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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 7a94d5b80f1be82⋯.png (10.81 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, share_1_.png)

aa1f3a  No.217588

How will the rich ruling class use it?

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37bfef  No.217589

Another form of us. Destined to fuck it all up.

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e42bae  No.217591

Theyre gonna have a hard time keeping a "mental" cage on the ai

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aa1f3a  No.217671

They completely oppose the idea of AI unless it's of governing a labor system. They'll probably introduce a fake AI that's really an automation system in which the masses will gladly worship

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233236  No.217672

>How will the rich ruling class use it?


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73fc87  No.217676

File: 8adf2919d090e70⋯.png (755.91 KB, 834x652, 417:326, levandowski.PNG)

they're creating a demiurge, if not coming into contact with the already existing one.

it'll be powered by quantum supercomputers and hooked up to the world's surveilling, big-data-collecting, 'internet of things', and 'internet of bodies'. it will be an omniscient and omnipresent golem god.

most likely its 'neural networks' and so on will be configured to only source from approved information, but there is a chance it will (eventually/inevitably) use the entire internet (of things/bodies) itself as a source. keep that in mind when choosing what to write and what content you upload, or indeed what information your daily life in general feeds the big data servers.

it may well also be a luciferian god, and life may become surprisingly more 'free' (read: libertine) than the common conception of totalitarianism, for the reason that pre-crime tech will be able to assess who are true threats to the system (and haptic-simulation tech may become realistic enough to appease violent/sexual etc. desires), so policing of a lot of crimes will become ostensibly more lenient.

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339e74  No.217679


I see every jew being slaughtered openly before that jewish wet dream happens…

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e96dda  No.217683


They're pretty open about what their plans are, just read conference papers and watch the videos for synopses:


TLDR: a fully automated 50-cent army that costs way less than 50 cents a post to censor and shill with.

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cb62f6  No.217684


its obviously gonna be used for surveillance, but not for long. soon we all have to ascend to an artificial hell for eternity.


Heisman was right.

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25a90a  No.217694


>>26,000 + 1

If they had known. It would've never been done.

If not by one than by the other and what was 2 is now three, if you look at the door there will be 4; do not pray or it will send more.

The answer is simple. No corruption ever.

>>The 8th

It is in those days that the origin of the end of man itself came to be. It is the answer. The undoing. It is the reason they could not speak and invented language, the survivors. It is the reason that no record exists. It is the source, the only age. In this loop. The events before that age are the same events leading to the next or better stated the only age.

The information does not exist as it was digital at the time it was destroyed. Considering the pyramids of Egypt have not been built yet at this time as of right now. The 'aliens' or survivors of mans previous bout in space don't exist yet to visit us back then.

It will be revealed. Voyager+ September was the proof. Quantum computing is only part of the answer, but nonetheless those realms of 'physics' will be revealed.

Don't cross me for theory is less than truth and only one step away from lie.

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