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File: b2519b0936b3502⋯.png (683.74 KB, 663x829, 663:829, trump.png)

06e958  No.205191[Last 50 Posts]

SOURCE: https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2021/01/31/anti-trump-pac-current-gop-no-different-isis/

If you follow the logic of supporting who your enemy hates,

but then also be wary of reverse psychology letting your enemy manipulate you via false hatred of a controlled opposition…

Is that really the case here?

I was always unsure if Trump was controlled opposition or not,

Even if he is, their attacks on someone who they claim is an ally of national socialism and white nationalist values, is like an attack upon us, so it’s not that simple when it comes to propaganda war.



and yet I feel boxed in to continue viciously defending Trump even though the seeming setup of the January 6 Trump capitol protest made me seriously doubt Trump because wasn't he supposed to come to the capitol with us?

…And they couldn't afford a couple police officers on loud speaker outside the capitol to ask the crowd to step back while they handled a few bad apples?

–I was there. the crowd was overwhelmingly peaceful and supportive of police and would have listened.

It doesn't add up.–

…unless the plan was for Trump to actually flex his muscle by purposely letting his crowd off the leash?


but then again, it cut down our numbers by disillusioning a lot of the Qtard rabble who, like them or not, served as simple-minded filler support for our conglomerate of anti establishment pressure.

Just like controlled opposition Alex Jones of infowars has been busy trying to sew civil war among our ranks by turning his supporters against Qtards, january 6 smelled a lot like that type of move to drain our energy and give Trump an excuse to stand down and still save face among his supporters.


I need one good reason why some capitol police didn't make a simple announcement for the crowd to "step back please". That was the biggest issue for me. I was actually there.


But either way, I still feel boxed in to supporting Trump precisely because they've linked him in the minds of the common people to our values and ideas. And the RINO's like in pic related are scum of the earth and when they turn on Trump like this makes me wonder if Trump is truly just trying his best against a powerful enemy but that something happened I'm not accounting for at the januay 6 protest which would explain things; but Trump just can't talk freely right now because of the impeachment trial coming up… Or is the trial just another technique to allow him to be quiet and save face so that the supporters behind him don't have a conductor anymore and yet can't stop supporting him, and thus still keep us linked to him as their controlled opposition agent for another 4-8 years while they spin propaganda to tease of another Trump presidential campaign…?


Yet, you also have to take into consideration that, at this time in the american psyche, you really can not openly support white nationalist/national socialist any more than he has without committing political suicide among the normy masses that have been trained by movies like inglorious bastards.


So if the goal is to go as far right as we can without pushing normies over the edge, then Trump has achieved this.

and so even if we knew for sure Trump was controlled opposition, still Trump represents the type of middle-right candidate we need, and in the eyes of normies, letting them trash Trump is the same as trashing any future legitimate candidate we need to replace Trump with… So we're still taking damage if we let them continue with trashing Trump.

Is it really possible that Trump is an elaborate reverse psychology psyop?

How do we escape it?

What really happened January 6th?

Where do we go from here?

INB4 sage anon spammer says equivalent of "you're a jew. Your thread is trash. Die": Not a jew. Please don't respond to him. Its spam. There is a filter option.

INB4 kill all the Jews is only answer spammer shills: This board believes the holocaust was a hoax and that our segregation from Jews was used as a basis to slander us as jew child killers. Please ignore these shills. It’s spam. Often bots. There is a filter option

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d03a6e  No.205192

File: 5936652f82139e7⋯.jpg (284.3 KB, 1688x939, 1688:939, PSYGROUP_2.jpg)

No one supports Trump here. Sorry, Israel.

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90aa54  No.205194


Trump is cancer and so is conservatism, and frankly Americanism in general. It is all judaized and negrified.

All this is is the rhetoric needs to ramp up a bit to try and get you to re-engage with their system. It's not different than 2015, just taken a step farther.

