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112488  No.206839

Let's talk about tactics of information warfare. This is to help you to counter psychological attacks, or to attack psychologically your enemies in a net forum situation. I'm not a real psychiatrist, but I have studied psychoanalysis, and been debating and analyzing my opponents for a long time. I would like to share my knowledge.

There are many psychological attacks, but today I will talk about passive-aggressiveness, and how it works, and what are its effects. So let's have an analysis of the method of passive-aggressiveness. How does it influence the subject, but also analyze the user using passive-aggressive methods of attacking, and some good ways to counter it, like reflection.

In my view it's part of a general type of emotional argumentation, that evolves around profiling. In most cases, a passive-aggressive person tries to imply that attachments to emotions are irrational and weak. I see this being a personality trait among the people with "nihilistic personality disorder". If you are passionate about something, you are seen as irrational, and it's implied that you are in need of professional mental help. All passion and aggressiveness are accused of being anger related, and thus it can be dismissed as irrational. It's this nihilistic personality trait, that you cannot be passionate about anything, or care about anything of value. Two types of people mainly use this tactic, the nihilistic and the sociopathic type who will accuse you of irrationality with passive-aggressiveness. Once you show passion, you are in their trap. You cannot show emotion or else it gives a window into your psychological profile, and they have a way to profile and psychoanalyze you.

Passive-aggressiveness as a tactic is strong because it doesn't rely on direct attacks, that can be easily pointed out and recognized by the average third-person onlooker. Its strength lies in the projected social pressure. The more social pressure the passive-aggressive attack has the more devastating it becomes to its victims. You can increase pressure by increasing the amount of social power by authority, or by numbers involved in the attack. The victim of passive-aggressive attacks feels himself being isolated, controlled, and their identity stolen, by negative and weakening profiling by the profilers. It's extremely annoying, as there is no direct way to counter, It's a very good way of derailing a topic, and make the conversation about the profiled. All attempts to direct the conversation back to the original topic will be further analyzed and attacked passively.

I think this is psychologically the most destructive attack, as there is a certain truth to it, which makes it unconformable. Not because you are physically or mentally weak, crazy or stupid, as the passive-aggressive personality claims you are, but because you cannot control personal emotion/reactions, or the social environment that is surrounding you and as you are weak in front of the attackers and attacks, and corrosive emasculation accrues. The trick is to get the victim invested emotionally and thus directly to something/whatever and once the victim shows emotional involvement, you turn that emotion into weakness by analyzing it and profiling it. Once a person is directly invested in his opinions and shows feelings and passion, then you can start passive-aggressive attacks.

This is extremely bad in internet conversations, and anonymous sites, where people and internet groups data mine, and try to gather personal information by way of doxing, data mining, and profiling of grammar, image, and topic-related patterns. If the person who is being attacked has been successfully profiled and doxed the attackers can start to go personal. There is zero way to fight back by dialogue when the attacking party has his real identity hidden. This gives an advantage as the attackers can speak "personally" and the victim has no way of counter-punching with profiling of his own. If the attackers know a person's real identity, they can successfully gang up and always profile the person, and use passive-aggressive tactics, then there is no real discussion and the other person is dismissed. Once you have been profiled, then the conversation will always bring back to profiling.

Passive-aggressiveness can cause mental damage more than any other psychological attack. It's one of the most powerful attacks and it can be used to make people crazy, desperate, depressed, suicidal, and radicalize people and their views.

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112488  No.206841

Not all passions are the target of passive-aggressive attacks. The passion that supports the accepted narrative is always allowed because it allows the speaker to "flex" his heart while the content and quality of his speech are inherently non-threatening to the current order(even though he feels he's "giving it" to the system). There's group support for this passion because the "history" of this passion has become manufactured into something known subconsciously. Look at the media and how language is directed with images. Highly polished products that pedestal shallow moral sentiments. Those same old cherished words/phrases(diversity, equality, etc), but in a very cut and run sort of way. Like the moral idea that everyone buys is presented very quickly in a burst of highly expensive production only to be washed over again with newer more expensive productions that merely pedestal another variation of the same soft/harmless moral feeling. So in order to "stay on top"(of life), everyone feels they need to stay sharp to these "clever" moral modifications. Sometimes they'll appear more ironic and "young", sometimes they'll "accommodate" more traditional ideas as if to show how they haven't "forgotten" about history, but they will always dig as shallow as possible to keep ideas bouncing at a shallow place in the public's minds. It's not some coincidence that the media continues to exalt "great" black leaders like Martin Luther King that are just poetic enough to appeal to that feeling of universal compassion and keep attracting smarter white liberal types while the black segment of the population continues to engage in mind-numbingly stupid behavior. As if to send the message that "beauty" is still possible if "we work together". It's like a surreal bad joke and slap in the face to everything that is beautiful and required so much sacrifice to show itself. And now what is being "shown" is this corrosive sheen that has the loud obnoxious voice of the most desperate and pathetic cry for "love."

So when someone is passionate now(especially in public) they can only be "loud" and speak their heart when they're speaking what is considered the most important universal concern. Like, everyone immediately attacks those who try to speak in a unifying way without taking into concern everyone on the planet as if this is the only way now to speak publicly and with depth. The irony is that they demand you don't forget anybody when you speak but they are the ones that speak in a state of perpetual forgetfulness.

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112488  No.206842

The way to counter passive-aggressiveness is by being direct. Passiveness is a retreat, and being straightforward is an attack, you just keep attacking. The way is to declare yourself winner, ridiculing the other, speaking to your opponent but not directly. Speak to these people as if they weren't in the room.

The problem is when you start doing this attack, their aggressive side starts to kick in as nerves keep being hit. And since they've been so conditioned to passive-aggressive stinging when this is no longer a viable option, they simply "lose it" and attack without regard. In a way, this is still being passive-aggressive but the "stinging" has real-world consequences(character assassinations leading to job loss, being ostracized from community, friends, family, and children). The more you "press back"(attack) the more they show a willingness to take their stinging to these life-altering levels. Which pits the two parties at vastly different conceptions of what sacrifice and ultimately life means.

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84de94  No.206864

File: 3b8097d5a449c8a⋯.png (173.79 KB, 608x342, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Use a new condom every time you have sex, especially during anal sex but ideally during oral sex as well. Use only water-based lubricants, not petroleum jelly, body lotion or oils. Oil-based lubricants can weaken latex condoms and cause them to break.


id code: a1-01a

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84de94  No.206865

Anal sex is enjoyable

Many people in both the heterosexual and homosexual communities are resigned to the supposed fact that anal sex is painful.

While this is the case for many, anal sex can still be a fun sexual practice.

It’s no secret that anal penetration can be painful, especially for beginners, however practice makes perfect and once familiar with anal sex and how to properly engage in it, for example by using lubrication, it can be pleasurable.

Many straight men are surprised to learn there is such thing as the male G-spot. The prostate gland is an ultra-sensitive part of a man’s body. When it is stimulated during anal sex, a much more pleasurable orgasm can be achieved.


id code: a1-01a

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92537b  No.206877

File: 0b358a6f8cbd91d⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 3100x1855, 620:371, homosex.jpg)



Thanks for the bump

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84de94  No.206882



you are welcome

For me, sucking dick and eating pussy are similar. They are both big turn-ons. Same with penetrating a vagina and an anus…both have their pros and cons.

But, and here is the thing for me —the taboo nature of gay sex is a huge psychological turn on for me. That aspect makes me more erect, more quickly, and makes me reach orgasm more quickly and ejaculate much harder.


id code: a1-01a

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