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76e1f9  No.21588[Last 50 Posts]

This Christmas I decided to track down my ancestry. My Father's side was interesting. Lots of mafia and enforcers, Irish and Italian. It explains the anger and child abuse, but I was glad to learn it either way.

My mothers side is mostly english, except for my grandmother. She is Polish, and left to escape Hitler.

Yup. Found out over Christmas that I'm a Jew.

My original plan was to make enough money to pay off student loans and then live off grid with my gf, soon to be wife. Now I'm conflicted. This is either a terrible curse, fantastic opportunity, or both.

Tbh I'm tempted to switch sides and get my own goyim. What would you do in my situation?

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99dcd2  No.21597

>>21588 (heil'd!)

>What would you do in my situation?

I am in your situation

jew is degeneracy, it is anti-human, it is anti-God, it is Satanism/Luciferianism, believing that what is here and tangible is ALL.

I am, in no way shape or form, a jew. I reject that disgusting ancestry and I hold firm to the part of me that is of God, the real God, not the weird she-bitch horsehead thing the kikes worship. If I go the rest of my life without ever telling anyone I'm a jew, I will die having done my part to extinguish that disgusting tribe from earth. Not ever fruit of the orchard is a banana, many things grow from a plot of land. I am not of that tribe, I reject it and stand firmly against it.

However, you have to admit we are much smarter than non-jews. It almost saddens me how retarded "others" are. I do see why we are Gods anointed people to protect the beasts of earth, I just don't feel we should eat their dicks and drink their blood.

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416763  No.21598


If I was in your situation I would stop making shitty threads. In fact I would delete this thread immediately.

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76e1f9  No.21600


Some of my friends are absolutely fucking simple. It's sad. While I don't want to worship the ram headed woman or moloch, thats what the people in power are doing. Hell man, I just want some kin, even if my kin have caused so much death across the planet.

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76e1f9  No.21601

File: adb863188ef7a29⋯.mp4 (5.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, you are a faggot.mp4)

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99dcd2  No.21608


>I don't want to worship the ram headed woman or moloch,

If I hadn't flat-lined for 7 minutes when I was a younger, I'd probably have been all about power and degeneracy, but having been out of this realm and seen the truth of the world, I can only say that I stand firmly with my maker and not the god of this earth. I want out of this realm of existence and those creatures are damned to repeat their existence here infinitely. They aren't good. Their only pleasure will ever be what they can amass here and there's no happiness in that existence.

I want out of here and God doesn't want them so I can only go on professing I am not one of them. Fake it til I make it!

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6bf8fb  No.21646


Back to Hell you go. Take a shotgun and put yourself out of our misery.

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16bc1d  No.21653


Don't bother paying off the student loans (huge fucking scam), live off grid with your gf/wife.

Have a small number of children (one or two), never tell your children about their kike history. You're 1/4 kike, Hitler stopped caring past 1/8th. If you don't raise your kids as kikes, you're fine. Regardless, you should still minimize the impact of your kike blood on humanity, so fewer kids is better. (I understand you will still want kids, but try to keep it below replacement level.)

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833f39  No.21664

File: 55718abb903e68a⋯.jpg (56.99 KB, 640x640, 1:1, do a flip.jpg)


Hitler dubs confirm – kill yourself and try not to leave a mess for the Salvadoran woman who will be cleaning it up.

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fea2a8  No.21669



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3e46a7  No.21676


"Beasts of the earth"

Fuck off kike


Just don't reproduce simple as that.

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78460c  No.21735


It's not that big a deal. You kids will be max 12.5% jew blood and since you're male they will be zero jew according to jews themselves. If they can't claim israeli citizenship then they're unlikely to jew up the world.

Plus you can probably use your grandmother's history to get a Polish passport. It's surprisingly easy. Use your situation to be a force for good in the world.

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6bf8fb  No.21737


>force for good

seriously WTF anon…it is a kike. They all need extermination for their crimes against humanity. You 'anne frank'd' mother fuckers are a real problem.