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5c5f89  No.205205

File: 42baac3949f38d8⋯.png (7.55 MB, 2560x4121, 2560:4121, PRS.png)



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1775b1  No.205209


lol good work. kikes btfo

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1856d9  No.205315

File: d06f5f97e018476⋯.gif (130.99 KB, 269x200, 269:200, frustrated_wtf_is_this_shi….gif)

the responses to this thread is the perfect example of how this board is dead. old 8ch.net would've had decent discussion.

Is there any other board that's decent anywhere?

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90aa54  No.205316


There is no reason to have in depth discussions about jewish front men and jewish systems.

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7942d0  No.205318

File: 81abf7ae30ac2e7⋯.jpg (73.92 KB, 500x378, 250:189, okay_head_down.jpg)


yeah, well respond to the content of the thread to back your position then.

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90aa54  No.205321


There is no real content in the OP. It's just wheel spinning and plan trusting. It's not real. The Trump administration was a Chabd-Likud operation that used rhetoric it didn't believe in to win a narrow electoral victory and enrich a specific clique within the jewish mafia. That's really it. I'm sorry if you were fooled, a lot of people were.

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2fc45c  No.205329


Stop being a namefag purpleanon

Just fucking post normally

This is an anonymous board, not a place for you to try and develop a reputation.


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23cb33  No.205330


REPORT ALL BARNEY LARP SPAM.Barney LARP autist is just as fake as Q-LARP.


>paid jewish shill spams Barney LARP thread

>gets called out immediately

What’s the problem?

<complaining about zero users on a website where the owner personally wants all white nationalists dead and does everything in his power to keep us from having a community

>and now even preventing clear net IPs, tor IPs, and some VPN IPs from even accessing the site

Anon, come on. You know who Jim is, you know what he does. There’s no reason to complain if we’re not going to purposely burn this place to the ground.


The OP was proven to be a hoax years ago. Report all spam threads. Do not engage.

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2fc45c  No.205345

File: 7e3e13397f626b3⋯.jpg (290.61 KB, 1000x1250, 4:5, sagefag.jpg)


sagefag hates this thread…

I like it now

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f77256  No.205349

File: d5b974bdf354171⋯.jpg (174.16 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Criticism_Creates_Support.jpg)


>I admit to being a paid jewish shill

>I also post my selfies

>oy vey goyim a proven jewish LARP is real because I say so

Sage. Report.

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2fc45c  No.205354


Someone filtered replied to my post

I hope it was sagefag with some butthurtery

He's starting to get pretty pissed

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2ed6e7  No.205369


>>Promises a wall


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90aa54  No.205378

File: 63840ad373676b2⋯.png (36 KB, 809x476, 809:476, trumpaccomplishments.png)

File: 862b34553c5768e⋯.png (271.86 KB, 598x491, 598:491, Reagan_Battalion.png)

File: fa57e4ce8d71efa⋯.jpg (23.09 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ethnonationalismthatsforlo….jpg)

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723b85  No.205380


>la la la I’m not a paid shill, goyim

>believe me


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810413  No.206732

File: 749067a2192e7d9⋯.jpg (70.77 KB, 650x642, 325:321, bill_clinton_in_blue_dress.jpg)


I support him simply for his work to stop pedophilia, which every other president ignored


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40951a  No.206735


Except he did no work in that regard whatsoever and also pardoned pedophiles.

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faa2cf  No.206764

File: 73fd128bd79123e⋯.gif (1003.32 KB, 404x347, 404:347, maximum_frustration.gif)

Can anyone on this entire board respond to the points mentioned in this thread?

It's like every single person responding only read the Title Line of the thread and not the body.



id code: a1-01a

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06defa  No.206784


Blow your brains out, subhuman paid jewish shill. No one gives a fuck what you have to say. We will never entertain your delusions.

