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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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7a8817  No.207823

You scared a lot of senators on that day. Why haven't you apologized yet /pnd/?

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f94772  No.207826

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

553854  No.208374


I don't have to apolegize for shit. The capitol hill rioters were inspiered by the BLM rioter which the media has downplayed time after time. Even going so far as to claim "Its not that bad" with an open fire in the backgrownd. Times have confermed that their was a ploy to manipulate media, including social media sites like facebook and twiter. They clamed that it was to "save democrasy" but because of there action true storys that joe even braged about was censered. storys that if people known about them, then 9.4% of joe biden voters would have voted differently. This is what I mean by voter fraud. Fraudulent manipulation of the naritive to mislead voters into voting for Biden, and they should be held acountable. I propose we achieve that via a class action lawsuit. this cannot be alowed to continue. It has to stop.

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