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0934d3  No.21740


WTF is wrong with this thread? Not even Nazi Germany had a strict purity test.

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78a395  No.21742


That is probably one of my greatest fears, I'm sorry it happened to you.

Even Hitler had some honorary aryans, if you do good for the cause, I'm sure it won't matter.

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6bf8fb  No.21746


>Not even Nazi Germany had a strict purity test


Oh that is right, because the jew is our MORTAL ENEMY FOREVER…

I declare you are too fucking stupid to live. KYS

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000000  No.21769

Someone post that image from /pol/ where people looked up their ancestry and many of them turned out to be jews

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bbc60c  No.21770

File: 24c43e9ab2342f5⋯.jpg (22.11 KB, 600x584, 75:73, Pls0gnt_d.jpg)


>tfw Sephardic from a mass Christian conversion

t.Alberto Barbosa

/pol/ will never be white, most are Amerimutts living on an kike created immigrant filled shithole in the first place.

Most of /pol/ is Melting Potters.

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375d69  No.21771


You won't get to join the real kikes, you will get a chance to join the pseudo-kikes (libtard kikes), who exist as psychotic white haters, who worship communism, demolish whites and social constructs.

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0516d2  No.21774

File: 8bda2a6a452a2b8⋯.jpg (250.08 KB, 672x382, 336:191, Eduard Gans - Baptisim, no….jpg)

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d8be07  No.21785


based digits

In the Old Testament, there are good people and bad people. Even in the sacred family of Israel, there is Judah the asshole who is said to rule over all people until Shiloh comes (I just read Genesis recently). So I think that life is a battle for God, and even in Jewish myth this is a battle between good Jews and bad Jews. So, anon, be a good Jew. Be an Unz. Be a Shapiro(?)… (okay so those are the only two I can think of)

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d8be07  No.21787


>even if you breed bad genes with good genes, you still get bad genes

checks out. Jews are the genetic refuse of mankind, "surviving" only as a culture of mixed-race disdain for purity of beneficial recessive traits.

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375d69  No.21790

File: 82dd1fe40ac3516⋯.png (2.86 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 1533958084519.png)

OP, waiting for you to add your contribution to here.

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e5d827  No.21801

File: db5e58a5b40c9fb⋯.jpg (84.76 KB, 633x585, 211:195, 4509.jpg)

>>21588 (checked)

Congratulations. Assuming that your Grandmother was in fact Jewish (not a Polish partisan or something similar), then you are 100%, completely Jewish. You can stop by my place anytime you pass through Chicago, and I can probably hook you up with a job if needed.


You are smarter because you have a true piece of the transcendent G-d inside of you. What you have been told about Judaism is a lie. Seek out the wise men with beards and black hats. They can help.


Shalom chabibi.

Your job is to unironically defend the G-d of the Torah who hates degeneracy and destroyed Egypt because they were promiscuous. Real Judaism hates all of that. Leftist, degenerate Jews are self-hating, guilt ridden-souls that try to fill their G-dless lives with something equally extra-logical, the dogma of modern liberalism and immorality. Real Judaism is traditional and moral.

However, you still get to be smart, cheap, and good at math/banking.

Welcome to the club, dear.

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000000  No.21826


I'm neutral on Unz, but calling Shapiro a "good" jew is utter delusion.

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d05e4d  No.21834

Join the jew! Go rule the world. Get into media.

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5a7f4d  No.21842


Hey man, do you have any agendas you want accelerated?

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524725  No.21848


literally doesnt matter, continue as usual. if the only thing about you thats jewish is being a quarter part polish, possibly not even jewish then youre perfectly fine. its alright to be a little bit part demon, as long as you use that demonic power to destroy other demons and not fall into its evil. ps, bo is a fag

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5f7b6d  No.21868


>However, you still get to be smart, cheap, and good at math/banking.

It's terrible to be cheap.

Smart and cheap do not go together.

