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File: 614937b9d9c6b60⋯.jpg (54.48 KB, 663x334, 663:334, kd1.JPG)

File: defcc8a2a5c4ab0⋯.jpg (57.53 KB, 423x622, 423:622, kd2.JPG)

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ed9fde  No.217463

So, a lot of people think the original Israelites were 100 % white and originated in Europe.

Some say Greek or Indo European.

What are the biblical exact places where this could be mentioned, this relation to Europe and the like?

They did tests on jews and it turns out that around 75 % of them have semitic origin to a part, leaving 25 % with no semitic heritage.

Then most jews seem to be like 4 to 5 % subsaharian african aka niggers in this small part.

There were also blue eyed people in todays Israel that came from the caucasus.

So maybe the original WHITE people in the region, GOD's choosen people were a mix of Indo Europeans from like Iran, Greek and also Italians?

So I'm interested in everything in historic texts such as the Bible that mentions the origin of the original choosen people at the time before they mixed with the locals.

And also it seems that the old phoenicians were from Span or the like and WHITE. But were the old testament jews part phoenician.

Where did the original GOD's choosen people originate…

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f35542  No.217466

the last pharaohs were greek. that's all I need to say

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e03fb9  No.217470

It's all nonsense. There are no "chosen people". Kikes are the genetic manifestation of all the cancer of human nature that has became a plague since we started forming societies.

And when they destroy those societies they scutter off and start a new. The Jew has no true home and hence has had to be forcefully removed hundreds of times in history.

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29753e  No.217473

File: 3eb300937a3dbb0⋯.jpeg (29.73 KB, 474x591, 158:197, sephardi.jpeg)



There are basically 3 ethnic Jewish groups:

The Sephardi - Developed in North of Africa - Egypt, Canaan, Morocco, Algeria, Spain, Portugal…

The Ashkenazi - They're originated from Caucasus - Armenia. Most North African ancestors in general are descendants of Caucasians - red hair, intense porky blue eyes, ruddy skin, Armenoid nose. They were slowly mixing with the locals - Canaanites (meztizo black people).

Cohenin - a priestly cast inside the Jews from Israel. They're mix from the 2 ethnic groups I've already mentioned. Most of them are Rabies.



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09ecbf  No.217488

File: f050ab39bf362b5⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1898x1498, 949:749, White_Israelites.jpg)

File: 77bdd704bc46129⋯.jpg (3.16 MB, 1969x3546, 1969:3546, Lost_Tribes_of_Israel.jpg)

File: 15f3a6d5a30ab9b⋯.png (247.22 KB, 1333x1709, 1333:1709, History_of_the_Jews.png)

File: 014b4abfc908ecd⋯.png (3.25 MB, 1396x3097, 1396:3097, Real_History_of_the_Jews.png)



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e8696a  No.217502


No they weren't. It's a christcuck cope.

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a3b63b  No.217503

Whatcha slidin’?

No really, there is nothing here. You dont need to slide threads on a dead board.

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5892f8  No.217510

((OP))) is distracting from this thread https://8kun.top/pnd/res/217166.html

It's already been proven that ancient Israelites were of European descent.

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ed9fde  No.217519


It is not my intention to distract from anything. The subject of that thread is an alternative Christianity.

It does mention:

1 Maccabees 20-23

>Areus, King of the Lacedemonians, to Onias, sendeth greeting … we have discovered that both the Jews (Judahites) and the Lacedemonians (Spartans) are of one stock, and are derived from the kindred of Abraham … This letter is four-square; and the seal is an eagle, with a dragon in his claws"(Ant.12:4:10).

But what is maccabees is it part of the OT?

Also what else in the bible hints to the origin of the old school Israelites.

There was a DNA test mentioned in the thread of phoenicians. But were the choosen people phoenician? Didn't they arrive from somewhere else that is not specifically specified?

Where could this place have been, todays Ukraine? Not too fara away.

Apparently todays jews has a lot of Italian heritage:


I think King David called africans the doomed race yet most jews like atleast 80 % have mixed with them:


And then there were blue eyed folks who moved to the region like 6500 years ago.

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ed9fde  No.217520

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5892f8  No.217521


Hebrews were a mixed group. They were warriors, bandits, murderers, and outlaws. They were a rootless, tribeless clan. Coming from Europe, they dominated the Middle Eastern peoples and waged war against everyone..kinda like the Viking raids.

They mixed not only among themselves but with locals of whatever region they were in at any given time. When Abraham created Yahwehism they outlawed racemixing to preserve their European traits. In regards to linguistics – Welsh became Phoenician and Phoenician became the language of the newly formed Hebrew tribe now united under Yahwehism.