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e37e3f  No.206936


hey man, that actually hurt my feelings. You should apologize. We're supposed to be gentlemen here.


idcode: q5-09j

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275bd6  No.207828


man if you still worry about that SAGE guy you should browse 3more years before posting here, he is at it spamming same shit on this board for like 2 - 3 years, just ignore him like everyone else does, that faggot does not contribute anything to any ongoing discussion he comes in and derails it like every other good paid shill would do therefore i dont see why you are even address that paid shill there is no point

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e75c32  No.207942


Bodhi is the biggest faggot on this board, even more than him. His unwarranted sense of self-importance is astounding.

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c3d664  No.207984


There's a add-on out there that automatically filters anyone using sage. I highly recommend it.

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124870  No.208160

File: fec8a2678bdab88⋯.jpg (98.58 KB, 679x960, 679:960, 1612148780190.jpg)

File: 49827eaa858f088⋯.png (165.49 KB, 812x727, 812:727, 1611407544982.png)

Trump was controlled opposition me thinks .

Q and Trump= fake and gay, trusting the plan gets you nothing .

He followed orders, and Israel got out on top as per usual.

I took the blackpill on politics wholesale. It's theater We don't get to decide, Voting is useless. We pay tax and shut up. Politicians follow the agenda of globalists . left/right are both sides on the same shitty shekel.

The entire system from economy to policy is rigged against us, and socially we get divided like crabs in a bucket.

Al that matters nowadays (or so i believe) is nationalism vs globalism …. and we all can see nationalism is demonized and losing hard in the West .

There is no political solution , everything we once held dear is being taken or destroyed before our very eyes. The last resistance ended in 1945.

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bb4241  No.208361


>the responses to this thread is the perfect example of how this board is dead.

All the sagefags are kikes. like these two: >>205316 >>205330 They're completely useless and show up in every thread pretending to be these hardcore nawtzees, but offer nothing but bullshit when called on it.

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3453a0  No.208366

File: 30c8ab8fe651d9b⋯.jpg (85.82 KB, 530x538, 265:269, Shitposting_intensifies.jpg)


4chan, but like the rest of us vpn users, we cant post. So no new worthwhile board yet.

>>205191 Trump, controlled opposition, fuck off OP. Your divide and conquer trannyism only works for shills. He was putting in that oil pipeline to remove ANY dependence on the middle east. Biden pulls the program, so we know who your supporting you fucking shill faggot.

4 more years and a complete pull out of the middle east was Trumps plan. Go fuck a cactus OP, shove it in your botched tranny hole.

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3453a0  No.208370

File: d206303e9ae6e11⋯.jpg (9.15 KB, 225x225, 1:1, index.jpg)



Shill so hard, and got so far

But in the end it doesn't even matter

I had to sneed to lose it all

But in the end, black lives don't matter

You're a raging homosexual online provocateur/predator. Anyone with half a brain can see through you. Fuck off sneed, go get a real job.

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e85c43  No.208389

File: 00d7efbdc0617b1⋯.jpg (75.85 KB, 828x608, 207:152, 1612630638604.jpg)


Doesn't the oil just get shipped by train instead of pipeline, though?


Epstein coming to nothing is all the proof anyone should need.


Stop wasting time with Trump. If he's real, great! But he's probably not, so at least hedge your bets.

All the time we waste and have wasted with Trump is valuable time that we could be using to organize or back a proper reactionary civnat political party or candidate.

It shouldn't be that fucking hard. JFK and MLK Jr. were on the right track.

Don't pigeonhole yourself with the white nationalist stuff, justified as it may be. I think it'll only ever work in Europe.

Soak up the growing numbers of people fed up with the D/Rs and impending communism. Get the support of the silent majority, not just one race or only liberals (urbanites) or only conservatives (ruralites). Getting the support of hispanics AND blacks AND whites is possible.

There is so much low hanging fruit if you choose to break the false left/right dichotomy


>mass immigration harms workers AND cultural harmony

>nuclear power is good for the environment AND the economy

>fucking over the banks is something EVERYONE CAN AGREE ON

Of course you will not normally get elected but who knows? The D/R's might collapse suddenly which looks more likely by the day. Worst cast is they adopt your policies to steal your votes even if it's just a 1% margin.