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634074  No.21917


Could be a polish partisan.

Also why care? Do good, raise kids well, have as many of them as you want.

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76e1f9  No.22034


Thanks for the support. I'll strive for real Judaism and teach my children the same.

Genocide of Jews will never happen, but maybe change from within the faith could. Fewer Harvey Weinsteins and Epsteins etc.

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76e1f9  No.22036


Well if this site has taught me anything, its that ancestry is key. But you raise a good point, why care? If I never found out then I would continue on as normal

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84e828  No.22063

ITT illustration of the stupidity of identity politics, /pol/ included.

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442551  No.22151


>Real Judaism is traditional and moral.

You can't do "real Judaism" anymore. YHWH destroyed the temple with the explicit intent to prevent any further observance of the sacrifices or the continuation of the priesthood of the Levites. The covenant with national Israel was a conditional covenant and it got repeatedly violated like Epstein violated children.

YHWH decided that Israel and Judah had filled up the measure of their sins and expelled them from the land by using the Roman army, like he had used Israel to do to the Canaanites, Moabites, and Edomites. He ended that relationship a long time ago. The Messiah already came and went, and he took Moses and Abraham beyond the veil with him after fetching them from Sheol. The final sacrifice has already been made.

Daniel 9:24-26

>Seventy sevens have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophet and to anoint the most holy place.

>So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress.

>Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.

Gabriel is describing to Daniel the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 70AD. Messiah has already come.

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e10ab7  No.22165


>Yup. Found out over Christmas that I'm a Jew.

>Guess I should just kill myself

Dude you can use your newly found Jew privledge to infiltrate the kikes. Even though you have the genetics of Satan you can ascend into being an honourable aryan if you renounce your Jewry and fight against Jewish supremacy. You have the power to really cause some damage in minecraft

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d8be07  No.22237


fair enough. I haven't revisited him since discovering /pol/ years ago.

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3043a6  No.29803


I'm in your shoes OP

I decided that I'll use my Jew nose to make as much money as I can and if shit hits the fan, use that money to help white people/subvert jew plans to kill whites

if things remain peaceful I'll start my own media company and promote white family values to encourage white people to embrace traditionalism more.

I'll never be the next Hitler, but at least I can be the next Emil Maurice, Lord willing.

Don't ever lose hope

As far as reproduction goes, just get a nigress and have a couple mixed kids. You'll get the joy of parenthood and you'll do your part in reducing Jew bloodlines as mixed race people are less fertile than single race

That's most likely what I'll be doing

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000000  No.29940


> nigress

Get a Phillipeno wife and move there

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3043a6  No.29946


I'm in your shoes OP

I decided that I'll use my Jew nose to make as much money as I can and if shit hits the fan, use that money to help white people/subvert jew plans to kill whites

if things remain peaceful I'll start my own media company and promote white family values to encourage white people to embrace traditionalism more.

I'll never be the next Hitler, but at least I can be the next Emil Maurice, Lord willing.

Don't ever lose hope

As far as reproduction goes, just get a nigress and have a couple mixed kids. You'll get the joy of parenthood and you'll do your part in reducing Jew bloodlines as mixed race people are less fertile than single race

That's most likely what I'll be doing

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7eab17  No.30022

File: bbf0d18b7d0ad37⋯.jpg (165.88 KB, 1600x1102, 800:551, Vampire Hunter D.jpg)

You ever watch Vampire Hunter D? It's a weeb classic about a halfbreed who takes revenge against the undead. Maybe there's some takeaway from a story like that for a guy like you, I dunno.

Is your grandpa alive? You should ask him why he thought it was cool to fuck a kike and trash up your bloodline.

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2d3638  No.30153

File: 5483e385b741494⋯.png (122.42 KB, 400x400, 1:1, suicide honkler.png)


I'm thinking about blowing my brains out in order to punish my retarded parents for having me circumcised. Hopefully others will do the same. If normies get the idea that mutilating their kid might cause him to kill himself, normies will probably be a lot more reluctant to mutilate their children.