When the Hebrews conquered Palestine they renamed the land as Israel and became Israelites. Anti-racemixing was still the law and we see this even in Jesus' time:

>But Jesus replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” “Yes, Lord,” she said, “ even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

(Matthew 15:26-27)

"Jews" are not descended from Hebrew or Israelite peoples but Turkish Khazars. The term "Jew" wasn't even invented until the 1800s. Oddly enough the Book of Revelation predicted the "Jewish Problem"

>I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 2:9

Biblical history is European history.

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3bfc44  No.217522


Yeah sure, why not? Everyone in the history of mankind has always been White. Darker skinned people are aliens from other planets or whatever. You just tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep better at night. May as well be a "WE WUZ" nigger, right?

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09ecbf  No.217549


Shut the fuck up nigger

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aa0ba0  No.217558

File: cb389a424c96ec6⋯.jpg (84.75 KB, 432x336, 9:7, 4534.jpg)



Jews are described in Ancient Egypt as Hapiru (or Habiru). The Hapiru ruled in Lower Egypt - they practically divided the Egyptian Empire into 2 kingdoms: Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt.

Hapirus were Seth Worshippers - the red-hair dog BLOOD-THURSTY God. But in 2350 BC. King Narmer defeated Hapirus and they were exiled in Avaris (yes, the mentioned city in Aladdin); a city of bandits, thieves, mercenaries. Then they moved to Canaan (Egyptian jurisdiction). Pharaoh Narmer ordered to ban the cult of Seth; so Hapirus kept worshipping Seth by the name of Yahweh. Now you see why Yahweh ordered to not build one idol or statue in his name.


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c57af4  No.217560


Yes I also think the came from Europe but I am interested in more details.

Where did you get the info that "jews" are descendants of Khazars from turkey?

I do agree biblical history is very much WHITE history.

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9da181  No.220771


White people are not superior to any other race. This idea that the Ancient Israelites mentioned in the Bible and other historical and religious texts were of European descent is pure white supremacist cope. It is a product of modern times (around 1960s) and a few racists during the Reconstruction Era. Why would God make on race inferior to another? I am not inferior to a white man as a black man.

Besides, Christianity is too cucked and soft, Islam is the true religion now. If you really want to please the TRUE LORD, not Jesus, who was a man that shits and pisses like you, turn to Allah and surrender your soul to him.

May Allah bless all who read this and guide them towards Jannah.

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6c4b45  No.220779


It is always ok to kill jews.

There is no future for jews.

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6c4b45  No.220780


White people are Gods.

Allah is gay.

Mohammed was a whore.

There is nothing that you can do against me for saying that, you worshiper of the faggot Allah.

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8c74cb  No.220790


You may argue no race is inferior to another.

But members of races tend to go towards their natural expressions.

Also afro americans quite often are mixed with whites.

Niggers steal from whites.

They don't invent.

We don't need them for anything. Oh, their rap "music" you say, we'll people who feel they need it could import it from nigger land.

Whites invented like everything we are the inventive race we are the coolest freshest and so on…

Also blacks smell…

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9da181  No.220791


I am still confused on that topic myself to be completely honest with you. Africans in general don't bring any good and only drag others down, even when given more opportunities. Last year destroyed my mental health.

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09ecbf  No.220830


>Last year destroyed my mental health

Join the 41%. Although I don't think that will be necessary because you're likely to be honor killed by achmed for being a muslim tranny.

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1474bc  No.221572


When refering to white people you must use the proper: "huwhite". White just refers to the color.

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cd12df  No.221675

File: 8d6e7eed443d6a9⋯.jpg (32.49 KB, 474x471, 158:157, diamond_pepe.jpg)


> When refering to white people you must use the proper: "huwhite".

You might be correct, shine on you crazy diamond.

For those wanting to know how it is pronounced :


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9dacc3  No.225511


They are dirt colored. Adam was from dirt.

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9dacc3  No.225512


whites are objectively inferior to azhkenazi jews. azhkenazi jews can control at least 2 whites at once. hence, azhkenazi jews are at least 2 times better than whites

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543247  No.225539


>azhkenazi jews are at least 2 times better than whites

Hit every branch of the stupid tree on the way down, didn't you.

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46308c  No.225543


I feel that no race is truly inferior, but there certainly are some differences. I think that the niggers we have in america are the scum of africa. Black africans are quite intelligent in comparison.

I think if you look at the origins of american rednecks, and white trash, you will see most came from the scum of london. They were violent people who committed crimes, but were not successful, and were sent abroad to do forced labor. Niggers essentially are the same, and were sold out by their own people.

Another thing is that jews bought them, so who knows how the jews selected the niggers. They may have looked for the exact type that would be violent and mob creating.

