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File: 8c69ac0722031c9⋯.png (365.92 KB, 520x678, 260:339, dark_skull.png)

eca7d7  No.208548

Alright, anons, gather around.

Inside of this board, there needs to be a thread to post what is important to all of us, what makes up the soul of this place.

Submit anything you have made, you plan on making or someone else has made that'll give this place a little bit more meaning.

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af9d26  No.208569

File: 9a55374d6237904⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 9782863770573_us.jpg)

File: 53ccd866f77b678⋯.jpg (303.96 KB, 1000x1332, 250:333, tournament_book_of_rene_d_….jpg)

File: 9c9aa98e314b4d0⋯.jpg (55.38 KB, 293x400, 293:400, c0192066_400px_wm.jpg)

File: 312308f677be3da⋯.jpg (420.98 KB, 1000x1431, 1000:1431, 37116150.jpg)

Rene of Anjou, the last king of Jerusalem.

He was king and he was also a brilliant artist and patron of the pre-Renaissance.

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eca7d7  No.208578


Very good, have you any more like this?

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662409  No.208599

File: ac0e795a12c5894⋯.jpg (659.72 KB, 3437x2291, 3437:2291, Qe90mb0JMbgqSta9TeHirA_cus….jpg)

File: 8a0f663684a1557⋯.jpg (298.66 KB, 1625x1072, 1625:1072, peetersfruitbirdsmonkey.jpg)

File: 52b24e970a0f31e⋯.jpg (295.14 KB, 1200x709, 1200:709, dCp_pZElUT4wZH0iD6VywA.jpg)

File: b278bf9e67f59a0⋯.jpg (2.72 MB, 3805x3153, 3805:3153, DP146494.jpg)

File: 3adaec6f7b5a624⋯.jpg (352.77 KB, 1200x916, 300:229, mh_1993_14_v1_cdm.jpg)

All is vanity. Life has no meaning

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c9a85f  No.208601

These are some of my thoughts that I have been writing down:

The universe is a perfect whole made up of imperfect parts.

When confronted with struggle or hardship, the weak and unwise man will ask himself “why me?” The strong and wise man will ask himself “why not?”

Human will is not free. It is shaped and constrained by our reality and surroundings. It’s always dependent.

The truth hides behind many layers of relativity, subjectivity, arguments and opinions.

Subjectivity is just a stepping stone to objectivity

I don’t ask myself what I want out of life. I ask myself what does life want out of me.

There is more to life than life itself.

To the bugs, we are just another surface.

There are many paths to the truth.

2+2 is 4 and 1+3 is also 4.

Some paths take you toward the truth, others away from it.

The truth can be expressed and manifested in different ways.

4 is real, universal, objective, but it can be expressed in different ways. It can be expressed as 3+1, as 2+2 or even as 8/2. Why can’t this same logic apply to morality or even to truth itself? It is objective, yet it is expressed differently by different people.

On a cloudy day, the sun can’t be seen though its effects can be seen all around us.

Dont blame only one ingredient for a foul-tasting meal. That ingredient could be properly used for another meal.

If truth didn’t exist, then that itself would be a truth.

Utopia is impossible, but dystopia is possible.

Religion, tradition, and national identity are barriers that capitalism has to break down in order to make more profits.

Pleasure will always betray you, but struggle will always be by your side.

We’ve been around for too long in a life that’s too short.

Just by looking at a chair, it can be known that the chair has a builder and its existence is owed to that builder. The chair’s existence is contingent on the existence of the builder. This can be known despite never seeing the builder.

I am not well read when it comes to the verses of “real” and practical life

A doctor can’t cure everybody.

I am drowning in frivolity, triviality, hysteria and debauchery. I keep getting pulled down and I am struggling to stick my head above it all. I don’t even get to breath in the tranquility and goodness that awaits above.

The parasite is concerned with his own wellbeing. He wants to feel as much pleasure as possible. He will not stop at anything to realize this goal. He will empty all of the water out of the rivers and lakes for his own refreshment, leaving everyone else to dehydrate. He will use humans as means to achieve his ends. He will empty your pockets of your hard earned fruits because he does not know how and does not want to plant his own garden.

Reading is a verb, which is an action, which is an experience.

You can’t have a house without walls.

To be filled with hatred and to harm someone simply because their mind holds different opinions is the equivalent of shouting at and stomping on your severed limb for leaving your body.

It is impossible to conceive of a world without humans.

Whatever is beautiful is good. Whatever is good is true. Whatever is true is either unknown or divine.

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662409  No.208604


OK boomer

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c09413  No.208605

Watch immediately



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d4edd7  No.208609

Anon asked for

> the soul of this place


> blah blah blah

That is anti-logic, not logic, presented as "logic", absolutely hilarious.

The soul is a single integrated unit.

That is a collection of contradicting fragments. Aka insanity, the result of which is death, usually by suicide.

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c09413  No.208613

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c9a85f  No.208617


I just wrote down whatever came to mind. I never intended to write a treatise. Calm down.

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