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594ff4  No.30170


>She is Polish, and left to escape Hitler.

You do know that Polish people are not Jewish, right? People usually flee wars

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e7915f  No.30181


tfw normal is child mutilation

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833f39  No.30256

File: f8a8aacb0ca5976⋯.png (140.99 KB, 333x333, 1:1, Jewdar.png)

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409228  No.30259

Remember the Nuremberg laws. Though I think you may be over the limit.

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ee55e6  No.30283


I have kike ancestry as well, but 4 generations back (great-great-grandfather even danced in a synagogue) so technically I'm no longer a Jew. All I can say is this is a prime opportunity. Be the force of good in the world. Be the Jew that calls out other Jews for their bullshit. Just imagine a Jew that denies his own tribe's holocaust to the public. Visit Israel as a pilgrimmage, and monitor and share all the bullshit they're doing to Palestine. Maybe leave a nice present behind at Tel Aviv when you leave. Don't forget to practice your handrubbing, but if you're part Jewish it'll come naturally.

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27fd04  No.30637




It's like the walkaway movement for jews


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9685d3  No.30680

>Tbh I'm tempted to switch sides and get my own goyim. What would you do in my situation?

If it weren't for this, I'd have told you you're fine, relax, etc. However, seems you inherited the kike soul. Kill yourself and improve the world OP.

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7e08f5  No.30693


This needs to be spammed on places like Jewtube and twatter. How could this not red pill white people? Such disgusting rat faced kikes.

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5ef114  No.30726


anon, just because you have kike blood in you doesn't mean you have to be a kike

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407906  No.30729


the fact that you are considering going full jew is proof that you're already full jew.

gas yourself. and try to gas some other jews in the process.

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142b51  No.30749

I may be 1/16th jew. I am considering going Devil May Cry, Dante Must Die mode…

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37001f  No.31142


>and get my own goyim.

If you hadn't included this part, I'd say just ride it out.

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aaa00d  No.32356

>>21588 (Heil)

>Three generations removed

Depending on how jewish your grandmother was, if you mate with an Aryan, your offspring would be considered Aryan.


jew genetics are maternal, meaning jewish males pass over comparatively less genetic material than their female counterparts.

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34c163  No.32403

Don't kill yourself anon. Christ loves you.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

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56dad5  No.33367



Found the normalfag.

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dedb5e  No.33419

As a Polish person from Poland…

Dzień dobry xD

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35c271  No.33429


People fled Poland to get away from fighting for Stalin too. Lots of people pretended to be yids for various reasons. Unless you got kike names I wouldn't take it seriously.

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dedb5e  No.33448


Oh, you know- Poland is a little mix of literally everything. Might be German, Jewish, Russian, Lithuanian and who knows what else. It's because of the huge social dynamic caused not by one, but two world wars rolling over and the fact that even the old Polish monarchy was not an ethnically unified state, neither was the 2nd republic. The ethnically unified Poland is in fact Stalin's own idea, realized by massive deportations and relocations.

In fact Poland has been a home to many ethnic groups, also roughly half of Poles live outside of Poland. We don't necessarily care for ancestry as much as you Americans do- and why would we, we've been stuck in the same place for a thousand years, likely more. Well how about that?

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03d44b  No.34821


You could have just ignored it, but instead you're here talking about "getting goyim" and other cringe. Massive character failure, whether due to Jewish or other weak genes. It doesn't matter because we don't want you anyway. Just fuck off to "the other side" you personality-disordered faggot. Go be a Jew because you already have the should of one

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03d44b  No.34822


*soul of one

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d9ba1b  No.34826



You were already a non-white

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116531  No.34829

The idea of Jewishness having a genetic component comes from dickheads like Trotsky and Hitler. Spirited characters, but not reputable sources of scientific information.

You are part Italian, OP. Relax.