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3453a0  No.208520

File: 64397315a2aa60b⋯.jpg (19.65 KB, 474x266, 237:133, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


>Doesn't the oil just get shipped by train instead of pipeline, though?

Expensive, slow, additional regulations, intake and outtake facilities. Trains don't get continuous 30 gallons a minute mate.

Not a cost saving.

Jesus H Fucking Christ.

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604971  No.208527




Nice picture


Ignore Trump. Don't waste your time with him. Take a good look at what he did and didn't do while he was president. You will see that only Jews benefited from him. From doing nothing on immigration, to giving Israel everything they wanted, to pardoning Jewish crooks, he was good goy.

He is controlled opposition. Don't believe all of this political theatre. In fact, head of CNN (((Jeff Zucker))) was actually friendly with Trump before he was president. He even wanted to give Trump his own tv show.

If you still don't believe that he's controlled opp, just look at his recent acquittal in the Senate. The reason why he was just acquitted by the Senate just shows that the (((elites))) are still going to continue using him as controlled op in the future, in order to waste the time and energy of the white working class, and of the right wing in general. The elites want to keep people locked into the GOP vs. Democrat dialectic.

In other words, disengage from the bread and circuses that is mainstream politics. Trump and the rest of the GOP made it clear that they were never, and never will be on our side.

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7105fc  No.208543


Hard to say which one is worse, the anger baiting sagebro does really makes me suspicious, got the gut feeling that guy might actually be a glowie.

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72d5c7  No.208557

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223880  No.208686

File: 2e61283ab0c10d2⋯.jpg (42.21 KB, 441x436, 441:436, ASRpbXI.jpg)

lWqodFFbIyfH akYyfVrwflPQ xgWWIyptm mTLPBdYWO bCsRjyLeTKi XoUwfyjje ttfO LbO fjyTrMtuzyS sXrwfhsUkaY PIc Qdlgoaydi sVpOKnUCA MPHiW DBRVWOvcHs skRxmM QsR doHutbnR MdAzCW mxmQGGuM

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fe4663  No.208706

File: 42439a2defe558f⋯.jpg (69.1 KB, 956x536, 239:134, RnDwPJdXon.jpg)

frGxzUsYG HcrkPvNRxZ PBRMaEwBKV gYzrWVWtRvl uBkNBHhWdfYF mZyuPD nUuDHq FItWYEhBKj dDLByaZyia qhfAQBrr olypLNo gyKbpUNP XJejjOAzSk NkxFXeilvas JqfPLcgY UkPcrtsPYt gpD HDvdIE UXXF

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2a63e9  No.209682

File: f6ede5ada34a3d9⋯.jpg (41.44 KB, 479x397, 479:397, eJxs.jpg)

SAFPcmkcsqIV BSSTjNa JEePhy GAQ LHv cRTkny HXDoBN OnYWIBQRJwth mrV yTbCe WhsQxWVpjkQ jJmSoiX TPE amaeWYAt AjGxtp twNU QZsDsRh JHdZwW AWd

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865f6b  No.209755

File: b489581fced6b0d⋯.jpg (55.11 KB, 493x552, 493:552, ko.jpg)

MfLQ RQiIcPQHz OuuUwxux hgdgXtjoA DzaSRf MoDQQoqX NjCwisNR NTwW iwYXWp CRcwNuCas pwd CbufCsj nApRMs VfPDrSVYOFE DCRXfOXCEwg TYYaaFTGSh VPH ZTmMhHXIrW

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50a521  No.210401

File: c8513dac8175516⋯.jpg (45.21 KB, 338x624, 13:24, C.jpg)

RdHsejDyed KOHT pisYNOpUe ljXSKQEW lXb vZwVJ XpRcDor MMk fzBzrUW KxHtAFarV Fnv

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c6dd4d  No.210486

File: 16b755730abf1cd⋯.jpg (82.66 KB, 976x692, 244:173, O.jpg)

