It's possible OP.
–But I'm not convinced one way or the other.
One thing is for sure, after January 6 it has become so difficult to tell one way or the other, that Trump really should make some moves to change that.–
It's certainly possible he just tried his best and got beat. But that's the name of the game, controlled opposition ops are so realistic these days that everyone playing a middle game angle runs the risk of being identified as a controlled opposition.
You do have to consider though, that in today's political climate; How can a politician haver come any closer to our values without committing political suicide? I hope he comes out after the impeachment trial and goes even further right.
For 2024, besides Trump, what other strategy do we have than finding another Trump type candidate? Our guy has to be friendly with jews, or else he'll be crucified in the media as a nazi.
This discussion get's complicated real quick.
Check this thread as well: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/205191.html
And what's with the degenerate pornography on your thread picture?
id code: y1-20f