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c0f846  No.34831


Poles are Wendish West-Slavs, Jews just seem to like Poland.

I would say OP is not a kike but seeing his posts he clearly has enough to count.

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c0f846  No.34836


Where do you think Relgions come from? It's no coincidence that Arabs are prone to rape and it just randomly turns up in their religion.

Also get Hitler's name out of your mouth faggot.

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116531  No.34841


My grandad literally bombed Hitlers shit, twice.

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c0f846  No.34865


Make up for it by nuking Isreal.

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5e2d33  No.34891

File: ba4ed7ed2c7fc0c⋯.jpg (165.96 KB, 710x599, 710:599, tad.jpg)

>What would you do in my situation?

I'd off myself so we'd have one less jew to worry about

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71ac50  No.34934


>being this retarded

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de9d23  No.34970


> Smart and cheap do not go together.

Isn't cheap just another name for low time preference?

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116531  No.35098

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7bc09c  No.35131

File: 93437778bfa8da9⋯.jpg (99.75 KB, 1080x947, 1080:947, EPuPsXxWsAE6E2l.jpg)



Cheapness is useful to a point, though I've seen it get pathological.


Large groups of Jews have departed the religion before (Karites, Sadducees, etc.). It always fades after a few generations. The current secular zeitgeist is no different.


I have a level of respect for the Church and what it has accomplished, but the same Bible promises that G-d will never break his covenant even when we are exile. We believe that the Messiah will rebuild the Temple, not start a watered-down version of the religion in a different country.


Nothing to "walkaway" from, Judaism is a fiercely traditional, positively (and negatively, hi there Prof. Dutton) ethno-centric religion. People hate us, but as foreigners in other lands that's somewhat understandable.

However, many liberal Jews have turned their backs on what they view as an outdated faith and instead filled their need for spirituality with insanity. May G-d have mercy on all of us and destroy their schemes.


me btw**

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462175  No.80978

>Tbh I'm tempted to switch sides and get my own goyim.

have you no loyalty to the greater good?

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efb9e3  No.81019

File: 20b79c06b39fb68⋯.jpg (84.07 KB, 600x438, 100:73, GP_GP200710106230049AR.jpg)


> Seek out the wise men with beards and black hats.

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bd4bb6  No.81198


inhale the zyklon then since you didnt reject your ancestry

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d75475  No.81329

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d38605  No.81474

File: 697caedbb27e085⋯.jpg (59.21 KB, 2160x267, 720:89, PicsArt_03_24_11_22_27.jpg)

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d38605  No.81476


>Grandmother is Jewish

well, you've got a 75% genetic reason to kys

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d38605  No.81477

File: 06aacf9910a2cf5⋯.jpg (21.33 KB, 640x427, 640:427, GettyImages_1097406146_640….jpg)

Irish & Italian ?……

disgusting. no wonder you can't get any pussy.

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371250  No.81527

File: 8be9301a683e6b8⋯.jpg (50.91 KB, 493x639, 493:639, 1384664722029.jpg)

indeed you should kill yourself

what kind of "man" puts himself over everyone else? yes, you will have the shit easier but at what cost? being a fucking jew? joining the team that is fucking up the entire planet?

do us all a favor and hurry up killing yourself before you and your bitch lay any eggs

Hope I helped, cheers

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2ea933  No.81545


>oy vey goyim you’re all stupid ha ha abandon everything you know oy vey good jews exist

Suicide now.

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e8b97d  No.81557


>>oy vey goyim you’re all stupid ha ha abandon everything you know oy vey good jews exist

If everything you think you know is that every single Jew and every descendant of every Jew is irredeemably evil, you should abandon everything you "know" as what you believe isn't what is actually real.

Never sage while angry.

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d38605  No.81585


Irish / Italian

so you've got a micropenis AND you smell like rotting eggplant?