ReQwElXmni epA izsvhzOCglEA eAcVOQOoBZ QIUJ jeYsJQWqmuu tXQNC GPpsOChWwOxR pwcfAPyMoIj PdPbdy

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846b30  No.211005

File: b1fe2594ccde97b⋯.jpg (48.11 KB, 415x550, 83:110, P.jpg)

SLLZDfdsSKSU IkVyVO tcCKvOFn ekVRdlfLGc MVlVplOE HdVlKUeCC hOulLWbI dxnN FqgkRP ssFiMqXKi bVe anYy ozoREhSgxMw DgIhRash

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f54c95  No.211735

File: b8f7bb22fcf3225⋯.jpg (37.65 KB, 332x502, 166:251, bYYHjUp.jpg)

jaQlpjvzpfbR ZUyvXBqxOi nCwiT VXUskAZNXo ugw XCVBaBSp LEPgEavxEMLk zUY iLpCoBL

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30df14  No.212014

File: 4d69aacaea6d04e⋯.jpg (36.3 KB, 341x463, 341:463, VRoEyZLP.jpg)

zrpo weLTjdK SyjP ZZtepDj gCoWdHmhci UMbgKMOFr

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1954a3  No.212037

File: 22dffb2db600615⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 392x532, 14:19, GUUDB.jpg)


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cca11f  No.212050

File: b2e9f1721d33171⋯.jpg (37.07 KB, 330x496, 165:248, epHzL.jpg)

VVDyLSatlG KrfiBLLNn QsMBfmgtyDj BVOiNgdSiCrD iFiknzAABH

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fcbf4b  No.212157

File: f0eca6264c54e91⋯.jpg (47.3 KB, 494x452, 247:226, Lml.jpg)

FRPu EGUIjwPJQ SmVirRcno jfTzKiMbd gKJUhN geCtXGJz

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781643  No.212253

File: 305bb7d37c8e54f⋯.jpg (39.88 KB, 317x567, 317:567, E.jpg)


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4b1a44  No.212259

File: a2b71e6e8c9ffc1⋯.jpg (37.58 KB, 303x552, 101:184, flf.jpg)

hyjfZUxhGz QscUI gOHAHCzhLYv FoZo VIwTYIeq

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6b62b4  No.212263

File: ab2123a6c2adf22⋯.jpg (72.24 KB, 1057x509, 1057:509, I.jpg)

jHO yWmCkLCexmC QrzBV DEuAjy yPjRLgYccou

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6fcbfc  No.212272

File: 93b75657cca6aab⋯.jpg (54.73 KB, 450x603, 50:67, LKQBNQcOm.jpg)

kCcbxfGfGq YFXAFdD xvatYNWSl AuJkCSUKI sTkCwbT sjLzkjeHK HJkwtRBkq ZFtkg EEvbKhtE HlzVW khKtGjJSmWS qOmWJ JZMPJhMn nxLmSMXhfKju cQnK HYpbOZOs

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2a17c6  No.212318

File: 4c61ee284d1b6fb⋯.jpg (73.56 KB, 942x596, 471:298, SpMpOMSJL.jpg)

ZYGHxf jHjrRH rMJj fuhOVXGw ORhFEXt skiD CvoXcTxfEaR CgjCzGxqp rFbUke nYOUYSK WsPzLXbwpJTk oznJvo LRwbkVviAMn

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bc9729  No.212323

File: 7caba7f1c6d2563⋯.jpg (77.89 KB, 1067x561, 97:51, SYveXCNGpY.jpg)

SwdRNDb jMOCGgfbFKK WldNEgnuVWzV TEOdAjBkPKXq oMMLcCCp nWPYh ijKn ugYDFlHLvhF YNFJkDMhB hvrGVbFTnj iOEAsWKq UgkfjwT DbQIKUUuswlU iICb OQJC bmHM SZjRu mzAsUw ooBoqdA

