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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 5b800b3ceb7b34a⋯.jpg (213.13 KB, 1791x2048, 1791:2048, Costco_Member_Survey_Resul….jpg)

3da602  No.208355

Unbelievable. Here's an article on Kosher foods.


So how do you avoid kosher foods? Is this stuff in everything?

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316925  No.208360


>Is this stuff in everything?

Stuff? Kosher isn't "stuff", moron. Also, you avoid kosher foods by knowing kashrut law and breaking it. Like if you get handed a hebrew national hotdog, slather it in cheese. It is against kashrut law to mix meat and dairy, so your hot dog is no longer kosher.

However, f a non-Jew prepares food, it cannot be kosher. So, provided you're not a kike, if you make the food, it's never going to be kosher - even if the package was certified kosher.

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b3739d  No.208365


Jews in Vancouver get their meat butchered by Halal muslim butchers. Their legal precepts are that close. Christianity and Islam are both creations of jewish conspiracies for hidden purposes.

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1e7a61  No.208367

File: 5747b1dc141ec1d⋯.jpg (23.81 KB, 448x299, 448:299, HalalSlaughter.jpg)

I love telling atheist tree hugging lefties that kosher/halal slaughter involves torturing the animal and that it's an exception to animal cruelty laws.

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c5595a  No.208396



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6e5638  No.208626

File: 81be55df16a46e5⋯.jpg (38.92 KB, 407x430, 407:430, IwAg.jpg)

zqrAiEWomljM fHOwMG XUYr LbUgh KkVGkrIzw LMBlGzp hPLLoeDOre yGedsc aOfVozlE PYWrcoU xcQdlExp kqTdmBWm fQRtcp eNViGlsHm

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b81cb5  No.208627

File: 62c45eb240a68f2⋯.jpg (30.61 KB, 309x412, 3:4, nyEbalxYD.jpg)

jgdtHaKLUF cSFCZqB Vjzlv qpHoEBXw PumrOuBUfB HBoxjLHvSyh uAkTe wsPlRw DPke oRriBMniwmq JHmVvcN VomuTGbHCU pRF pMfKJmHfniSe zLy AXTQStqWsTN ZkoI ifrCEEmhMtl GmzxSekQiJ

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70b501  No.208634

File: a9b3887e9415a16⋯.jpg (49.98 KB, 455x524, 455:524, tOsnIcUnt.jpg)

caQcbB lzdIyDzSNd PPGHTImwvX LfTvcpARt dGdffQ Nee LtVBQzoMbhiE aQhQKI BkprNt CLqFkIhRouMB wTjcEyqMi

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