Also, if europe had been colonized, whites would be somewhat different. Lastly, the bantu expansion happened 2000-3000 years after the aryan expansion. Perhaps blacks would have reached the same level of innovation if they had 2000 years longer before colonization. The bantu expansion was very similar to the aryan expansion, and bantu africans were essentially the aryans of africa, given that they had more inventions, some civilizations, etc. They had a chance. I have never really noticed blacks smelling, but perhaps they do because blacks have lesser need for hygiene, considering Africa was so tropical. Maybe they naturally feel less need for hygiene. Also, Africa was quite isolated until recently, and many viruses and diseases associated with Africa did not exist before colonial niggers began to eat chimpanzees. So unlike europe, there were less diseases. In china, there were so many diseases in ancient history, that the chinks developed a defense-alcohol in the blood. Chinks have a higher alcohol content in their blood, so they actually are more resistant to disease than other people. This alcohol content also makes it difficult for them to drink liquor, and so they get sick. East asia is frigid in the winter and hot in the summer, perfect for disease. Europe is temperate but cool nearly all year round, depending on where you are. Africa is hot all year round. Malaria and such diseases were problems through history in Africa, but there was not much need of hygiene as cleanliness does not prevent malaria. Whereas cleanliness (cleaning of food scraps and other rat foods) was important in stopping the bubonic plague.

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46308c  No.225546


The original isrealites were not 100% white european. No possible way.

They migrated from the sinai peninsula into modern Israel, so they are from even farther south. More importantly, many kikes have downward noses and curly hair, just like arabs from that region do. And this is despite millennia of race mixing between whites and jews. Even then we can still tell them apart.

Perhaps the Romans, the first people to come into contact with the hippy cult known as Christianity, were white. So they may have changed the stories to fit their own people. Also, the aryan expansion occurred, so it is likely that jews have some aryan heritage due to that as well, so they look white because of this. Also, it depends on your definition of white. Are you a nigger? If so then you might consider anyone lighter than brown to be automatically white. I don't think southern Spaniards were white in the same sense as celts or germans. As far as I know, there was hardly any mixing between arabs and Spaniards, so modern Spaniards look exactly the same as they did thousands of years ago. Which means that southern Spaniards have always been sallow colored, while northern celtic spaniards have been white.

Lastly, modern jews are actually quite white. If you look at their dietary habits and certain markers that they hold genetically, they often seem similar to southern europe, rather than their fellow eastern Mediterraneans. So jews are quite mixed. Jews are to whites and Levantine peoples (such as lebanese or Palestinians) as hapas are to whites and asians. Jews are probably not part nigger. The middle east is just like any other region of the world, in that the natives have developed a group of ethnicities that weren't racially mixed until quite recently. Curly haired jews probably have curly hair because curly hair is good for hot and dry deserts like the Sinai peninsula. Niggers developed curly hair for an entirely different reason, since sub Saharan Africa is humid and tropical, not hot and dry. Also the texture of the hairs are different.

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9dacc3  No.225560


if an individual can mind-control 2 whites that individual is worth at least the 2 whites he control.

it's basic math

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333005  No.225562


Your logic is faulty. Mind control methods work on every race. An average IQ magician can trick a rocket scientist if the performance is good enough. Please stop being stupid.

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543247  No.225575


>individual can mind-control 2 whites

You have no proof of this…this whole analogy is retarded.

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543247  No.225576

File: b2ee5a496e3cd43⋯.png (27.75 KB, 1357x800, 1357:800, iq_by_country.png)

>Black africans are quite intelligent in comparison.

Come on anon…no one believes this.

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487500  No.225603


If you compare to the apes, they… umm, actually never mind

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543247  No.225610

File: 67774ffe74c5f8d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1152x1008, 8:7, gorillas_higher_iq_blacks.png)

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46308c  No.225620


well, perhaps IQ is a chink controlled, jewish influenced concept. Doesn't exactly make whites look good. Maybe Africans are smart but their rationales are different. Perhaps if they had been left alone, they would have done something. They had already begun to create simple villages by the time whites arrived.

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543247  No.225622

File: 6bccd47ef923f96⋯.jpg (59.6 KB, 867x535, 867:535, jewish_IQ_fake.jpg)

File: 52dc49732c12520⋯.jpg (159.5 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Jewish_IQ_in_Israel.jpg)

File: 1ef741f0f7cb41f⋯.jpg (291.03 KB, 1416x840, 59:35, iq_european_countries.jpg)

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7e3646  No.225813

Gotta love Christcucks. They'll do any amount of mental gymnastics to avoid facing the fact that native European spirituality was erased and replaced with Semitic spirituality.

>Hurr Durr, ancient Jews were really white so WE are the REAL Chosen Ones!

