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File: 48b18e76455a400⋯.gif (3,54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, cold_glass_cube_gif.gif)

File: 37ea74d649658ff⋯.jpg (75,01 KB, 1500x1046, 750:523, view_master.jpg)

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b892f0  No.206957

Ok so I have a dumb question for you all and I have asked it IRL and everyone just gives me 'that look'…have you noticed anything sort of 'off' lately about the physical environment? I am seriously starting to think I may have caught COVID or something because something is really 'unusual' about the way light is polarizing right now…I have these silly sun glasses that someone gave me as a present a couple years ago, which I never wore until this week and I put them on and I am just tripping balls so hard…the trees are polarized differently than the grass, different types of trees as well and some but not all weeds are polarized differently than grass and other plants. Metals are all polarized differently from one another (I could seriously stare at a manhole cover in astonishment for several minutes; I don't, but I COULD) but anything that is 'oil' based is REALLY STRANGE…and forget about like blobs of tar on the road, I could probably spend minutes looking at those as well while I am on my walk (I don't because wtf would my neighbors think) but I want to! Water, in a thin sheet or a film has certain 'unusual' like three dimensional properties but in a lake or pond it is normal dull water.

Certain paint jobs on certain, but not all, cars are breathtaking and I can't take my eyes off them. And things that you might think would be brilliant are dull and boring like reflective tape, or street signs (they have that reflective coating, you know…while just a little bit down the road a discarded like black latex or PVC glove (not sure) by the side of the road has so much light reflecting/coming off it that it is breathtaking, even though it is a piece of TRASH on the roadside. And all plastics, literally all of them, have some strange 'effects' about them…

It is really strange to look at things like mailboxes and wood posts too…like dead wood has a satin shine (which it normally has but now it is like 3D shine) to it while the mailboxes are variable, some are polarized differently and some are hardly noticeable.

It has been so bad over the last week that I simply can't drive safely with the sunglasses on because I am rubbernecking to look at everything.

So, ok, I could say, I am sick and it is affecting my optic nerve when I have the polarizing sun glasses on…but it happened again today for a moment, for the first time, WITHOUT the sunglasses on.

I was boiling pasta and I put a little room temperature olive oil in the pot to keep it from boiling over. Well, when I put it into the pot it was (ok I know this sounds bizarre) but it had sort of a fluid crystal structure that was all rainbow refracting. I will try to find a photo of something similar. Now it went away really quick, I think due to the oil heating up but I have never see THAT before. Have you heard of anyone seeing chemical/molecular structures or, you know, weird stuff lately?

I am asking because we are here on /pnd/ and nobody cares…as well as, you know, sometimes people hear/see stuff that I don't hear because I hardly ever watch the news anymore.

This gif of the glass cube is what the olive oil looked like today. It literally had this much color and a similar sort of matrix that you see right where all the corners meet in front, shining out if it. Make the gif move if you want to see why I am tripping balls A LOT nowadays. Did any of you have a View Master toy when you were young? Yeah well it is like I am seeing the world in 3D for the first time but not looking through a View Master. But its not really the 'flat plane' world that we always saw before but like things are really DIMENSIONAL now…

So here is what I am wondering…have any of you had this happen or any other strange symptoms, that you didn't want to mention to anyone IRL?

The oil thing I was so shocked by that I did mention it IRL today.

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2b5bd9  No.206958


Are you trying to use NLP to trigger schizos, data-farm schizos who have a different experience of reality because you're a mod with access to IPs by poster and mean to harvest de-legitimizing information on dissidents, or have you confused /pnd/ with your own personal blog? Maybe all three?

Get out.

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b892f0  No.206960

File: 1d7e249232f7b00⋯.jpg (105,17 KB, 960x480, 2:1, diy_view_master_digitizer_….jpg)

File: ea344149803fb61⋯.jpg (86,06 KB, 1500x889, 1500:889, black_nitrile_glove.jpg)


No this is a legitimate inquiry, anon. Why would this 'trigger schizos'? I am asking about unusual COVID symptoms, optical nerve effects or other anons unusual symptoms seem like an interesting item of discussion to me. I forgot to add a few photos…I forgot one of my View Master photos and a picture of the glove that I saw on the roadside. It is a 'Nitrile' glove. Not every fucking thing on the planet is a conspiracy, anon. If other people are having strange symptoms after getting sick, why shouldn't we discuss it?

Also, psychiatry is a jew mind job, the human brain is incapable of being 'classified' as dysfunctional like that. There are almost as many ways to think about things as there are people who ever lived. The reason that they want to classify you and drug you is not for your benefit' but rather so that you will fit into their slave system. They are not 'trying to help anon' by 'diagnosing' people as 'different'.

So I looked up Nitrile…just to see what it was made of, thinking that this might help me to figure out what I am seeing.


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0f0cc9  No.206963

No unusual change after coronavirus.

The flu unfortunately does not make anybody superhuman.

However, defeating it gives a healthy immunity.

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0f0cc9  No.206964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b892f0  No.207043


How long ago did you have it?

You may have symptoms that do not involve your sensory motor skills anon.

Don't forget that we have no idea how this biological weapon will affect the genetics of humanity. Or whose genetics and what aspect of the DNA will be altered by a genetic shuffling. All virus leave a gift behind if they don't kill you. Black Death left greater longevity and higher health for Europeans. Virus are made to alter the genetic code in a way that suits themselves…sort of…if humanity 'made a virus' they would have no way of knowing what the eventual and actual result would be in billions of different types of genetic combinations and expressions.


That is brilliant anon. It is a lot like that but if you overlaid the mantis view onto the color world. It is like an enhanced color world. I am really hoping that it gets amplified (more of my cells change to match that mutation if it is a mutation) so that I can see everything like that.

I am trying to figure out why it is certain consistent aspects of the environment. Why is a large body of water different than films or puddles of water or films of water. This doesn't make as much sense to me, but it is extremely consistent. If it wasn't something I was actually seeing, it wouldn't be that consistent.

IDK I need to start documenting it and looking at the chemistry to see what is consistent with it and with light. One thing I do know is that petroleum products of all types are enhanced. As well as nitrile which is just (basically) Carbon [strongly bonded] Nitrogen bond. I haven't been able to find much on the polarization of petroleum. Found a few things on plastics though…


He says that you are seeing 'stress' patterns in this when viewed through a polarized lens.


And it makes sense that this is happening with plastics because they are petrochemicals as well.

The tar on the road and on driveways…???…or the oil in the pot, I have no idea what that is about. I wonder if this is temporary?

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0f0cc9  No.207048


>He says that you are seeing 'stress' patterns in this when viewed through a polarized lens.

Yes, you can see them in bent/shaped polycarbonate windows too.

Some chemtrail particles stuck on your eyeballs maybe that changes polarization, lol

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b892f0  No.207061


lol…maybe. I wish that other people were more aware of their own bodies so that we could compare notes and see what changes they are experiencing…but I won't hold my breath on that one. It seems to me that people are almost totally unaware of their environment at all anymore.

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