threatening me physically would definitely violate that balance.

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1a0707  No.218128

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