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e32501  No.225825

File: 72f005e849da48f⋯.jpg (43.87 KB, 739x643, 739:643, White_Gods.jpg)

File: a7f4762f4c2ea80⋯.gif (840.41 KB, 1384x978, 692:489, shitskin_nigger_black_99.gif)



>White People Create Everything even concepts of right and wrong

>everyone is the same because i'm a shitskin parasite

This is what a retarded shitskin monkey thinks and why all shitskins an gooks need to be sterilized.

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e32501  No.225829


The bible hebrews were Latins, the genetic studies of the skeletons in Palestine/israel show that they are Italians, the settlement where Jesus was born were known as the fairest people at the time often with reddish hair. Had a very descriptive lineage tree too.

The jews of today are inbred gypsy mutts who adopted numerous other religious practices from other pagan or religious groups. Their own jewish genetic companies admitted jews don't show up as jewish but as turkic gypsy mutts while catholic italians are showing up as 80% "jewish" on average.

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e32501  No.225830

File: 7549dfe7fbc813e⋯.jpg (143.08 KB, 962x541, 962:541, useless_blacks_757.jpg)

File: d0ceff232ff5cc5⋯.webm (1.94 MB, 480x272, 30:17, black_mans_dinner.webm)




>made up history about bantus being just like us cause we dont understand them

>the worst niggers in africa is just like aryans hur dur

You are a Nigger Worshiping Kike punch your mother for birthing you.

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9dacc3  No.227569

File: 309d6f9f928dd19⋯.png (46.66 KB, 1200x1386, 200:231, chiunic_star.png)

This shit again….

Whites are of the blood of Amalek. The reason why most whites today are subservient to the Jew is because the Star of Remphan, also known as the Seal of Solomon, grants upon the bearer the power to control demons. Amalekites are Nephilim, a mutt race of half-fallen angel (demon) and half-human. The human is the patriarch of the Amalekites, a man known as Amalek, who was a son of Esau. The Esau part will come in handy later. Presumably, Amalek fucked a bunch of demon girls in order to create a new race of Nephilim.

The Book of Enoch (105 1:3) gives an accurate description of a fallen angel

> 1. After a time, my son Mathusala took a wife for his son Lamech.

> 2. She became pregnant by him, and brought forth a child, the flesh of which was as white as snow, and red as a rose; the hair of whose head was white like wool, and long; and whose eyes were beautiful. When he opened them, he illuminated all the house, like the sun; the whole house abounded with light.

> 3. And when he was taken from the hand of the midwife, opening also his mouth, he spoke to the Lord of righteousness. Then Lamech his father was afraid of him; and flying away came to his own father Mathusala, and said, I have begotten a son, unlike to other children. He is not human; but, resembling the offspring of the angels of heaven, is of a different nature from ours, being altogether unlike to us.

> 4. His eyes are bright as the rays of the sun; his countenance glorious, and he looks not as if he belonged to me, but to the angels.

To fully understand this passage, we must see what Jesus call the "offsprings of the angels of heaven"

> Mark 12:25

> When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage. Instead, they will be like the angels in heaven

Which means that Enoch is a retarded nigger who thought that fallen angels are not fallen.

From these passage, we can ascertain that amalekites have something similar to:

> white flesh, red as rose

> hair white as wool

> beautiful eyes that are of a light color

> glorious countenance

> eyes as bright as the sun

Which basically describes almost the white race. Some whites even reach that full description today, but most whites do in fact fulfill almost all of these qualities.

(Bonus: Whites are the tallest race. Amalekites are notorious for their height)

Now that we have covered the characteristics of a Nephilim (which so happens to almost match that of the white race), let us consider the characteristics of Amalek, the patriarch of the Amalekites:

As we covered before, Amalek is the son of Esau. Hence, we can assume that Esau's traits are passed down genetically to Amalek, and then to the Amalekites. Let's look at Esau:

>Very hairy

>Red hair

>Loves hunting

>Gets Jewed out of his birthright by a porridge offered by Jacob after an exhausting hunting trip

>Is salty about it

Now, I wonder who that resembles……oh, wait. Whites.

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9dacc3  No.227570


>Whites invented like everything we are the inventive race we are the coolest freshest and so on…

I wonder what Christians used to consider stuff like basic math and physics….

Oh, wait. "They got that forbidden knowledge from a demon"

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9dacc3  No.227571


Joos were joos from the time of David, to the time of Esther, to the time of Jesus. Joos have always been joos. Kikes are the real jews.

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09ecbf  No.227572

File: 1fe9caa92c068a2⋯.png (49.61 KB, 1351x399, 193:57, 4156.png)


What you even saying, cracka? We black kangz are the real jooz and sheeeit!

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9dacc3  No.227574


I suppose Mizrahim can be considered "Black", but that does not mean that Blacks are all Mizrahim.

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