I was fighting against the rich elites and the jews.
Until the men on my side started to sprout demented nonsense about protecting women.
Then, I stopped the fighting completely.
I have seen what our supposed "allies" want to make of our world if they defeat the current elites. They want a world of 90% of men turned into slaves of women, so only 10% of men can be free and have all the women for procreation. All in the name of eugenics and a vague "greater good" for the collective, while the individual who is deemed of inferior genetics is cast aside to be nothing more than a beast of burden.
They want men persecuted and lynched by a mob if they beat women and children as they deserve from time to time for being annoying
They want men castrated or killed if they have sex with young girls completely ready for sexual life after their first period.
They want men to be bound their whole lives to a single woman each, while she rots away and becomes an insufferable cunt, resentful of life for becoming a useless meat sack and complaining and nagging all day because of it. All the while the men being persecuted if they rightfully cheat on those wives, or if they amass a harem of young wives for themselves. The supposed "allies" want the harem only for themselves.
They want to literally turn our world into hell.
I won't fight for such men.
I won't fight to bring this hell to our world.
I won't fight to protect women, who are all our natural enemies and are also our natural born slaves. Not our companions.
I chose extinction over that hell.
I chose to let our other enemies (the jews and the degenerates) win, if the alternative is this hellish world that our supposed "allies" want to bring upon us under the guise of good.
The world that our supposed "allies" (simps and cucks) want to build is a world infinitely worse than the one that we have now, which is already bad enough as it is.
Those supposed "allies" of ours lost my support forever with their stupidity of protecting women and punishing men who won't accept this stupidity.
I won't fight for men who would try to lynch me for having sex with a 15 year old girl, whose body and mind are completely ready for sex. Or for cheating on my wife for becoming ugly due to aging, or annoying due to her resentful and evil nature that all women have.
You are on your own now, chad dudes.
I won't fight for you or your cause.
A there are millions like me. In fact, we are the majority of men. We are the 90& that you wanted to keep as just beasts of burden, while you had all the good rewards and glory. For that behavior of yours, I/we chose to abandon everything and even to help our enemies, out of spite for your arrogance.
You can. You just don't want to.