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d38605  No.81671


100% TRUE :

i can tell that you are white trash, raised by white trash, that the house you grew up in was substandard compared to the other kids in school, that you weren't popular with the other kids, that you have an inferiority complex, that your blue collar family never really amounted to anything, that your spineless father and insipid prostitute of a mother were gullible christians, that your clothes weren't as nice as the other kids', that your birthday gifts & Christmas presents weren't as expensive as the other kids', that you've always had anger issues, that you were actually kinda effeminate and you would throw temper tantrums, that you've always been an underachiever, that girls have never found you attractive, that your romantic 'conquests' have been truncated & limited to basically ONE mediocre overweight bore, and that you've spent the 2nd half of your life overwhelmed in futile compensation.

you're an empty vessel………………………………….

and while you are now technically an 'adult'

you're still that same unpopular overlooked little boy…

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e8b97d  No.81789

File: a2c27f9efb3ec4e⋯.gif (4.67 MB, 630x480, 21:16, donlaughing.gif)






Someone has been seething with anger over the past couple of days.

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8a359d  No.81808

File: b1b9b05c22cb4dc⋯.jpg (740.32 KB, 1280x786, 640:393, zero_respect_for_your_cult….jpg)


>confuses me taking a shit in your mouth with 'anger'

….so, i guess somebody has to be 'angry' at a public urinal to piss into it?…..

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8a359d  No.81810

>tries amateurish misdirection technique to mask the fact that I hit the nail RIGHT ON THE HEAD

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e8b97d  No.82129



>muh misdirection

Hello, Jamal. It's good to know that niggers have just enough IQ to use a VPN.

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61ce7f  No.82142


Hi there, unaccomplished lonely white trash with an obsolete computer

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497c8f  No.82155

File: 36d44a3b0a74b4a⋯.jpg (72.15 KB, 623x457, 623:457, jew_circumcision.jpg)


>Tbh I'm tempted to switch sides and get my own goyim. What would you do in my situation?

Turn 360° and an hero. Enjoy your circumcision, faggot.

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cea235  No.82182

You should kill yourself, to save me the bullet

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2fe783  No.82262

File: de4d2999e8aa9cc⋯.jpg (140.58 KB, 823x1024, 823:1024, 1566416492756m.jpg)

Get a clue and stop being a simplistic child. Race is just a word and so is Jew and you are a mixture of over 20,000 genes in your own individual genome. Some genes are selected, others are not. Even more so, some genes combine in ways that present as false positives for a certain haplogroup given todays rudimentary knowledge of genetics and gene selection. These dna tests dont go back forever and only present some of your family history. It doesn't necessarily mean anything.

You have 2 parents. 4 grand parents. 8 great great grand parents. 16 great great. 32. 64. 128. 256. 512. This goes on and on and on. By 30 generations, there's over a billion people just in that generation alone, who fucked eachother to make you at 1,073,741,824 ancestors. which by the way, was only about 750 years ago. There probably weren't even that many people alive at the time.

Use your brain and get over it. I found 1 jewish ancestor in 1300 portugal, and it was this dude fernando alvarez the iron duke of alba, pic related. So being less than .000000000001 jew, i guess i must be fucking evil and love israel. There's a different betwen being a jew, and being Jew-ish. Ill go kill myself too while im at it. See you in hell. Before i go i just want you to know, that Jewish or not, you're still a fucking moron. I am also a direct descendant of Odin and 19th cousins with the Queen of England. Goodbye.

Jk i mean Badbye

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000000  No.82297


It's not even the fraction of "blood", but the frequency of genes in a population. It's very easy to import genetic load into a nation, and hard to breed it out.

These are population level phenomenon.

>OP "Guess I should just kill myself"

Good guess.

Another joke that's been making the rounds:

What's more jewish than a jew?

A quarter jew

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c08b6e  No.82349


> She is Polish, and left to escape Hitler.


If the ONLY thing you know about her is that she was a Polish refugee who fled Hitler, that doesn't necessarily prove that she was a Jew - Hitler planned to exterminate the Polish race as well, so Slavic Poles would have had ample reason to flee.


