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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 4bb6395df3c44a4⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1058x744, 529:372, kings.png)

File: 291c120fb15366b⋯.jpg (101 KB, 781x1023, 71:93, t7SnAnV.jpg)

File: 26d5ace9d61b223⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 2696x1829, 2696:1829, 26d5ace9d61b223c6e043e1d3f….jpg)

63aa73  No.207815

You are all just as delusional as your average christcuck, conspiritard, MIGA, Qanon that you like to contrast yourself because you desperately don't want to be that despite the fact that you are that. Trans women are women, there is no Jewish question, Black lives matter, the Holocaust happened, whites are not oppressed for being white.

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9afdd1  No.207820

Take the blue pill. Fall down to sleep goy.

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f2761e  No.207831


Niggers, jews, leftards and LGBT abominations aren't people and it is always ok to kill them all.

The White race is the superior race and the only one that shall exist in this world, which is OUR world.

We will kill all jews

We will kill all leftards.

We will kill all niggers

We will kill all LGBT abominations.

And there is nothing that you can do about it.

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e0a9bc  No.207954

File: 1d72318ff5825fc⋯.jpeg (123.01 KB, 1224x1200, 51:50, Jesus_pepe.jpeg)


>just as delusional as your average christcuck

Jesus loves you, OP.

>Trans women are women


>there is no Jewish question

Correct. It's the Jewish ANSWER at this point.

>Black lives matter

All lives matter, OP, and promoting blacks over whites is every bit as racist as the other way around.

>the Holocaust happened

Not yet.

>whites are not oppressed for being white.

That is the direction we're moving. With such small flakes of snow are avalanches built.

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15d693  No.207975

File: 160d4ae3dcca72f⋯.jpg (22.97 KB, 660x495, 4:3, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


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7516fe  No.207979


lol blow it out your nasty gaping shithole

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13a2bf  No.208622

File: 37a8d91a847b8f3⋯.jpg (36.47 KB, 277x583, 277:583, gyPWvBhrM.jpg)

dbbnlmJx gaMcDLWum XpCinKSHyZ uxcUcIknCfmm lcSkZdqVG EnoXbxHrpT jCXWEGOs tSkqiTJEtxDE cRf tuuQolNGIf uPDXoijeEmZ

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da20f6  No.208623

File: 4b7d94db2f14e7f⋯.jpg (52.72 KB, 474x537, 158:179, P.jpg)

KExIDMtpTO BucwT drFyfyVodJL uKrcfewfe KwutT WsUsznrbef TIdBmTDuFA xdDwfNrl

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051dc7  No.208630

File: 92f71764bce9202⋯.jpg (83.74 KB, 1053x644, 1053:644, QcTnOmgbX.jpg)

BcHwPaUgsr sVMS Jcy enPuWjCMf EtDq GJeUuUOLhh

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