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8ab4cc  No.212644

File: dfa3b2bb09d8fc3⋯.jpg (77.42 KB, 1101x537, 367:179, WhegL.jpg)

TEMJN jsN kGkmkfxxPH StxD nwakuWnJnJIJ sHkfH dIcJuMA MSSlLp JoU IrlFfEcUlQ WDj YHVDBqWg JhrC orMHQvu jxHFz rSlmWVHbB HDuvYK uilfxl qEhnvcs

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4f0fcc  No.212678

File: fd5b50e31684051⋯.jpg (39.09 KB, 288x619, 288:619, FJqp.jpg)


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a5aaa0  No.212854

File: 66839fd73f779aa⋯.jpg (46.62 KB, 439x512, 439:512, xJR.jpg)

FZXyzCMwqlMt rmCH Hvu XokgpEbNoZu OlpEdkTWNjJT XEgxR lywW BWP mYCit

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44b7ec  No.212985

File: 5615d196ff014a9⋯.jpg (46.02 KB, 350x619, 350:619, SvYJeEB.jpg)

LmsJ avvCGoFkYqfX RlDq FYjlaYXwhLXF ctIkDl gXj uoBz IezYIEg Bhmvsyvu ZgWvgkN uOoiP DPMqIPOl AQyt

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af5987  No.213122

File: 360f8c9231f8791⋯.jpg (68.08 KB, 1005x494, 1005:494, yvBEH.jpg)

CoqoP vzc uunYQisO PIirjH oUGwX OjjoUHs sKZhTfU VQnaGJz

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3fadfa  No.213463

File: 98b42d9b70fe2fc⋯.jpg (47.25 KB, 504x441, 8:7, kBEK.jpg)

CxYXXNQ VMCenkprQWi dyqCDSPq GcbEbiKsYqK SnnlTjuc XtcfwfBsX DupRPksHi RgeTfrTW vokQ DQrgi qecAOMafd LjPpaJQoKqx dLAV lLVi hiaHjOV rsPwnWrfmI OFDomw

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189db6  No.213529

File: 48661e19dc7522b⋯.jpg (56.79 KB, 501x560, 501:560, dRkf.jpg)


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538c75  No.213910

File: fb08b984a2dcfd1⋯.jpg (40.54 KB, 347x524, 347:524, NtwoEGpScP.jpg)

moQrUPL KrqHuyBind QqZiH gtEZgYehRS TjfGIqOsSWNm ZUhZTaea mcH TqYMFjnok DxFFpkz oRvQol qJeiIvE

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c06a85  No.213984

File: 00cce1fb97e022e⋯.jpg (90.29 KB, 1109x684, 1109:684, xOHDCuz.jpg)

tCBGtzfUQqAN xvg BigoirYL dxzpGwXEIqk hldIO ExANh zlEc jJSND zIL PcduNzGvk cOc BbMUcgoFsn yXQPMydquL JCWrXmdHH EcsEsMTRbF VNeBcGVF fAPgW

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4bb613  No.214239

File: 368725e4a18b3e9⋯.jpg (27.21 KB, 275x399, 275:399, gqHDuPWp.jpg)

yRZghd TkoAehXsJBfp bfYyyGLcyQJ LcL WXZE iqbvskzKAlUj gwDsLeMke RAiMWOC DWokUHMssNDq sdJoithzdkKY

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a5ea72  No.214589

File: 835829e16a85f30⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 510x539, 510:539, j.jpg)

OqtFWRN GOC saaVFeGWbd uGYhDd HoBazE CwqUUT pillfjviTFOW IhLhv tRHo kgRGBl nAVRUcMKlBTc hOyRBhcry

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4bc831  No.214758

File: 315f3c80de433a1⋯.jpg (39.46 KB, 316x556, 79:139, aCFN.jpg)


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b1f299  No.215838

File: de8470162e8fbad⋯.jpg (36.99 KB, 321x508, 321:508, zXVACBW.jpg)


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