OP wasn't talking about genetics or 23andme results, though, he was saying he directly looked at his family tree and learned that Grandma barely dodged the oven.

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2d537b  No.82376

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000000  No.82662

Ok. Where to begin…

1. Your Italian part is not the same race as Caesar. Sorry, modern WOPs are just a mashup of Arab and ME shit-skin trash. Your Polish part may be actually be from whites who got tricked into believing they were Jews. The Potato nigger part is lower-end but still white.

Honestly I don't know whether the Jew or Generic sand-nigger is worse so since you seem like a decent type, I'd recommend you go ahead and get a vasectomy to avoid polluting the human gene pool and possibly a lobotomy in case the kike gene activates later in life. If you do those two things, you should be able to live out a fulfilling and productive life. Good Luck!

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dda009  No.82686

get goyim

i'll see you on the battle feild

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dca4a1  No.98035

Anon, most whites (especially in America) have at least a little bit of Jewish blood, whether they like it or not. They had a strong presence in Europe and racemixed with the whites, especially Germans (and most Americans are of German descent).

The best you can do is just make sure your offspring have even less Jew blood in them, at which point it won't even matter. For disclosure, I'm apparently part Creole, which I'm not too happy about. But, my Celtic features couldn't be more apparent. Best we can do is flush the nigger/Jew out of our bloodline.

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61e464  No.98392


sounds like what hitler did lol

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37ed41  No.98422

File: 5703f291822b791⋯.jpg (32.96 KB, 500x280, 25:14, tumblr_inline_pat90gUWgT1v….jpg)


You're only a quarter fucking Jewish, if that depending on your bubbe's ethnic percentage. You may or may not have been termed a Mischling under the Nuremberg laws but would have been permitted Reich citizenship (if the other half of you was German instead of Wop). You're only 100% pure kosher beef according to muh Chosen Tribe's incestuous Talmudic law. The fact that you're despairing and thinking of flipping sides only shows what you are and always have been even before this revelation: a rat traitor and coward. We've enough mouths to feed around here as it is.

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3b66ee  No.98511

>>98422 (checked)


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7e3f46  No.101098

Shalom, welcome to the tribe

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4c3d35  No.101927

You sound extremely young.just get married and knock her up. You’ll be fine.

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e213a9  No.102034

File: 5f17f68d1ac4f20⋯.png (4.07 MB, 3952x2216, 494:277, structure.png)







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11b644  No.102093

One thing I learned in a mental health awareness session is that when debating with a conspiracy theorist, be mindful that if you try to present a contrary view you run the risk of being seen as an agent of said conspiracy.

If someone is mentally unwell and present a view of reality that is inaccurate. Go with the notion that that is real to them.

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97142c  No.102103


what else did you learn at the villag shul?

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7ccd40  No.102148

sell carpet

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f29e72  No.102160


I never go back to the carpet store, Morty.

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b11446  No.102285


I'm gonna deviate from >>21597, the anon who actually knows what he's talking about, and say that if I were in your situation, I would take advantage of the propaganda potential. Usually in this mental fantasy, I'm black and can properly push Black Israelitism in my local community, but being Jewish comes with similar perks. So, aside from things like getting into college (10x easier for Jews) or getting a government job (apparently much easier for Jews, speaking as a government worker surrounded by Jews at work), I suppose I would join a synagogue and try to get "on the inside". I would learn as much as I could about Jewish organization and its vulnerabilities, planning for continual sabotage or even just financial/opportunistic exploitation of my newfound fraternity.

Regardless, I would use my Jewish identity to the max. I would be going door-to-door to teach about the shocking history of the Jewish influence in Western culture. I would hand out fliers on the side-walk recounting anti-semitism and demanding increased surveillance of gentiles. Joining a synagogue would at least help me play the part for these roles. Call it method acting.

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b11446  No.102290


I would visit black churches as a reformed Jewish activist who has realized that the Israelite name was stolen from its true bearers.

