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File: ca123e76fcf6b51⋯.png (42.05 KB, 553x555, 553:555, D7663ECA_F5DB_48F7_8FB3_38….png)

File: 417afb6f6264570⋯.jpeg (66.1 KB, 677x453, 677:453, 9BDDBE6D_9E6B_49A6_9C2D_0….jpeg)

abff58  No.206040

Acceleration is not an ideology, (((Neo Liberalism))) is simply Anarcho Primitivism and that is where the left is pushing the United States of America. Our countries dating market is almost resembling that of a Hunter Gatherer society in an effort to further decrease the population and cease the ever so dwindling birthrate.

This country is accelerating itself and this is not to pander to cuckchans idea of acceleration, but the only true benefit of the lingering collapse is Secession from the (((Union)))

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748aba  No.206041

File: 725fef945f6c4f4⋯.jpg (82.76 KB, 1506x298, 753:149, _Balkanization_.JPG)

The goal of succession if Balkanization. Much to the Zio-Bolshevik's dismay the only accelerationism we're experiencing is Political Accelerationism. Zionism is crumbling, Nazbol in the West was aborted, and it won't be long before Zionist and Communist hang from the same gallows.

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748aba  No.206042

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4e0c12  No.206065


If the Rothchilds were white…I wouldn't have a problem with the current system, because the current system would benefit me.

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