I would start an institute acting as a hub for synagogues that organizes yearly conferences and whatnot, allowing them to form a broader Jewish community (while building a database of Jews in the region).

I would dress like a Jew (gotta work on them sideburns) and annoy the shit out of gentiles in public places.

I would start one of those "donate to holocaust survivors" institutes, targeting only elderly Jews for their money.

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108ce6  No.102299


1/4 jew, big fucking deal, genetically jews are just turks.

it won't earn you any opportunities, it's not a curse either, but you should reexamine your plan, living off the grid is for losers.

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b96b7f  No.107127


>wanting to live in p*land


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c8da45  No.107156


If that revelation is enough to break up with your gf then you don't really love her. You don't need to kill yourself though.

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59b7b7  No.107157



non-jew but high IQ here, I see jews assuming all the time that their jewishness makes them have a high IQ. Being a jew doesn't give you a high IQ, it mostly just makes your threshhold for trust (and therefore the entire spectrum of positive emotions that require trust first) incredibly hard to achieve. Jews have been selected for low-trust social survival strategies by their bronze-age priestly structure and center almost their entire religious practice around recounting all the times people almost genocided them, and since its an oral tradition its always painted as a pure evil vs pure good scenario. Our folk understanding of the second world war was written by the jews so to speak, but probably no group of old rabbis physically sat around a table and drafted it, it was written the same way the tale of Exodus was written, through oral tradition carried on mostly, but not entirely, by jewish scholars who each come to independent conclusions focused by their common lenses. But I digress, this low threshold for trust encourages the exploitation of earned-trust communities, like the Aryans and proto-Celtics, by being willing to engage in more underhanded tactics than their neighbors (their low natural trust backed up by their oral and written education makes them assume their neighbors are up to the worst possible things, to a thinking man this creates an excuse to do the worst possible things yourself, and if you just hold yourself back from one of the bad things that you imagine your neighbor to do than you consider yourself higher and therefore justified) the jews can profit greatly and pat themselves on the back, reasoning that since their actions are based on a "realistic and objective view of reality" anyone would at as they do if they were as smart as jews. However, high trust people don't engage in that behavior not because they don't know about it, but because they know that a community is harder to grow than a forest, and they rely on that community for their livelihood. I'm tearing up as I write this, thinking of the vile subversion. We had our own outlaws, sure, but we either made them reconcile with money or blood in accordance with a set price across the land, or banished them. If you look at the european response to jews pre-1600's, you see this ancient pattern repeated. Jewish crimes were punished with either demands of fines or public beatings or banishment. The same set of basic punishments afforded outlaws in those societies. I suspect that each time a group of jews was caught in some fraud, even something that might seem "minor" to a mediterranean trader mindset (like sawdust in bread or cloth rolled to look like it's longer than it is), the customs of the local people label it as a trustbreaking activity. And if it then turns out that this is fairly widespread among the jews, and especially if the jews close ranks to protect their own, then the natural reaction of the proto-french or proto-german town is to treat them like they do any hostile faction within their ranks: banish them if they keep up the hostile behavior, beat them if they stay. This is actually exactly how "godless and violent youths" (read: gangs) are handled, by outlawing them and making them go away. This behavior was also often co-opted into raiding behavior, but jews weren't allowed on raids because they held a deep religious symbolism, so like a goy can't come to the orthodox blood sacrament and a jew can't come on a pillage. I hope this has given you some insight into why we treat the word "jew" like the word "termite" around here. Termites are fine in the jungle or on the savanna, but you don't allow them in your infrastructure if you get what i'm saying

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59b7b7  No.107161

File: dc37a07bcb55ffd⋯.png (37.02 KB, 887x460, 887:460, Real_Shit_Alert_Alert_Real….png)

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db9b16  No.107288

>Tbh I'm tempted to switch sides and get my own goyim. What would you do in my situation?

If that is even a question then the answer is to Weininger yourself pronto.

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